sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 38 See the sun again

"Kang Er, A Ying, you don't have to be afraid. You have to reason everything. If someone abuses lynching, which is not good for you, we British are not easy to bully.

Su Ying just looked coldly, without much disgust or favoring this father, but coldly watching what Ronghou could do.

"The Su family was born as a general. Don't say that you are your son who fell into the flower exploration at a young age, and you are also a natural magic power. Naturally, you don't like our Ronghou as a slave. But even if I kill this old man, I will bring the murderer to justice.

Ronghou looked at the two brothers and sisters standing next to Su Bei. At such a young age, he became calm, not to mention two brothers who were fighting abroad. God, how unfair you are. All the good things have been given to the Su family. Ronghou looked at Su Bei with a little more jealousy.

"You are honest with me and explain everything to me. If there is a lie, I will sell you to the check box.

The little girl nodded and said, "That day, I hid in the backyard and cried. The young master of the Su family said a few nice words to Miss Su and gave me a silver ticket. I... I'm dizzy. The young master's body hurts and has been sleeping unsteadily, so I ordered the calm incense given to me by Master Su. Please spare my life... Please forgive my life."

"It's about the innocence of me and my third brother. They are all elders. Please ask Su Ying a few questions."

Ronghou looked at the 13 or 14 years old in front of him, but he was still not panicked when he encountered such a thing, and his eyes were calm and calm. Does this little girl know whether she knows or not? If the matter is settled, won't she be able to admit her mistake?

Ronghou looked at Su Ying's compotion and went crazy again. He knew that the Su family was not a small family after all, and it was impossible to convict without even a defense. Finally, he nodded.

"Do you think it was the fragrance given to you by the third son of the Su family?" Su Ying looked at the little girl and nodded, "Can I see if there is any silver ticket for that incense?"

Su Ying took the fragrance in her hand and gently poked it a little, and then took it under her nose to smell it. The clear eyes flashed a cold light.

"This fragrance is covered with a layer of powder, which is probably what makes Mr. Lu mentally abnormal for a while. The fragrance inside is very unique, which is not sold in Kyoto. It can only be bought in Jingjiakou near Kyoto. Although the fresh temperature makes it easy to fall asleep and is popular for a while, it is forbidden in Kyoto because too much use will make people often have headaches and vomiting.

"Now this fragrance will not be used except for some people with severe insomnia. Even if my third brother uses incense to harm people, he will not use this kind of incense. All I can say is that he doesn't understand the person who uses this fragrance and has it right around him.

Su Ying looked at Su Bei quietly when she said it. Su Bei suddenly woke up, this spice, Wang Shouyi! Thinking of Wang Sikun's rush to complain as soon as he got home, is it him?

"If you don't believe it, you can go to an expert to identify it. Looking at this silver ticket, it is from Tongjia Qianzhuang. Tongjia now gives a lot of discounts for many people to access and withdraw from GM, but our family would rather go to the time-honored Ningjia Qianzhuang.

"It is also possible that he did it on purpose to be discovered after the incident."

Su Ying looked at Ronghou, just smiled faintly, and then said, "There is indeed such a possibility, but everyone thinks that today is the day of Zhongyuan Festival and the dance of demons. I think my cousin can't bear to part with my brother-in-law, so I came here to take my cousin-in-law with me.

"What are you talking about? If you want to find a normal reason to get rid of your third brother. Don't you feel shameless to push Lu Qing's death on a dead man? Did the Su family teach a daughter like you?

"Ronghou, please be careful." A tall but thin man flashed into the door between Ronghou and Su Ying, and suddenly grabbed Ronghou's hands pointing at Su Ying. The man's plain clothes and cold eyes made Ronghou, who had been in the battlefield, hesitate for a moment. The handsome eyes seemed to make Ronghou believe that if he said one more word, he would be killed by him.

"It turned out to be King An. Are you in good health these days? I know how to go out for a walk." Ronghou shook off King An's hand and stared at Su Ying angrily.

"Just come to worship the dead, and please honor yourself."

Su Ying looked at the back in front of her and couldn't help throbbing in her heart. He came back. In the past few days, Su Ying only felt relieved when she really saw King An. Even if he really fails and is really in danger, this man will still protect himself like this.

"Then I will ask Miss Su to talk about how my daughter-in-law took my son away. You have to make it clear that I will not pursue this matter, and I will apologize to your Su family. If you can't explain it clearly, don't think that the British government is great. I'll let you lie out today.

Su Ying suddenly came to her senses and said quietly, "How can we mortals speculate about ghosts and gods? I heard her say that she is so ugly now. If she dies in the future, she must wait for her cousin to be almost like herself before she dares to see him."

