Bight of Heaven

Chapter 193 Layer 4

As soon as the people walked in the third channel, they slamed and grabbed countless big hands.

Looking at the momentum, the lowest one is also the triple, and the rest are fourfold.

The more fierce ghosts inside, the more powerful they are.

Eighteen ghost owners took action together, and Huang Zheng also sacrificed the fierce shooting of the demon mirror, but there were too many ghosts in it, just like the secret place of the seven unique factions that day, they rushed up continuously.

Each ghost owner has an artifact to protect his body. Accidentally, there is a four-level lower-level ghost owner who was knocked down by dozens of fierce ghosts, and his whole person was eaten by them in a few bites.

Huang Zheng was stunned and quickly retreated on the side of killing the ghost master with an artifact.

Suddenly, the chests of dozens of fierce ghosts smashed one after another, and dozens of pieces of meat, bones of different sizes, heads, feet, hands and other fragments quickly reunited in the air to form the ghost owner and ran to the edge of Huang Zheng.

Although the ghost master smashed them before the fierce ghost trained him, his face was pale and his voice trembled. You should know that the body like him is reunited once and swallowed once, and the loss is uncalculable. If he does it comes a few times, it is possible to be relegated.

A group of fierce ghosts followed one after another, and the magical power of these ghosts was also dazzling.

The future ghost owner of the future state uses a 'key of the future' to throw into the air and say a word: "Bring the door of the future and seek the unknown world---"

In the void, a door with a strong sense of the future slowly opened. Huang Zheng looked exactly the same as the door made in the science fiction world. There seemed to be an electronic button on the handle of the door, and his eyes suddenly cleared up.

As soon as the door opened, a cosmic door appeared. Outside the door was like another world, shining, and countless fierce ghosts were swept in by the wind swept out of the door one by one.

This is the future ghost owner opening the channel of another plane with an artifact and transferring all these fierce ghosts out.

The painful ghost of the painful state sat like a mountain and read some scriptures like a Buddhist disciple. Huang Zheng could clearly see the broken jumping words in his mouth fly into the air. The words jumped to the fierce ghost and got into other people's ears. The next moment, those fierce ghosts seemed to have experienced endless Pain, holding his head and mixing on the ground, trembling, screaming, and after a full quarter of an hour of pain, the whole fierce ghost exploded into dust.

Just as they were all blown into dust, the happy ghost owner of the Happy State raised his hand, and a huge bag appeared in the air, which caused an uproar and covered all the dust.

"Happy Pure Land, Reincarnation"

Wow, his bag tore through the space and didn't know where it was in an instant. After three breaths, it appeared in the original place again.

And the ghost owner of the State of the Dead, with a touch of his palm, and a dead ghost on the ground crawled out of the ground and rushed up to those fierce ghosts without fear. You bite me, and I bite you, like a dead body without life, brazenly biting them.

The most powerful thing is naturally to kill the ghost master. Although his knife was lost, his palm moved and changed dramatically, and a long knife of the same blood appeared in his hand.

He cut vertically and horizontally, and was invincible. When the knife light went there, he would sweep a large number of fierce ghosts. His method was direct, simply, to kill. If he went down with one knife, even the four-fold fierce ghosts would be killed with one knife.

For good, there are ghost owners coming together. If Huang Zheng comes to this place, he can only escape.

Huang Zheng can only sneak up here with the demon mirror, hide behind the killing ghost owner, use the sky to extinguish the mirror light, and beat those fierce ghosts one by one. Sometimes he also said that he took the opportunity to go to the demon mirror to train Wu Zuotao and his wife.

The ghosts and Huang Zheng have been killed for three days and nights, and all the fierce ghosts in the hall were finally killed.

In the meantime, four of the ghost owners were beaten and raped by fierce ghosts. Although they all recovered, they all hurt their vitality. One of them was violent twice in a row, and their vitality was greatly damaged, and they almost vomited blood and died.

Huang Zhengyi has successively captured more than 100 triple and more than 20 quadruple demon mirrors, but most of them are incomplete after beating them. This kind of incomplete fierce ghost after the violence is easier to take in and easy to practice.

In the demon mirror, Wu Zuotao and his wife were promoted to the fourfold of Huas. At the same time, Ye Huanlian was also promoted from Jiuzhong to the double of Huashen in a practice.

This time, Huang Zheng's strength has increased a lot. Unfortunately, his limited ability is impossible to catch all the fierce ghosts here and let them practice, otherwise they can be promoted to six times.

After the fierce ghosts were swept away, the precious light of the hall was shining, from the dimness just now to the whole body was bright. Dozens of magic weapons shuttled around the hall and jumped up and down.

Artifact? Medium product? Top quality?"

At a glance, the killing ghost owners are all middle-quality and top-quality, most of which are middle-quality, and six of them are top-quality.

Hahaha, it turns out that this place is all artifacts.

The ghosts were overjoyed and took action one after another, and more than a dozen pairs of big hands grabbed them in the air.

"Don't mess up and distribute together?" The ghost killer saw that there was going to be chaos in the field and shocked the ghosts.

These 18 ghost masters are mostly medium-grade artifacts, and only three have top-quality artifacts. Although the role of artifacts in their realm is not very large, if there is a good artifact with opponents at the same level, the chances of winning will naturally increase greatly.

