tian nu

Chapter 121 Enter the Beast Mountain

"You are also tired after a day's journey. Go to bed early, and we will enter Wanshou Mountain tomorrow. Without the people of the Beast Valley to lead the way, it is extremely dangerous to go there this time. Speaking of this, it is said that the monk told a young man that he was going to take Lu Lingfeng and others to the guest room.

"Why don't you go to rest?" Seeing that the monks and others were standing still and had no intention of going to rest, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help asking slowly.

"Today is the last night, so we must strengthen our vigilance to prevent some people from taking advantage of the in. We must take turns to watch the night!" The monk said with a wry smile.

"That's it! Then how dare I go to rest and let you watch the night?" Cheng Jian frowned and looked very dissatisfied! Tianba also stopped when he heard the words.

"You have been on your way for a day to recover your strength. It's not so safe to enter the Mountain of Beasts!" The monk said with a straight face.

"Don't argue. Tell all the brothers to come back! My god's pet nine-tailed fox is naturally sensitive to smell, so it's not a problem to watch this house. Speaking of this, Lu Lingfeng patted the fox fairy in her arms and saw a flash of white light in her arms. The fox fairy appeared on Lu Lingfeng's shoulder, with a pair of small eyes dripping at the city sword and others.

"Why did I forget Brother Lu's favorite, but the nine-tailed fox has this magic power." The monk patted his bald head, as if he woke up from a dream. At present, he played a musical note and recalled the dark whistle outside.

In the end, although most of them were called back, there were still two practitioners outside to guard them just in case. Lu Lingfeng naturally knew that although everyone believed that the nine-tailed fox had this magical power, no one had seen it, so it was understandable to take some precautions, and he did not say anything. Go to the room and meditate.

Just as Lu Lingfeng and others entered the house, they were listening to several secret whistles in the other houses.

"Are you sure that Lu Lingfeng, Chengjian, Zhen Tianba and others have arrived here?" A middle-aged man looked at the man in black below and asked.

"Master, the disciples did see the three of them walk into a room. They thought they had hidden the disciples' eyes, but they didn't know that our Tianzong had a secret eye." The man in black below bowed and replied.

"It's good that they come, as long as they enter the Beast Mountain, they will never return." The middle-aged man said fiercely with a cold light in his eyes.

"How about it, have Lu Lingfeng and others come near Wanshou Mountain?" Lin Hao looked at his subordinates kneeling on the ground and asked.

"The demon envoy, Lu Lingfeng and the other three have merged with the two monks. At this time, they are resting in a private house not far away."

"You have done a good job. When I go back to the mountain from here, there will be a reward. Humph, it's good to come. The trip to the Beast Mountain will definitely avenge the Fire and Cloud Mountain. Go down and continue to monitor. Don't act rashly now. Let's wait until you enter the Beast Mountain. Lin Hao waved his hand to the people below. The man in black robe beside Lin Hao has never opened his eyes. Lin Hao looked at this man with hatred in his eyes.

"Yes." After the person below bowed with a happy face, the room fell into darkness again. It's just that two beast-like green pupils slowly opened and looked at Lin Hao, which made Lin Hao tremble all over in the dark.

Nothing happened overnight. When the first ray of sunlight hit the window, Lu Lingfeng slowly opened her eyes. He didn't know that in just a few hours, several waves of people had been staring at them. Maybe even if he knows, he won't pay attention to these people! A whistle sounded in her mouth, and the fox fairy got in from there, shot into his shoulder and then showed her original shape. Thank you for your hard work." Lu Lingfeng patted the little head of the fox fairy with a smile and strode out of the room.

At this time, Chengjian and others came out of the living room, as well as an elderly couple. The two old people brought a bowl of hot porridge and put it on the coffee table. Lu Lingfeng was a little embarrassed when she saw that she was the last one to get up. She thought that if it hadn't been to wait for herself, these people would have left long ago.

"Let everyone wait for a long time. Lu is really sorry!" Lu Lingfeng arched his hand to apologize to everyone.

"What's wrong with Brother Lu? Come and try the porridge cooked by my aunt." While talking, the monk walked to Lu Lingfeng with a bowl of hot rice porridge and blinked a few times, as if to signal something.

Lu Lingfeng will know that everyone has already opened the valley. Even if most of them are Shenliquan cultivation, but it's okay if they don't eat in the coming month. However, the two old men who have entered the flower armor prepared breakfast for a group of people before dawn, which is difficult to be kind. Lu Lingfeng nodded with a smile and took over the rice porridge in the hand of the monk.

After some breakfast, everyone saw that the time was about the same, and it was time to set out. At present, the monk took out hundreds of taels of gold and gave it to the homeowner. I never thought that the two old men would not want it, but in turn took out a few bags of dry food and gave it to several people. This made several people laugh and cry. Finally, the dry food was taken, and the two old men of gold didn't want to die. In the end, there was no choice but to sneak into the room of the two old men and secretly put the gold in their wardrobe before leaving.

