sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 253 Finale

Wan'er's eyes were full of determination. Even if Su Ying wanted to stop it, it was too late, but Wan'er seemed to be understood and continued: "I know who the emperor is thinking. If it's someone else, Wan'er may still want to fight, but such a beautiful person, Wan'er can't compete."

"It's not that the queen can't compete, but the emperor has no eyes." Xia Zhi, who had been silently following Su Ying, opened his mouth and continued to face the emperor coldly, "The former emperor and the emperor did not take the woman beside him seriously. He will regret it until he lost it. Don't you think so?"

Seeing that the emperor did not speak, a pair of cold eyes stared straight at him. From the anger in his eyes, Xia Zhi knew that he was really angry. But what about this? Xia Zhi still smiled and said, "I have been with her all my life. She once said that if she chooses again, she will still marry the former emperor. Even if she bears the cold treatment of her husband again, she is willing."

"Nonsense!" The emperor couldn't help pulling up Xiazhi's neckline and said, "She has suffered so much, how can she be willing? If I hadn't been unable to protect her at the beginning, she wouldn't have married the emperor. Even if she married King An, she could have spent the rest of her life safely!"

She really can't stand the emperor imposing her ideas on the former queen. Su Ying said disdainfully, "My sister said that she loved the late emperor deeply, so she felt that every pain she suffered in the harem was nothing. My sister also said that she was sorry for King An and Xia Zhi, but she didn't mention you a word!"

The emperor shook off Xia Zhi and stared at Su Ying murderously and said, "You are talking nonsense! If you dare to say one more word, I will..."

Su Ying smiled disdainfully and said, "I naturally believe that the emperor will kill us. As long as you want, you can kill us now. But every word I said really came from my sister. I am my sister's favorite sister. Xia Zhi is protecting her all over her body. Even if my sister dies, Xia Zhi is willing to take care of Li'an! And what about you? In addition to fantasizing that your sister doesn't love the emperor and the king of An, what else have you done for her?

The emperor's breath began to be irritable. He knew that Su Ying's words were true, but he didn't want to believe it. He shook his head in a trance, but he couldn't say a word.

"She doesn't miss you at all. Maybe her only impression is that King An's good friend, the eldest brother of the previous emperor. What are you doing now? Hurt her relatives and her friends, is that what you did for her? Xia Zhi sighed fiercely and said, "She is such a beautiful person who is uncomfortable in the world. She left early, which is a relief for her! Please let her go, and please let go of yourself!"

The emperor's uncontrollable soft lower body was supported by a weak body. The emperor looked at the young woman in front of him, who looked so beautiful, but this woman had her own in her heart, and she could only stay in her heart.

"Don't leave, stay with me. I will treat you well." The emperor's hand stroked Wan's trembling little hand, and his eyes became clearer and clearer.

"Stay with me. I will never be confused anymore. I will use my life to compensate you. Would you please give me this opportunity?" The emperor's eyes were hot and firm. Wan'er knew that he was serious, but he only felt that his face was slightly hot and nodded shyly.

"That's great. I knew you wouldn't leave me." With unprecedented joy, the emperor hugged Wan'er tightly and never wanted to let go...

Three years later

I only heard a cry. An Wang couldn't wait to rush into the delivery room. Seeing Su Ying stretched out her arm to him weakly, An Wang held Su Ying excitedly and quickly helped Su Ying wipe away the sweat from her face with heartache.

"Thank you for your hard work, Ying, we have children!"

The second lady of the Su family in the room smiled and said, "An Wang really loves you. Without asking whether she was born a man or a woman, she knew that she felt sorry for her daughter-in-law. A Ying, you are really blessed.

When it comes to the child, Su Ying looked at the tightly wrapped child with excitement and looked forward to it. Thinking of my child in my previous life, that is, when he was born, he was found to be purple all over and suffocated and caused brain damage.

What about now? Su Ying was a little expectant and a little scared. She dreamed of her child countless times and said that she was about to return to her. Is the current child still the same as before?

Seeing Su Ying's excitement, the second lady only thought that Su Ying was a new mother. She handed over the child with a smile and said, "Come and see your two sons. This little appearance really looks like A Ying when she was a child. I didn't expect that Ying would become a mother in a blink of an eye.

When the second lady held the child over, Su Ying carefully held the child in her arms and felt the warmth of the soft little guy. Looking at the pink child like her son in her previous life, Su Ying couldn't help crying. Back, my child is back!

