sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 169 Meet and Separation

"Aying, I know you have worked hard these days, but after leaving you, I have also worked very hard. I've always been worried about your Anwei, and I've been looking for you. As for the marriage with the Queen of South Vietnam, it was just a cover, but my deal with them. I helped them remove the remnants of the eldest prince, and the saint healed my mother and concubine for me. It has been cancelled a long time ago. Don't be angry, okay?"

An Wang's face was sincere. In addition to apologies, there were more endless lovesickness in his eyes, but Su Ying smiled disapprovingly.

So what? After all, you broke our oath!" Su Ying's tone was full of sadness, and she no longer wanted to see King An, but directly wanted to turn around and leave.

King An was unwilling to rush to stop Su Ying, but was pulled by Qilang.

King An couldn't help saying angrily, "Get out of the way! That's my wife, and it's not your turn among us!"

Qilang smiled and said, "All I know is that I want to protect Su Ying's safety. If Su Ying doesn't want you to get close, I can't let you close!"

Qilang's eyes were full of firm breath, and King An stared at him so coldly.

In this early winter, when the cold wind blew, the two looked at each other like this, and no one had the intention of giving in. These two rare contemporary heroes are so silently hostile.

Su Ying looked back and said tiredly, "Do you think I can't guess your plan? I can understand that you made such a choice for your mother, but for me, I can't forgive such a betrayal. You forgot the promise you promised me. As long as there is someone else in your world, I can't stand it for any reason.

"She can't exist among us at all, and I can never tolerate anyone else between you and me! Don't you want to spend a little time for me?"

Su Ying sighed slightly and said, "I'm not because of her, it's because of you!" You promised me that you couldn't do it. You promised that you would only marry me, but now you can't do it. I have nothing to say. I didn't expect to find a husband who only married me in this world. Only you gave me confidence and let me believe that you are sincere to me and willing to marry me alone for me, but now you haven't done it.

An Wang's heart suddenly twitched, shook off Qilang's hand, and his eyes were full of injuries.

"I know I'm sorry for you, because of me, you worked hard in Dachu. Because of me, you fell from the cliff to the line of life and death. I just want to solve everything as soon as possible. I can guard you, spoil you and love you. Now I don't have any ties. I just want the two of them to stay together in the future. Do you really want to leave me?

"I can stand facing any difficulties with you, but I can't stand you leaving me away casually. Whether you and the Queen of South Vietnam are really married or fake, you have violated the oath we faced together. Since you ignored my feelings and abandoned me, I can't accept you anymore.

Su Ying turned around coldly and wanted to leave. King An looked at Su Ying's back and only felt a mouthful of heat pouring in and spit out a mouthful of blood. An Wang smiled slightly and looked at Su Ying's back, but he didn't have the courage to fight for it again. A woman like Su Ying was afraid that it was true to leave. She could only watch, but she didn't have the courage to keep it.

"Sister, the white-haired man vomited blood!" Wang Tian's slightly immature voice sounded in Su Ying's ear. Su Ying couldn't help turning back, but she didn't see King An's figure.

Only a few drops of blood on the ground, Su Ying's eyes hurt, and Su Ying only felt that her heart was suddenly aching.

"Are you really going to leave him? His marriage with the Queen of South Vietnam is just a stopgap measure. How can he stay in South Vietnam with the pride of King An? Even if they really get married, King An will leave her to be with you. Why do you care so much about hurting others and yourself?

Qi Lang said gloomyly beside Su Ying. Even if Qilang didn't want to admit it, King An did use his sincerity to Su Ying. Qilang couldn't forget the scene of desperately saving Su Ying just now. After all, he still lost to King An.

Su Ying smiled and said, "What does it matter? I'm also tired these days and want to live some comfortable days. Let these things take its course and let's talk about it later.

Qilang also knew in his heart that once Su Ying settled on the doctrine, no matter who persuaded him, it would be better to let nature go as Su Ying said. Qilang nodded and didn't say more, so he went back with Su Ying.

Back to the Buddhist temple, Li'an woke up and was crying for Su Ying. Su Ying hugged Li'an, and Li'an was babbling, as if protesting that Su Ying had left for so long. Su Ying was originally in a gloomy mood, but she was much happier. After feeding Li'an some food, Li'an slowly fell asleep. Su Ying put Li'an in **, and the tenderness in her eyes was about to melt, but when she looked up, she was also stained with a little frost.

"Qilang, I think you have recovered some internal strength just now. Can you let Dr. Xue have a look?"

Qilang nodded and let Dr. Xue take the pulse, but Dr. Xue frowned slightly but put down his hand.