The small village is only ten miles away from Wanshou Mountain, which is not far away. In a moment, it came to Wanshou Mountain. Looking at the black foggy mountains from afar, everyone couldn't help but feel a cool air. I haven't seen it clearly at night. I didn't expect Wan Beast Mountain to be like this, as if there were really ten thousand beasts breaking cages.

At this time, there were many practitioners standing at the foot of Wan Beast Mountain. When Lu Lingfeng and others arrived at this time, Wan Beast Mountain had not completely broken the ban. In front of the crowd, there are dozens of seniors from the Three Kingdoms. When the ban is the weakest, they join hands to break the ban.

Lu Lingfeng and others did not go down, but stood in the distance and looked at these people. It is also waiting for the beast mountain to break the ban.

"I think we should not only guard against monsters, but also against these villains when we enter the Mountain of Beasts this time." The city sword looked around for a week and preached to the crowd.

"When we enter the Beast Mountain, we are scattered at the beginning, and we will not necessarily come together. Therefore, after entering Wanshou Mountain, you must follow the map I gave you before and come together as soon as possible, so that you can also take care of what happens. The monk nodded and said. Obviously, they have planned along the way.

"I will write down the terrain of Wan Beast Mountain. Those mysterious areas, before people completely converge, it is recommended that you do not act privately. Lu Lingfeng said with a deep voice.

"This is natural." The group nodded.

"This is very similar to the Tiangong map, but most of the high-level warcrafts in this beast mountain. After we enter, don't stay and go straight to the confluence point. If there is anything, we will discuss it when we meet together. Lu Lingfeng lowered his head and secretly sent a voice to Chengjian and Zhen Tianba.

The two did not answer, but looked at the crowd in the distance and nodded.

Finally at noon, dozens of old men shouted a few times, and the practitioners who were relatively close to them retreated quickly.

"These prohibitions were set by the predecessors of the Dongming mainland to prevent warcraft from coming out of the mountain of beasts and endanger the mainland. Every hundred years, today is the weakest time to ban, and it is also the time to nourish the warcraft in the mountains of beasts. Therefore, it is suitable to enter now. The monk muttered to himself.

At this time, dozens of old people stood in a row. Shouting together, shooting out a colorful beam of light and shooting into the mountain. The seemingly empty black fog suddenly rippled.

"Sure enough, there is a prohibition." Everyone cheered.

It is obviously not the first time for dozens of old people to cooperate, and the continuous input is prohibited. Suddenly, dozens of people sang a series of curses in unison. The beam of light suddenly stopped. It is forbidden to break like a porcelain bottle.

The elder wiped the sweat from his forehead and said loudly, "Dear Taoist friends, now it is forbidden to break the mountain of beasts. You only need to put the beast order in your hands to enter the mountain of beasts. Some Taoist friends don't want fish eyes and pearls. If there is no beast mountain order, after all, it is forbidden to be eaten. Don't joke about life. With that, the old man took a group of people and made way.

As soon as the old man walked away, a bearded man stepped forward, arched his hand at dozens of old men, took out a black token, and then shot into the mountain of beasts.

Then there was a middle-aged man who rushed to the Beast Mountain without even greeting several old men. The man's figure was submerged as soon as it touched the black fog. But then there was a sad scream, and a broken arm flew out of the black fog and hit the crowd. The leading old man's eyes and hands were fast, and a finger force hit the broken arm, and the broken arm exploded into pieces.

The person who was going to go in was shocked. The people in front of him are even more afraid to take half a step forward.

Seeing this, the old man coughed twice and said, "Just now, that Taoist friend was crushed without a beast order. As long as there are Taoist friends with thousands of beasts, there is no need to worry about threats. Of course, it's your own business." After the old man finished speaking, he stood and stopped talking.

Although the old man said so, no one moved, and a cold voice sounded after half a sound. Humph, there are no bold bandits." But the man in black with Lin Hao came over with a demon general, and he was the first to rush in. Lin Hao and others looked at each other and rushed in.

After half axiang, everyone saw that several people really went in, and then someone dared to enter with the Beast Order. In the crowd, many practitioners came out, all of whom showed regret. Obviously, these people did not have a beast order in their hands and did not dare to joke about their lives.

Looking at a wave of people entering, but did not see the figure of Lu Beibei and Xue'er, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but feel frustrated. When he saw the city sword, he also looked left and right. Obviously, he also did not see the shadow of Princess Huixin.

The two sighed in their hearts and finally took everyone to the entrance of Wan Beast Mountain.

By now, a large number of practitioners have almost gone in. Only hundreds of people around the periphery watched others go in eagerly. They thought that these people did not have a beast order in their hands, but they did not dare to joke about their lives. Looking at the number of Lu Lingfeng and his party, several people in the distance showed a greedy look.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll be a little late." The city sword arched his hand to dozens of old men.

(If you like the angry book, don't forget to collect this book.)