sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 238 Dark Room

The ambition of King Ming has long been obvious, and his desire for the throne is more persistent than anyone else. Even if he has an obsession with Su Ying, it is only because Su Ying can't get it from the Ming king. The more you can't get, the more you think about it every day. If Su Ying had followed the King of Ming early, she would have been killed by the King of Ming for a reason, just like that Lv's concubine.

"King Ming, you have already made a choice, haven't you? Between the throne and the woman, you naturally chose the throne."

The corners of Ming Wang's mouth were slightly ** and said puzzledly, "Why do you have to resist something that can be done by both? How many people want that high position but can't get it? As long as you nod, you will be the queen of a country.

Su Ying couldn't help sneering. Don't say that what Wang is saying now is just perfunctory about himself. Even if the king of the Ming can ascend to the throne in the future, with the personality of the Ming king, it is not good to use himself to appease all forces, let alone let the king of the Ming fulfill his promise. Even if there is really a chance to put Su Ying on the throne, which queen has lived a good life in the past and now?

As a queen, her husband has to share with others and behave generously. Su Ying can't ask herself. In order to balance the power of all parties, the emperor's harem must be more than a woman. Even if the emperor favors himself, he has to face a lot of pressure. Since such trouble, it's better not to dream like this at the beginning.

Su Ying didn't show her face and said faintly, "I'm afraid that the king of Ming hasn't fulfilled his wish. If he is so sure, he won't be full of doubt in his tone."

"I have the support of the Li family. When Chu Chenyang dies, I can ascend the throne."

Su Ying really couldn't help laughing. Not to mention Su Ying's words, I'm afraid he doesn't believe it. After all, the king of Ming will not believe himself. In this way, he wants to plug Su Ying, and the king of Ming himself has no confidence.

"Apart from saying how much our emperor hates you, even if he dies, I'm afraid the Li family is more like the child who wants to support the eldest prince. Today, in addition to half of the credit of the Li family, it is more about his own forbearance. In the past, the Ming king naturally reassured the Li family, but with such a scheming now, do you think Prime Minister Li will be worried that once you sit firmly on the throne, you will begin to weaken the Li family, just like the previous emperor and the current emperor?

Seeing that the king of Ming had something to think about, Su Ying continued lightly, "If it hadn't been forced by the emperor at that time, the Li family would not have made the Ming king launch a mutiny early. However, it was a good success at that time. If there was a little difference, the Li family, relying on their previous achievements, as long as they handed over their power, they could still save their lives, but the King of Ming would definitely die. Think about how dangerous it was at that time.

A little sweat appeared on the forehead of King Ming, and the winter in Kyoto was also extremely cold. Although there was a charcoal fire in the room, it was also a little cold. When King Su Ying said this, he was also suspicious. It's just that Su Ying is the concubine of King An, and the King of Ming will not believe it all.

Su Ying also knew that the King of Ming would not completely believe in herself, but Su Ying also knew that the Li family and the King of Ming, who came together because of interests, could not be unbreakable. As long as the king of Ming believes it, he will have a heart knot with the Li family. What the Li family will do in the future, the king of Ming will not believe it like that. As long as there is a flaw, the Ming King and the Li family will not have many good days.

"I also know that the Li family is making their own small calculations, but it's really easy for me to kill the eldest prince. As long as the eldest prince dies, they can only obediently obey my orders. Li Xu made a good calculation and thought that no one knew who that boy was!"

Su Ying shook her head and said, "We know that the emperor knows it more, but the emperor has kept Li Guifei and the eldest prince until now. Doesn't King Ming understand what he means? The emperor's heart knot between you and King An, except for you two, he would rather leave the throne to anyone than to you two. This is also the reason why the Li family is fearless.

King Ming glanced faintly over Su Ying's face, and his calm eyes were as calm as water, which clearly did not tolerate any impurities. In the face of such eyes, the king of Ming even doubted whether he was studying the next step with his cronies or his wife, who had always been his sworn.

"Then tell me, what can you do? Now Xiling and Nanyue are staring at each other, and the Li family may turn against me at any time. Do you want me to sit and wait for death?" Ming Wang's eyebrows and feet raised slightly, and his breath was also a little unstable. I thought he was a little anxious.

"Why does King Ming need to filter? After talking to me for a few words, he was still so ambitious just now, and now he feels that it is dangerous everywhere. This is not like you as before."

