Bight of Heaven

Chapter 162 Changes

There is a half-man-high tree in the middle of the cave. The tree is lush with branches and leaves, but only one fruit grows.

This fruit looks like a pear, but it emits a faint fragrance. The closer it goes, the more fragrant it smells.

"Ah, it's amazing, I have the feeling of breaking through nine times to Huashen?" Yi Suihan just finished this sentence.

Duanmu and Sha Rang also nodded repeatedly: "What a wonderful feeling. It seems that this fragrance has turned into a more coarse and pure practice than vitality, with a faint feeling of breakthrough, but unfortunately, it can't really break through."

Sha Rang's eyes flashed: "If you have been practicing by this tree, I bet that I will definitely break through."

Yi Suihan shook his head: "But we don't have much time?"

"Dunmu, you are the first day I sent. Do you know what kind of tree this is and what fruit it is?"

"If I had known it, I would have said it a long time ago. Hey, if Elder Ji, the dean who manages the herb, was here, I would definitely recognize it."

Sha Rang's eyes turned: "Then shall we transplant him and dig him out?"

"Don't" Yi Suihan said, "I heard from the seniors that there must be a reason why he can survive here. What if he digs out and dies?"

Duanmu only deeply agreed. He took a few more steps and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Look, what does this fruit look like?"

The other two quickly followed. When they took a closer look, they saw that the pear had a faint face like a newborn baby, but it was shallow and not obvious, as if it had not yet matured.

In particular, his limbs have been fully contoured, which looks like a newborn baby.

It's amazing. This fruit is as long as a baby.

"Do you listen?" Duanmu's only voice shouted louder and louder: "He has a heartbeat, does he have a heartbeat?" The face is full of unthinkable.

The faces of all the people in the cave changed greatly, and everyone calmed to hold their breath and listened carefully: "Dong, Dong, Dong,"

This fruit really has a heartbeat, and it sounds dozens of times slower than ordinary people's heartbeat, but every beat is extremely powerful, like a heavy hammer.

Duanmu's only three people looked gloomy and strange, all looking at the tree and the fruit without saying a word.

There is only one tree and only one fruit, but there are three people in the field?

Anyone can think that this fruit must be an earth-shaking fairy fruit. It is very likely to be a wonderful fairy fruit left by the ancient fairyland. They just smelled it for the first time that there was a sign of breaking through the god. What would happen if they ate it?

"See, the Yuan Yujing around this tree, white with yellow, is already different from Yuan Yujing."

Yi Suihan bent down and dug up a piece of Yuan Yujing on the ground, which was the same size as Yuan Yujing, but it was much heavier. A stronger vitality surged to the heart, and the other two learned from him to dig one piece and get it in their hands.

Sha made his eyes clear: "Legend has it that the ancient immortal masters used the name Xianjing. Is this Xianjing?"

Fairy Crystal? Something more pure and expensive than the top-grade Yuanyu essence. Is this a fairy crystal?

The three looked at each other, suddenly lowered their heads and began to dig up the fairy crystals around the tree, but unfortunately, it seemed that there were not many around, only a few hundred pieces at most. The closer they were to the tree, the brighter and thicker the fairy crystals became. At this time, everyone realized that it was this tree that changed the Yuanyu essence here and turned them into fairy crystals.

If this tree can be moved to Haotian Gate, it is definitely a great contribution. Even if you become the supreme leader immediately, there will be no elders to oppose the sect? In their hearts, the three were digging and thinking at the same time.

The three were rushing to dig fairy crystals, and Huang Zheng was also shocked and indescribly: "Hao, what is this, what is this, what is it?"

Hao seemed to have no breath and didn't say anything. Finally, under Huang Zheng's repeated questioning, he finally sighed: "I haven't seen it, but I have heard that there are nine immortals between heaven and earth in ancient times, one of which is called this chaotic crystal pear."

Huang Zheng also muttered to himself: "Chaos crystal pear?"

"It is said that this chaotic crystal pear was the first fruit in the world when the ancient chaos first opened and the earth first formed. It is said that it looks like a pear, but it feels like a crystal, crystal clear. It blooms for millions of years, bears fruit for tens of millions of years, matures for 100 million years, and needs to grow enough for 180 million years. The pear nucleus has evolved into the appearance of a young child. Only when the facial features are formed, and limbs can it be eaten---

into a toddler? Isn't this fruit turning into young children? The more Huang Zheng looked at it, the more he thought about it.

Hao shook his head: "Look at this pear, it has just matured. It hasn't grown enough for 180 million years. The facial features are not complete, and the limbs are looming. At least it will take tens of millions of years to eat. It's a pity, it's a pity."

It will take tens of millions of years, and tens of millions of years, I don't even know where I went? Huang Zheng couldn't help but feel a little anxious: "Look at their appearance, I'm afraid they are about to fight for this fruit. Wouldn't it be a waste if they take it off?"

"Of course, it can't be eaten now. If he picks it off, whoever eats it will die."

"It's really a pity."

Huang Zheng is also shouting regret. I don't know whether he is a pity for the fruit or for the people who eat to die.

"I heard that he can only grow in a specific environment, but I don't know if this chaotic crystal pear can grow in the ancient artifact?" Hao is also muttering to himself.

Then take away this cave. Anyway, with so many Yuan Yujing, Huang Zheng quickly responded to him, and Hao quickly despised him.

