Bight of Heaven

Chapter 146 admit defeat

Gu Pofeng laughed and said, "Well, you don't have to be modest. That is to say, you are from the same sect. Everything is based on the interests of the sect. There are only a few talented disciples in Haotianmen. There is no need to fight to die. Well, what I learned is 'Haotian Mir Tao'. If you can stand and pick me up, even if you win, you say How about it?"

It's really Huang Zheng's surprise that Gu Pofeng changed his normal and became so easy to talk, but according to his statement, it should also be true. Huang Zheng is known all over the world with artifacts. The Haotian Miluo Road that catches him proves that Gu Pofeng can't defeat Huang Zheng when he really fights.

This connection means hard connection. It can be connected with an artifact, but it can no longer be replaced by puppet dodge. Huang Zheng immediately understood the meaning of Gu Pofeng and nodded "Ok"

I have a top-quality artifact 'Xuantian Mingguang Tower', can't I still connect your 'Haotian Miluo Road'?' Haotian Mira Road is under the five magical powers of Haotianmen, which is claimed to be infinitely close to the existence of ancient magical powers.

"Brother Huang, be careful"

As soon as Gu Pofeng finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned, like a galaxy star hidden in his eyes, brushing, and countless golden lights shot out of his eyes. At this time, Huang Zheng knew that this so-called Haotian Miluo Dao was actually a magic power made by clear eyes.

With the golden light brushing, a silver and jade word 'heaven' appeared in his left and right eyes. A breath of ancient killing slowly dispersed from this word. Where the breath came, the sky was dark, like a sky full of Shura covering the sky and the sun, and like a golden iron horse, murderous atmosphere.

'Tian' is the name of the ancestor of Haotianmen in ancient times. These two heavenly characters are the magic power that 'Tian' was personally written and sacrificed in Haotianmen.

According to rumors, there are six reincarnations in the ghost domain where the ghost clan is located, which is also known as the way of reincarnation of all sentient beings. The six paths can be divided into three good ways and three evil ways. The 'Mira Road' of Haotianmen is the founder of Haotianmen, which was created by the 'power of Shura', which was absorbed from the six paths in the ghost realm.

The 'Haotian Mirra Road' has been trained to great success. At a glance, it can form 10 million miles of 'The Way of Mirra'. All ordinary lives in the square circle will die in an instant and will never be born, and powerful monks will face the punishment of 'Heaven'.

At this moment, I am the sky, and the sky is me. Gu Shifeng's eyes are round, and the golden light in the sky suddenly forms countless small 'heaven' words. These words, each word is like a sword, or like a knife, or like an arrow, boundless, full of screen attacks.

All these attacks are text and words, invisible, causeless and fruitless, penetrating everything, penetrating everything, and there is no magic weapon that can resist, and the body will not form a wound. It will only penetrate into the opponent's heart with strong thoughts, making him receive the greatest punishment in his life, all the evil he has done in his life. Good deeds will come to his mind in a tenth of an instant.

If evil deeds have passed, you will die in pain. If there are many good deeds, you will die of joy.

This is like a powerful magic power of spiritual attack. It can be said that there is no magic weapon to resist the enemy below the god except to interrupt the caster.

So Gu Pofeng dares to take his blow. Even if you hide in the 'Xuantian Mingguang Tower', it is the same. Text is the origin of culture. At the beginning of everything, there is civilization with words. Only with civilization can there be people, demons, ghosts and monsters. After the artifact is still behind the words, this Haotian Miluo Road seems to have any way except hard connection. No more.

Huang Zheng only looked at it and felt that his heart trembled. The bad things and evil things he had done in his life, even if it was the little things that he secretly peed on the road when he was a child, appeared in his mind one by one. A sense of guilt surged into his heart, and a sense of guilt went deep into his heart, pain, regret and hatred. You can't go to hell to recover your guilt.

