Bight of Heaven

Chapter 76 Trading Market

Yang Shangshu looked up and down at Huang Zheng and put on the majesty of the elders. "The theory of the Seven Immortals is less than a year away. This sect has an important task that needs you to go. I hope you can do your best and go all out. After completing the task, I will record your credit to the entry school and increase the sect for you. Contribution"

"Yes, please ask Elder Yang to order that Huang Zheng, as a disciple of Haotianmen, is bound to do." Huang Zheng is respectful on the surface, but he is thinking in his heart, what does he have to do? There are tens of millions of Haotianmen, but you are looking for me? Sure nothing good?

As for the contribution of a sect, it is even more bullshit. It is clearly said that it can increase the score for the supreme leader in the future, but I have never heard anyone say that some people can be the supreme leader by contributing to the sect.

The supreme leader is basically selected by the supreme leader of the sect, together with the elders and elders.

"According to the rules of the immortal cultivation world over the years, in order to show respect for all factions, our school will send more than seven disciples to post the invitations of the seven schools on the immortal event, transmit the coordinates, and send them to the seven schools. After the elders of the sect have just selected together, everyone believes that Huang Zheng, you are extremely talented and magical and can be entrusted. People with heavy responsibilities, so this school asked you to go to Dongsheng in the endless sea to send their invitations.

"Invited stickers?" Is the immortal world still so old-fashioned? What about the Flying Sword Biography? What about the sound of thousands of miles? Huang Zheng was confused, but he could not refute it, so he had to nod respectfully and lead the order, "Yes, Elder Yang, please rest assured, his disciples will be sent as soon as possible." Is this Dongshengjiao far away? Ask Hao later.

Yang Shangshu smiled and suddenly raised his right hand to Huang Zheng and waved a little red light in front of Huang Zheng.

"After you send this invitation, you will give it to Li Kongting, the supreme leader of Dongsheng Religion. It is endlessly far away from Dongsheng Religion. The sooner you can leave, the better. In more than 80,000 countries in our Haotianmen, there are countless transmission arrays, and you can enter them in successive times."

Speaking of this, Yang Shangshu looked at Huang Zheng with a strange look.

"Originally, this transmission cost was reimbursed by the sect, but Duanmu taught that you are very rich and should be able to bear it by yourself, so save a little for the sect."

I cross your circle. Talking about money hurts your feelings. Huang Zheng immediately despised Duanmu Zongheng infinitely and sent me to do business without reimbursing the fare. Anyway, I am also a cadre now, and I am really speechless.

"When you get to the endless sea, you should be careful of everything. If you can teleport, don't fly. Don't be reluctant to be reluctant to crystal jade. There are endless and countless masters. You can rush to Dongsheng Education to do business as soon as possible. Except for a place in the middle where there is no transmission array that must fly, you can all of them. You need a few. It's a month, so you have to finish your things as soon as possible and come back to participate in the core battle of the sect eight months later."

Yang Shangshu's temperature and care on his face, one deep exhortation, listened to Huang Zheng's heart, but another taste.

"What about you? There is still eight months of the core battle. It will take a few months for me to go to a place. Don't you want me to come back?" A transmission takes several months. What is the concept? If you are pregnant with several transmission arrays in the middle, will it not fly for hundreds of thousands of years?

Seeing Huang Zheng's eyes, Yang Shangshu quickly comforted, "Don't worry, you just need to get to Dongsheng Church. Dongsheng Church directly transmitted it back to you with a large transmission array, so you are running a one-way road"

Seeing Huang Zheng's speechless anger, Yang Shangshu was also secretly funny. He pretended to say a few words of encouragement and waved Huang Zheng's hand and left. It took only a while from beginning to end, but it took Huang Zheng more than half an hour to come here.

What is this? Is this compared with the manager Bian in my previous life? Are the leaders like this?

Huang Zheng scolded and left the personnel hall. Don't force me to get angry in Haotianmen. I provoked Huang Zheng and directly turned back to Haotianmen. The seven immortal faction in the world is a Mao. I will set up a Zhentian Gang in the future, or not, Huangtian faction, no, Yanhuang Gang?