In the white above the mourning hall, Su Ying said that what Jiang Jie had said before made everyone feel a little cool.

Su Ying just smiled faintly and just looked at Sikang. Sikang suddenly ran to Jiang Jie's coffin, fiercely, and several nails shot out of the roof.

Ronghou and Jiang Jieju, Mrs. Jiang, were shocked. Xuan'er, who has always been obedient, began to cry.

Ronghou saw Sikang's presumptuousness and couldn't help but be furious: "Come on, arrest them for me."

King An protected Su Ying behind him. Su Bei had already seen some eyebrows and roared, "I'll see who dares to move."

Su Ying just patted King An with a smile, and still didn't see any waves and said, "It has been done, and my third brother and I are not afraid. Ronghou, please don't be impatient.

Sikang just shook his hands and lifted the lid. He just looked inside, and big drops of tears gushed out.

"Cousin...Cousin, I'm late. Let you be beaten to death by this animal life. Hahaha...I...I..."

Sikang said that he had slowly helped Jiang Jie's body up. Sikang held it carefully and slowly, as if holding a rare treasure.

Mrs. Jiang almost fainted when she saw it. With the help of Jiang Qin, both mother and daughter cried.

Xuan'er broke away from the arms of Mother Qian and suddenly hugged Sikang and cried, "Cousin...Cousin, it was Lu Qing who killed my mother, it was he who killed my mother!" Help my mother. My mother is still angry. I was still angry when I touched my mother! They nailed it to the coffin. I don't want it. My mother won't stay here anymore! Take us away!"

Mrs. Jiang has held Xuaner out of control and touched Jiang Jie. She is really dead. Jiang Jie's right eye is still inserted in the jade hairpin that Lu Qing often carries, and her left eye is still wide open, with pieces of blood stains on her body. Mrs. Jiang has beaten Ronghou like crazy and roared, "You beasts, you beasts! Give my daughter back! Give me back my daughter!"

Ronghou looked at it with a dull face and was beaten by Mrs. Jiang: What face do I have to avenge Lu Qing? What face do I have to see the Su family? What face do I have to fight for! It's good for their daughter-in-law and son to do such a thing. They don't care about it, hey...

Su Sikang just walked step by step with Jiang Jie in his arms and said in a hoarse voice, "Cousin, I'll take you away. With me, you don't have to be afraid in the future.

Mrs Jiang picked up Xuan'er and went out with the help of Jiang Jie and Mother Qian. She looked back at Ronghou viciously with her red eyes.

"Xiaojie and Xuan'er took them away, and they don't want to come back here anymore. Please don't bother us again."

Su Ying sighed at the third brother's soul-eating appearance and saluted Su Bei, "Father, you can't let your cousin go back like this. Go and help your brother prepare a sedan chair or something. I'll come to you later."

Su Bei looked at Su Ying and nodded. This daughter has always ignored herself. Su Bei looked at Su Ying's clear eyes and only felt in a trance. Su Ying overlapped with the woman she had been dreaming about.

The woman has already left herself. Su Bei closed his eyes and strode out.

"Let's go, I'll take you out." Su Ying and King An looked at each other and smiled, and a pair of Bi slowly walked out.

Ronghou just hung his head, and there was no more, and there was no Rongfu anymore.

"Looking at your aggressive appearance just now, I think the worries these days are really in vain."

Su Ying listened to the jokes of the man beside her and said with a smile, "Look, do you still have some free space now? I think the worries about you these days are really in vain."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"I like to see you smile like this now. You were too cold just now. I'm afraid that one day you will be like a piece of ice, and I can't walk into your heart again."

"As long as you have me in your heart and don't give up on me, I will also guard you and not leave you." Su Ying's eyes flashed with firm light, and her serious face moved An Wang for a while.

"I can't ask for it, how can I give up easily? Today is a good opportunity to go back and get rid of Aunt Wang.

Su Ying smiled and said, "Why do you feel that you are more anxious than me? Do they have a grudge against you?

"If they offend you, they offend me. Besides, if you deal with the family affairs well, you can come to the An Palace at ease."

King An remembered that he could guard Su Ying in the future. No matter where he went, Su Ying would be waiting for him in Anwang's mansion, and she was in a very good mood. Naturally, he felt hateful to see those obstacles.

"Yes, the person Zhao is looking for has been found and will be sent to you right away."

"Others are good, but Kun'er, he..."

King An just smiled and said a few words in Su Ying's ear. In fact, there were secret guards here, but King An deliberately got close to Su Ying. Su Ying didn't say anything, but smiled and condoned his approach.

"Really? I said that he and his second uncle..." Su Ying rolled her eyes, and the Su family was really wronged. No wonder Zhao said that the Su family would not suffer losses at that time, which made people sympathize...