At this dangerous juncture, Huang Zheng's magic phantom sword 'Zheng' suddenly came out of Huang Zheng's eyebrows. As soon as he arrived in mid-air, the sword turned into a huge Buddha statue of precious light and solemnity. He spit out the truth, and the words turned lotus. "When he is a free Bodhisattva, when he is deep like Paramita, he sees the five aggregates and all empty and overcomes all sufferings. Relison, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and it is the same. Reliance is the empty phase of all laws, which is not born and immortal, not dirty or clean, not increasing or decreasing---"

This Buddha statue actually recited the Buddha's 'Praya Paramita Heart Sutra', and every word emitted the treasure light of the Buddha's door, wrapped in Buddha lotus, corresponding to the flying sword and flying knife turned into the empty word 'sky' one by one by one.

Buddha's magic power is the biggest opponent of Haotianmen's 'Haotian Mirala Road'. Although he knew that Huang Zheng had a sword of Buddhism, he didn't expect that at a dangerous moment, this sword could condense the Buddha's magic power to save people. This is the supreme magic power 'Putuo Polo' of the endless sea. It is said that if it is practiced to the extreme, it can be crossed by mouth and tongue. Persuing the enemy is extremely powerful.

As soon as the 'Pranna Polo Truth' came out, the countless words of heaven around disappeared one by one, and the dark sky became clear again. Finally, with the disappearance of Gu Pofeng's magic power, the Buddha statue in front of Huang also disappeared.

"Ha ha, you blocked it, I lost." Gu Pofeng is free on the surface, and he is also very jealous in his heart. This Huang Zheng has all kinds of good luck, and even has the magic power of Buddhism. Sure enough, there are people with great luck. Uncle Lu is right. This kind of person can only make friends, not make enemies. In the process of practice, as long as he has been standing all the time. On the side of those who have the Universiade Road, they are also beneficial and harmless to themselves.

"The last scene, Huang Zheng is the only one"

Yan Zhanhuan's expression was also very strange. Unexpectedly, Huang Zheng really came to the end.

Huang Zheng also thought a lot before, but he didn't expect that he would really go to the opposite side with Duanmu. Duanmu saved him. In any case, it would never be a pleasure to duel with his former lifesaver.

What do you think? Aren't you going to save Ye Huanlian? Beat him and get the golden tad Xuanshen fish. Hao saw Huang Zheng's idea. He saved you not because of his kindness, but because of your fate. You are destined to be a genius disciple of great luck. This is your fate. Without Duanmu, there will be others to save you. This is all doomed. You don't have to thank him.

"What's the matter, Brother Huang, I don't think you want to compete with me? Do you think I'm not your opponent?" Duanmu's only hand played with the artifact 'Golden Light Cut-off Yin Sword', which seemed to see Huang Zheng's mind.

Huang Zheng thought for a moment and suddenly sent a voice, "Brother Duanmu, if you win, how about I exchanged a medium-quality artifact for your 'golden tad Xuanshen fish'?"

"What" Duanmu was shocked. Although the golden ginseng fish is precious, it is not as expensive as the price of a medium-grade artifact. Is there such a good thing as one of guarantees for the promotion of a medium-grade artifact?

"Good" Duanmu only didn't want to think about it, and immediately nodded, because he had already eaten the golden tadfly black ginseng fish, and this reward was useless at all. My magic power is called 'Thousands of Armies'. With this golden sword, even if it is a medium-grade artifact, it will hurt you. Be careful."

Duanmu was the only one to report to Li and said hello.

"Thousands of Armies"

The golden light cut-off sword flew into the air, and the sword turned into a thousand in the air. A low-grade artifact suddenly turned into a thousand low-grade artifacts. The artifacts were all over the sky, and the sword was as light as rain.

There seem to be a thousand armored soldiers among thousands of swords, each holding a sword, forming the momentum of a thousand armies.

To practice this magical power, it takes a thousand masters of Yuanshen Jiuzhong to achieve great success. It can be seen that Duanmu is the only one who has killed 1,000 Yuanshen Jiuzhong's opponents so far.

Huang Zheng's face changed slightly, and he didn't dare to sacrifice the magic phantom sword this time. He was afraid of cutting the other party with a sword. As soon as the palm of his hand moved, another middle-grade artifact like a shield was shot out.

In an instant, a huge shield was formed to cover Huang Zhengzhou.