"Your pulse is very stable, and it seems that your internal strength has recovered. I thought it would take two days to recover, but I didn't expect you to recover so soon. I'm very curious, what happened to you just now, since you can break through yourself so quickly?"

Qi Lang shook his head but did not speak, but his eyes looked at Su Ying. Only Su Ying is Qilang's weakness. As long as it is for her, Qilang can do it.

Su Ying didn't seem to see the affection in Qilang's eyes and said faintly, "Qilang's health can recover, which is the best. Let's clean up and set off."

Su Ying waved to Wang Tian and said, "You want to go home. I'm afraid it will take many years to see your mother. If you want to go back and have a look, go quickly."

Wang Tian shook his head, but there was a little reluctance in his eyes. Su Ying still wanted to persuade, but she heard the sound of the monk outside the door. Su Ying took Wang Tian out and saw the monk and Wang's sister-in-law standing outside the door.

Su Ying looked at Mrs. Wang's crying red eyes, but she understood in her heart and said lightly, "Wang Tian, please get together with your mother. If you want to stay, just stay."

After saying that, Su Ying went into her room. If she had thought about Wang Tian's intention to keep him by her side, but on this day, Su Ying had already regarded him as close as her own child. As long as he wants to, Su Ying will not refuse if he wants to stay here.

If everyone wants weaknesses, Su Ying's weakness is the child. Every time she thinks of the hard-working child in her previous life, Su Ying can't help but feel pain.

Mrs. Wang cried with Wang Tian in her arms. Su Ying went into her room and took a sip of tea, and could still hear Mrs. Wang's painful voice.

Qilang couldn't help but say curiously, "I thought you liked Wang Tian very much. You took him away for his good. Now why are you willing to leave him behind?"

"I do like Wang Tian, a child, and I want him to have a good future after following him. It's just that it's dangerous for us to go out this time, and it will hurt him if we don't do well. Even if Mrs. Wang and Li Dafu can't tolerate him in Linshui Village, it is also his life. If he is reluctant to part with his mother, I will only attract his disgust if I blindly keep him. Why?

Qilang picked up the cup and took a sip. He smiled and said, "That's reasonable. Everything can only be seen by the child's creation."

Su Ying and Qilang packed up some clothes. When they went out, Wang Tian was already waiting for Su Ying with a small bag on his back.

"Sister, I'm ready. Are you going out now?"

Su Ying nodded and said nothing more. She gently touched Li'an's little face in her arms and walked out of the door. There was no entanglement along the way. Su Ying was originally worried that if she met King An, she would not help but forgive him, but King An has never appeared, and Su Ying is a little frustrated. He may not want to see him anymore.

An Wang is wholehearted to himself, but he cares too much about these details and is too afraid that he will be in the same situation as his previous life. Even if King An did nothing wrong, he betrayed himself in Su Ying's eyes, and even if King An had no choice but to do so, Su Ying did not want to forgive him. Although she is selfish, Su Ying is unwilling to change.

After a day's journey, at noon the next day, several people arrived at the ferry, but saw a white-haired King An waiting for them. King An slowly walked to Su Ying. Facing the pain in An Wang's eyes, even if it was as cold as Su Ying, he couldn't help lowering his head with a guilty heart.

The people around Su Ying stood aside knowingly, leaving only Wang and Su Ying standing aside. An Wang touched Su Ying's green silk, which was as cold as before, but when he saw Su Ying, there was no cover for the tenderness and tolerance in his eyes. I think that only Su Ying can make King An so unscrupulous in this world.

"I have bought a bed here, and I have cleaned it up. You can sit in it and go where you want to go. I have also checked that the people on the ship are all innocent. When they arrive at the place, they will be free and will not reveal your whereabouts. You can rest assured.

"Don't you stop me?"

Angwang smiled and hugged Su Ying in his arms and said, "At the beginning, I wanted you to live a better life, so I was in such a hurry to marry you, but I didn't want to bring you endless hard work. Now that my mother has left, I have nothing to worry about. I just want you to have a happy life. If I can give you a carefree life in the future, I will definitely come back to you, but I'm not sure now, so I might as well let you go.

Su Ying did not avoid King An's arms this time, but also hugged King An and said, "It's not you're not bad, it's me!" I can never forget the past. Even if I encounter a little setback emotionally, I want to hide far away. My mother has left you. I should stay by your side, but I just want to hide now.

Ang An gently rubbed Su Ying's head with his chin, which can only be brought by Su Ying.

Angwang couldn't help showing a warm smile. Su Ying is always worth my waiting for, and only you are worth waiting for me!