The two exchanged a few words. The so-called fairy crystals in the cave have been dug up by the three people. They turned their eyes and looked at the tree: "Why don't we move this tree to Haotian Gate? If we make great achievements, all three of us will get a great reward from the sect?

Yi Suihan was a little hesitant: "But according to the classical records, strange immortals in the world need to grow in a specific place. What if they are dug out and dug to death?"

He wants to say that there are still fruits. Is the fruits also handed over to the sect, but it is difficult to say?

But Duanmu on the side said, "Let's divide the fruit first. The three of us, divide it into three parts?" I began to look at the other two people.

Sharang quietly: "I have no problem."

Yi Suihan also nodded: "I have no problem with it. Is it effective for just three people to share fruit? Brother Duanmu, I'm too old and poorly qualified. I'll give you my share.

He opened his mouth and let go of the ancient fairy fruit, which looked extremely attractive. The shocked people were shocked, and the sand made his heart even more angry. What do you mean? Do you want me to let it? My name is Sharang, but I will never let anyone. It's impossible.

couldn't help sneering: "Yes, Brother Yi is old, and I'm afraid it's useless to eat it. Even so, mine will also give up. I hope Brother Duanmu will eat it to promote the god, and take over the supreme teaching in the future and respond to us in Haotian Gate."

Sha asked Ken to give way. The accident of the only two people in Duanmu didn't seem to believe even Huang Zheng, who was hiding behind.

"Haha, thank you, Brother Sha." Duanmu is the only one whose heart is in full bloom.

He stepped forward and was about to pick the fruit when he suddenly saw a sharp light in his eyes.


A knife flashed in the field, and a long blue-red knife broke out of the air, not cutting off the wood and killing Yi Suihan.

Yi Suihan never thought that this Sha Rang would dare to take action here, and he would kill himself as soon as he took action.

Even Huang Zheng didn't expect that he saw the blood light splashing everywhere in the field. Yi Suihan's whole body was split in half by a knife, and the residual power of the knife was unabated, and the only one was cut off.

Duanmu was the only one who was not in a hurry to pick fruit, and he was shocked and angry: "Sha Rang, how dare you kill your fellow door?"


The two's weapons separated at a touch, and Duanmu was the only one holding the lower artifact golden light interception sword. Facing the sand, he was furious.

And Sha Rang actually held a long knife of a low-grade artifact and smiled in front of Duanmu.

"Sharang, you, you," Duanmu was almost crazy angrily: "You are so bold, you are dead. Do you think you can fight against me with a vulgar artifact?"

Duanmu's only thousand-armed hegemony, Haotianmen is one of the best magic powers. What's wrong with you?

"Sharang, you--"

Duanmu is the only one who tries to persuade Sha Rang to admit defeat and surrender, otherwise he will sacrifice thousands of troops and kill the whole cave into ruins.

But Sharang didn't seem to give Duanmu the only chance at all. He stabbed back and shouted fiercely, "Death, Duanmu alone."

The only dissatisfaction, hatred and anger against Duanmu have been poured out in this knife. His knife can cut through the sky and his knife can break through the starry sky.

He has never shown this low-grade artifact. No one knows that he has such an artifact, which is deeply hidden. At this critical time, Sha Rang finally took action.

He wanted the only life of Duanmu with a knife, and Duanmu seemed to be in his chest and looked coldly: "Dead."

He drank gently and shouted in the air. Countless Duanmu was the only one who suddenly appeared. The fastest time for thousands of troops would be sacrificed. In turn, he killed Sharang. He didn't even hide. He was confident enough to kill Sharang, because he still had a low-grade artifact clothes on his body. Clothes and magic weapons were rare, that is, Huang Zhengdu There is no magic clothes to protect himself, so he is full of confidence.

But at this time, the empty knife figure flashed, and two figures appeared one left and one right.

The person on the left grabbed the fairy art of heaven and earth with his big hand.

He captured heaven and earth, captured the immortal god, and sacrificed half of the thousands of soldiers. He was caught in the palm of his hand and pinched Duanmu's only intuitive heart pain. Half of his magic power was interrupted, and he was also injured in an instant.

The person on the right turned his eyes and saw Duanmu, and then from the endless void, two blade-like lightning, crossed the infinite distance between the space and the mountain, and instantly came to the cave.

"Void Thunder Cut?" Duanmu and Huang Zheng both screamed.

Huang Zheng is even more familiar. That is, this person attacked himself in the endless sea that day and wanted to kill himself with empty thunder. Now, he finally revealed his original shape.

On the left is Ye Chuqun, and on the right is Yan Zhanhuan. Yan Zhanhuan is Duanmu's senior brother. He has always been Duanmu's best friend. For so many years, he has maintained the identity of nine yuanshen. No one thought that he had already become a god and practiced the magic power of 'Void Thunder Chopping'.

On that day, the endless sea, it turned out that Yan Zhanhuan was the one who wanted to kill Huang Zheng.

Now the two masters of Huashen, hiding in the artifact of Sharang, took the ghost star like Huang Zheng and Hao and Wu Zuotao. At this important moment, they suddenly took action and wanted to kill Duanmuyi in one fell swoop.

If you kill one here, I'm afraid that even the six masters of Huashen can't calculate it. Duanmu Zongheng won't even think that Yan Zhanhuan, his best friend, would kill his son.

At this moment, Duanmu was the only one who stole the dead and was furious.

Steel charm, no wonder I can't kill you, hum."