"Without education, call him 'Haohuangmen'" Hao waited for him to leave the personnel hall and immediately began to insert.

"I copy it, it's also called 'Huang Haomen', okay"

"Farm, in ancient times, Haotianmen was established, and my name was also in front of 'heaven'. Can you compare with heaven?"

"What is heaven? It's just a small role of the immortal god. I, Huang Zheng, must be the triple supreme giant of the immortal god in the future.


"What, the second brother is going to go far away" A few days later, Fang Zhuojian and Cao Pojian, who had successfully been promoted to the fourfold primordial spirit, just saw Huang Zheng, but they didn't expect to hear the news.

"Well, I'm not here. You should be more careful, but I have applied to the disciple's palace to transfer you to Huanlianfeng, so that even if I'm not here, the three master sisters of Huanlianfeng will take care of you."

Two Yi was overjoyed to hear the beautiful Huanlian Peak, but it was strange that "the second brother has been going for so long?"

"Ye, the 50,000-time Seven Immortal Conference will be held in less than a year. This time, I was ordered to send this transmission coordinates to Dongsheng Education. Dongshengjiao is a long way away. I don't know how many trillion miles away from here, which is also be regarded as an exercise. I'm going to the exchange outside to buy an excellent flying magic weapon. You can go with me and buy something for you by the way.

Haotianmen also has its own exchange, but in terms of complete varieties and rich species, it is far worse than the flowers outside. An exchange not far from here is a large trading market where countless sects open stores together.

The nearest trading place is Yancheng, the capital of the Great Chen Dynasty, a southern country outside the monster forest. The Dafeng Dynasty where the Great Chen Dynasty and Haotianmen are located is separated by a monster forest, but the whole monster forest is dozens of times larger than the combined by the two countries. Those who did not have particularly good flying treasures under the general god used the transmission array of the sect to pass to Yancheng, the capital of the Great Chen Dynasty.

The cost of transmission is 100,000 yuan Jingyu, which is not a small amount. Many people from four to six sects go to Yancheng Exchange, preferring to form a team to fly through the monster forest than pay this money. But for Huang Zheng now, this money is simply a cell in a hundred cows.

All three of them are transmitting for the first time. Thirty-five peaks are the branches of Haotianmen. These branches can be set up rudders in secular countries. In the middle, there is a peak representing the headquarters of the sect, not in the name of the person in charge of the peak. It is called Haotianfeng. The advanced tasks of the sect are handed over, the technical field and the transmission array. The exchange inside the faction exchange is all on it, but if you really want to find good things, you have to go to the exchange opened by the seven unique factions where Yancheng of the Great Chen Dynasty is located.

This transmission array can be transmitted to four people at a time. As soon as the three stepped into the transmission array, they saw that the surroundings were white. Except for the people who were closer to them, they were all white at a glance. Before they could react to the change in front of their eyes, they were already in a square.

Although this trading area is the national capital of the Great Chen Dynasty, it is not in a prosperous area, but still in a valley far away from mortals. Outside the valley is the place where an elite army of the Great Chen Dynasty is stationed, which lists the valley as a forbidden place, so no ordinary mortal has ever entered this place. Even if it can enter, It is the people who practice martial arts to the peak of heaven and know that there are still immortals. Some such people secretly bypassed the army and wanted to go in to try their luck, and the end result was to help various exchanges work there. Some people with particularly good talent have the opportunity to introduce sects.

The three looked around, and the whole trading area was built in a huge valley, almost a hundred miles, no less than a big city in the mortal world, surrounded by mountains, but the ground was paved with large pieces of steel and stone.

Countless houses have been built in the valley, most of which are exchanges and hotels, because it is close to the headquarters of Haotianmen, which is the largest trading area within millions of miles. In addition to the seven immortal sects in the world, countless small sects have also established exchanges here, and there are many individuals.

Haotianmen Pofengfeng also built a rudder here. The fee transmitted from Haotianmen is collected by the sect. The cost transferred back here is seven or three shares.