Su Ying carefully touched the child in her arms and finally came back. The child she had been looking forward to for so long finally returned to her side.

"A Ying, you can't cry. You have just had a baby, and it's time to take care of yourself." The second lady wanted to take over the child in Su Ying's arms to breastfeed, but Su Ying shook her head.

"I will take care of my own child. I will breastfeed him in person so that he can kiss me. I think my children also like me more. Su Ying's eyes are full of maternal love. She really can't wait to cherish the child in her arms as a unique treasure in the world. The second lady and the two mothers did not take Su Ying's words seriously. How hard it was to take care of the child. Even Li'an was helped by Xia Zhi's second brother and sister. I'm afraid that Su Ying will give the child to the wet nurse in a few days.

The second lady was an experienced person and said earnestly, "Aunuch knows that you love your son, just like when my Sicong was born, I also hugged and hugged every day, and I can't see enough. It's just that our woman still has to take care of her husband. It's so hard to take care of the children that the husband can't take care of it. Our Su family and Anwang Mansion have no concubines, so we should cherish it even more.

Su Ying forgot the sadness in her heart and said with a happy face, "After a few months of hard work, the child was weaned and ate some supplementary food. At that time, the child will be taken care of by the Mother. Naturally, I want to take advantage of this period of time to get along well with my children.

Looking at An Wang, who was teasing the child, Su Ying continued, "If you can't help it for these months, An Wang can go to a few beautiful concubines in Dona. I'll just follow my son."

The second lady didn't want Su Ying, who had always been steady, to say such a thing. Seeing that there was no displeasure on King An's face, the second husband was relieved. The second lady also wanted to tell Su Ying that she could not be so capricious to King An in the future, but King An spoiled Su Ying and seemed to be used to it.

"It's enough for me to have Ying alone. How dare I find other women? Not to mention months, even for years and decades, I am willing to wait for A Ying.

You are familiar with each other! Su Ying smiled with satisfaction, but King An seemed to be a little worried and said, "A Ying just said that it would be true to spend time with her son in the future, right? If A Ying really only likes this boy, I will find more wet nurses to take care of this boy now.

Unexpectedly, the cold King An actually said such a thing. The second lady opened her mouth wide and couldn't speak. This...

"What's this boy, this boy, he's our child." Su Ying gently patted King An and looked at the petrochemical second lady and said, "Aun aunt has worked really hard for you. You have to take care of my younger brother and come to take care of me. Li'an is very naughty, and I don't know if he will bully his younger brother.

As soon as the child of Sicong was mentioned, the second lady showed a trace of satisfaction and said, "Sicong's child is also very strange. Usually, he is the king in the Su family. He is very powerful. Zhiyun, Zhipeng and Zhiwan are not afraid to provoke him, but when they come to the royal palace, they are very honest."

Zhiyun, Zhipeng and Zhiwan mentioned by the second wife are the children of Sicheng, Siming and Sikang. In the past three years, the eldest brother and the Qin family have been very affectionated. Siming has become a daughter of the Wang family. Sikang married Jiang Qin and gave birth to these three children successively.

The Su family has always had many men and few daughters. It is really rare for a beautiful girl like Li'an. Sicong is the late son of his second uncle, and his generation is older than these three children. He has always been extremely favored in the Su family. Even if it is Sicong's fault, he is protected by everyone. However, after seeing Li'an arrogantly, Sicong fell in love with Li'an like a demon.

Sicong came home and told the second lady that he wanted to marry Li'an, but he was told by the second lady that Li'an was his eldest sister's daughter and his niece. He was Li'an's uncle, and the two could not get married. Sicong cried darkly, but felt that he couldn't marry Li'an. He couldn't resist Li'an.

Thinking of the living treasure, the second lady couldn't help stroking her forehead and said, "A Ying, have a good rest. I'll go out to see those children first, but I'm afraid those wet nurses can't control it."

Su Ying nodded and leaned against ** to rest for a while. Just looking at the child in front of her, Su Ying couldn't sleep.

"A Ying, if you don't have a good rest, I will take the child out and give it away!" An Wang's slightly angry look made Su Ying couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you still angry with your child when you are so old? Be careful that this child remembers that you bullied him when you were a child and will hate you in the future!"

"A Ying was originally my own, but now she is going to be taken away by him. Naturally, I'm not convinced." Speaking of this, King An stared at the sleeping child with dissatisfaction and said, "Why didn't Su Ying have a daughter? It's good to have a daughter like Su Ying!"