Ming Wang gently closed his eyes, his eyes were full of appreciation, and looked at Su Ying with a trace of infatuation and said, "You are different in my heart. If other women can use it, I will not hesitate to give them to others. But you are different. Your mind is better than your beauty. As long as you are willing to say what you think, you can see your Li'an. Don't you want to?

Su Ying raised her eyebrows, and there was a little hatred in her cold eyes, but she turned into endlessly forced in her smile.

"I hope you remember your promise! In fact, you have known it for a long time, but I just hope I can make you feel more at ease. We Dachu have always been xenophobic. As long as we can transfer hatred to the other two countries, when Dachu is in danger, no one will object to it?

"As you said, Chu Chenyang will not easily hand over the throne to me. With his hatred for me, he is afraid that you will fight to the death and won't let me do what I want."

"Why did King Ming have lost this self-confidence? If Dachu is in a difficult situation at home and abroad, even if the emperor does not want to, all forces will not agree. The emperor's time is running out, and the Ming king must determine the position of his crown prince as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the emperor makes another crown prince, the name of the Ming king is not right. Even if he ascends to the throne in the future, he will be criticized.

King Ming gently beat on the teacup, and his calculating eyes were also staring at the table in a daze. Su Ying knew that King Ming had been moved.

"Isn't the king of Ming worried that Xiling and Nanyue will not be easy to send? Everyone will feel that when the emperor is critically ill, their two countries will come over and be uneasy and kind. Since they have sent it to the door, why can't King Ming make good use of this opportunity? What they said about their help to King Ming is just an empty word. With the help of these two countries, you may not be able to sit firmly on the throne, but being their enemy can make people who were still watching look at the King of Ming with new eyes.

Ming Wang Jingguang flashed and made up his mind. Su Ying is right. South Vietnam is located in a remote area. The reason why she came to this muddy water is just because of the Queen of South Vietnam's heart for King An. Only Xiling is really dangerous to Chu. Even if it really offends their two countries, Xiling may not dare to fight against Dachu as long as he stabilizes Dachu.

With the turn of national strength, Chu is far above Xiling and South Vietnam! Among the current Chu family, they are the only ones who have the strength to stabilize the situation. The more fierce the matter is, the more safe Dachu is in the end. Isn't it even more obvious that he is the true son of Dachu?

Seeing that King Ming had made up his mind, Su Ying looked at King Ming with a worried face and said, "Since King Ming is satisfied with my idea, please ask King Ming to take me to see Li'an. Su Ying had nothing else to ask for, but asked Li'an to come back to me safely.

Su Ying, who has always been cold and estranged from her, is now pitifully begging herself. She only feels that she has been satisfied with Su Ying for so long. When things settle down and leave this woman by his side, no one will say anything. Even if you can't give her a reputation, put her out of the palace. Isn't it beneficial for both of them to give her real love?

Ming Wang only felt much relaxed. He wanted to reach out his hand to stroke Su Ying's face, but Su Ying subconsciously dodged. King Ming didn't care. A woman like Su Ying can't be in a hurry. Besides, it's not too late to make out with Su Ying when the poison on her body is solved. Thinking of Princess Kia, King Ming only felt that he was not interested.

"As long as you stay by my side, what do you want? You just saw that King An and Qilang can't do anything about me. I have a lot of ways to deal with them. Whether I can give you a position in the future, your position in my heart is different. Let's go, I'll take you to see Li'an..." Ming Wang said and took Su Ying's hand and walked out.

Su Ying endured the nausea. She really wanted to shake off King Ming's hand, but she also endured in order to see Li'an. King Ming took Su Ying out of the palace and came to a remote corner. Although the environment was good, because it was more remote, few people usually came. Su Ying has not entered the palace many times, and there is no image of this place.

The King of Ming walked to a rockery, patted the rockery with his back to Su Ying. The rockery slowly moved away, and an entrance appeared below. King Ming made a gesture of invitation and pulled Su Ying in.

As the two entered, King Ming clapped his hands, and the rockery closed again, but the torch inside lit up. When I first entered, the entrance seemed a little narrow, but after slowly entering, it gradually became spacious.

"King Ming is really good. It takes a lot of ability to build such a dark room in the palace. No wonder King An said that the people sent in the harem were eliminated one by one. I think it was the King of Ming.