As soon as the ghost owners were killed, several other powerful ghost owners also stopped one after another. This treasure house has only reached the third floor. Do you want to coax inside? All the artifacts began to be collected by the killers and then distributed.

In the field, there are 20 people, including Qin Xian, and there are 41 artifacts. Each person can have two and one more. The killing ghost master first dropped the top-grade artifacts according to the level of the level of the field. Huang Zheng and Qin Xian were one by one. Although the ghosts were unconvinced, there was nothing they could do.

It mainly depends on Huang Zheng to come in. It can't be said that the giant woman will be a master of immortals in the future. What's wrong with you?

In the end, one more medium product naturally belongs to Huang Zheng. This time, Huang Zheng got two more high-quality products, three medium products, and there is no place to put many artifacts.

There are so many gains on the first three floors, and the ghost owners are extremely excited and go straight to the fourth floor.

The walls on both sides of the passage on the fourth floor were shining like mirrors. Everyone could see their own shadows as they walked. Huang Zheng thought that the first three floors were so powerful, and quickly let Qin Xian hide in the demon mirror first.

From the first layer of the yuan divine realm, the second layer of the gods, and the third layer of three or four. If there are no fierce ghosts on the fourth floor, if it is five or six layers of the god, can these ghost masters still block it?

He thought about walking in this passage. After turning a corner, he saw an empty hall in front of him. Everyone was stunned and didn't expect to come to the hall so easily.

This hall is full of realms, which illuminates nineteen pieces one by one, and there is nothing but the realm.

Just when Huang Zheng was strange, he suddenly became the Haotian Hall of Haotianmen.

On the hall, a teenager wearing the only clothes of Duanmu and holding the teaching artifact 'Haotianyin' is exactly the same as Huang Zheng, and his expression is exactly the same: "Huang Zheng, you are so bold, rob the woman I like, and I am the supreme leader of teaching. Do you know it? Kneel down and die."

This Huang Zheng waved his hand and shouted that the top artifact Haotianyin evolved into a mountain and was crushed on the same day. Looking at his strength at the moment of his action, it turned out to be sixfold?

Is this a demon? Or hallucinations?

Huang Zheng's heart suddenly became excited, but he saw the upper-quality artifact looking up to the sky, which could suppress the stars and break the space. Huashen Liuzhong personally exerted the power of the superior artifact, far more than Huang Zheng himself.


He also instantly sacrificed the Xuantian Mingguang Tower in front of him, and the demon-zhen mirror looked back and brushed, and a mirror light hit the six-fold Huang Zheng.

He thought it was a hallucination, but he didn't know that it was also a top-grade artifact. Haotian's seal was hit by sixfold hands and listened to 'boom'.

The Xuantianmingguang Tower, which has been working for Huang Zheng against the enemy, split several times, opened an inch, and fell to the ground one after another.

Huang Zheng was even more heartbroken and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His Xuantian Mingguang Tower was hit by Ruyi's Tongtian Ruyi stick once and almost smashed it. It was already injured. This time, it was knocked down by Haotianyin from the head and suddenly broke several pieces.

Wither waiting for him to react, his heavens suddenly pounced on Huang Zheng.

But it hurts in my chest.

Looking down, his chest had been completely violent, and he found a black hole, and then his whole body shattered.

It seems that he has hit himself as if he has won the magic power of 'fighting star shift'.

Fortunately, he is now deified and reorganized his body in an instant. He listened to the sky. Huh, and the Haotian seal hit down again.

If this Xuantian Mingguang Tower is hit again, I'm afraid all of it will be broken.

Huang Zheng's mind moved and took back the Xuantian Mingguang Tower.

"Fight to the universe, top yin and yang"

With a loud shout, I used the magic power of the universe and yin and yang. I don't believe it. I'm the ancestor of the top magic power. Can you turn me down again?

His heavens extinguished the mirror light, brushed, and then hit Huang Zheng on the high platform in an instant.

Then Huang Zheng sneered. Are you going to beat yourself up again? I heard that his head was hit by the sky, and then he learned from Huang Zheng's appearance just now and smashed on the spot.

The "sw" demon mirror flew away like lightning at the same time as he smashed, and suddenly covered all these fragments.

"No, no, you dare to practice me. I am the six-fold power of heaven. Do you dare to practice me?" There was a roar from the demon mirror.

"Huh, can I take you in?"

Huang Zhengxin is strange that his realm is more than the owner of the demon mirror. Unless he is willing, he can't accept it. Huang Zheng now takes him in as soon as he receives it. Obviously, it is a fake sixfold.

However, as soon as several masters in the demon mirror were ready to practice Huang Zheng, Huang Zheng himself felt a pain in his heart: "No, no, stop, how do I feel that you are practicing me?"

What kind of magic power is this? What kind of hall is this? How could this happen?

"Hahaha, come on, practice me, practice me, that is, practice yourself." The fake Huang Zheng in the demon mirror laughed wildly. He grabbed a group of little demons in the demon mirror with his big hand, and 'Peng' pinched a large group of them to death.

Huang Zheng suddenly became angry. If it goes on like this, the demons of the demon mirror will kill him? What should I do? What should I do?