Huang Zheng was behind the shield and retreated after being beaten by thousands of swords. Finally, he shouted, "Stop, I admit defeat"

Wow, the whole audience was surprised and an uproar. This Huang Zheng sacrifice artifact is the same as other people's sacrificial weapons, which has made people jealous to death. I didn't expect to admit defeat before fighting?

There are shady secrets and hidden feelings, and many people think about it strangely.

Duanmu only didn't expect Huang Zheng to admit defeat so quickly. Thinking of Huang Zheng's phase method, it seems that he just wants the golden tad fly ginseng fish? I can't help giving him a grateful look.

"Okay, this big comparison, that's all, the winner, Duanmu is the only one"

With Yan Zhan's cheerful shouting, this big game ended insipidly. Duanmu's only victory was effortless, and he was empty twice and won inexplicably.

This thousand-armed hegemony is really domineering. Huang is looking at this shield. The Chinese artifact resists his lower-grade artifact and unexpectedly cut out a slight crack. If Duanmu is the only one with a few more mana, the shield will also be dangerous.

But he is not heartbroken. This shield is intended to replace the only golden tad rooki ginseng fish.

This time, it was Huang Zheng who wanted to speak out the limelight. He defeated Li Xilai and forced Gu Pofeng to admit his mistake. In the end, although he also admitted defeat, Huang Zheng had never used the 'Xuantianming Light Tower' from beginning to end. Many people believe that Huang Zheng deliberately let Duanmu the only one. It seems that from then on, the first young master of Haotianmen is Huang. Undoubtedly.

Three days later, it will be the day when the seven schools discuss immortals. At that time, Duanmu is the only one who is the core of the sect. All the 'ghost beads' hit by the disciples who entered the whole faction will be handed over to Duanmu and strive to be the first of the seven schools.

Hao asked Huang Zheng puzzledly, "Aren't you going to strive to be the first, and then train countless ghost beads to promote ninefold, or even become gods?"

"But you also said that the ghost beads should be handed over to the sect. Now I have the help of you and Wu Zuotao. You can definitely get a large number of ghost beads on the ghost stars. If you pay a little in reverse, you can stay and use most of them by yourself. It doesn't matter whether it's the first one or not."

"If the master of ghosts and stars can't go up, Wu and his wife may not go up?"

"That's because others don't have ancient artifacts. I believe that the demon mirror can definitely take them up."

Huang Zheng was right. Others went up alone. Huang Zheng took the three gods to go up together to kill ghosts and take ghost beads, which came faster than anything else. At that time, a lot of ghost beads were enough for him to practice slowly. The first thing he did after he went up was to let three The master went to get the ghost beads and found a place to practice well.

If you take the core of the sect, that is, you will shoulder the heavy responsibility of the sect and strive to get the first place, then you will be busy. Now whether the first is the only thing in Duanmu, and if you can't fight for it, you won't blame him.

When Hao heard what Huang Zhengyi said, he also felt that it made sense. This human race just thought too much and was sinister.

At the end of the big fight, everyone dispersed one after another. Huang Zheng first looked at the two brothers Fang Zhuojian and Cao Pojian, and sent a lot of things. Then he went to the personnel hall to find Elder Yang to reply to this task, and finally returned to his own cold home.

He just sat down and didn't think what to do later. A disciple came in to inform him.

"Huang Vice-in-shoin, the only peak of Duanmu Palm Peak for a look"

Ah, Huang Zheng saved himself from being the deputy head of the hospital. It turned out that he was still an official. How good it would be if he removed this character? Huang Zheng nodded proudly, "Ye, I know, let him---, I'll come out right away"

I wanted to ask him to come in. After thinking about it, I'd better go out by myself.

"Brother Huang, I'm here by myself." There was a bright voice outside the door. Duanmu only stepped in, and the disciple who was notified quickly saluted and slowly retreated.

"Thank you to Brother Huang for today's incident. This is what Brother Huang wants." Duanmu's only palm threw, and a white light shot at Huang Zheng.

Huang Zheng took it with his hand. It turned out to be a small piece of paper wrapped in a small figure. Presumably the golden tadzu ginseng fish was in it. The golden tadzu black ginseng fish could only be wrapped in paper. After thinking about it for a long time, it finally got it.