Natural dull young master

Chapter 6 Farce 2

The stars are bright everywhere, depending on whether you look up at them.

Under the cool breeze, the sound of insects and leaves shouting correspondingly, and the noise and bustle in the distance seems to be far away from me, leaving only the silence of this moment. Leaning against the lotus pond rock, I looked dazzlingly at the vast stars and suddenly remembered the line of the movie Glass Bottle.

It's very ordinary, but meaningful and memorable words. However, if there is a beer, barbecue, and a few good friends now, life will be complete. As if I was experiencing such a scene, I squeaked my lips unladyly.

After a while, I stopped thinking in frustration and touched my flat stomach. It's like feeling your own thoughts, and your stomach makes a "goo~" sound to face...

I'm not embarrassed at all. People are iron and rice is steel. I have known this truth for a long time. Do you have to deliberately cover up this fact when you are hungry? That's too hypocritical. What's the point of living? However, now is not the time to worry about whether you are thick-skinned or not. You have to find something to eat quickly.

Take action and stand up. Look left and right. There are two ways. Which one is going in the direction of the kitchen? I remember that I am from... Walking back and forth unconsciously, okay, I'm lost... I forgot that I'm a road blind~ It took me more than half an hour to come to this lotus pond. Oh, my God, you don't have to punish me like this~

I really don't know which way leads to the kitchen, so I have to lean back on the rockery to save my strength and wait for passers-by to guide me to the kitchen.

It's the group of old witches, crying like crazy. Is it better than your sister's? Is it possible to get a first, second and third prize? There is no man. What's the use of crying so beautifully? Will anyone pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? Dumb: However, young master, am I not a man.....)

In his heart, he severely applied the "Ten Tortures of the Qing Dynasty" to them, and beat the rockery behind them with hatred, and then calmed down a little.

In order not to make myself feel more hungry, I looked up at the starry sky again. As the old saying goes: Looking at the plum to quench thirst. Now it is dark around, and only the stars above my head emit soft light. Obviously, the stars can't stop my hunger. I sighed deeply, like this, to spit out the depression just now.

Forget it, let's take a break, put a not uncomfortable pose, close your eyes and start to rest.

After squinting for a while, I felt less hungry. The breeze brushed my face, and I couldn't help stretching my waist comfortably. Looking at the surrounding environment, I couldn't help sighing: the ancient environment was good, and it was really suitable for retirement.

Stars, breeze, free bug symphony and the fragrance of the yard. Oh, my God, is there any more comfortable life than this? I won't change it if you give me a million~ Of course, the premise is that I want to drink and eat enough...

In such a bad situation, I can't help thinking of Dumb. I don't know what he is doing now? Are you eating? Have you been bullied? Did that stupid look scare people...

I'm becoming more and more like an old mother~

Shake your head and stop thinking about these messy things. At least it's a big day. Just think of it as a holiday for me. Thinking about the past three years, I haven't officially taken a break. I "go to work" 365 days a year. I can't help praising myself fiercely.

But why hasn't anyone come yet?!!! Is there any reason? Don't those waitresses need to work hard? It's really abominable. Don't they know how to follow the "slave code"? Moreover, how did Ms. Xia manage the house? She just praised her. She really gave her sunshine. She gave her some color and opened the dyeing room.

`╲βαbゾ. &....

I scolded them secretly in my heart, and my heart was very comfortable, but my stomach was more empty and I wanted to cry without tears~

I really don't have the strength to complain, so I look at these two roads and wait for the "salvation" of others.

However, I haven't been secretly sad for long, because someone came, and it seems to be two people, and they are...

"Ah, little Jiaojiao, my sweetheart, come on, give me a fragrant one. I haven't seen you for so long, and I miss you so much." A man's voice.

"Damn it, Brother Huai, don't be in such a hurry. When the servants come, you want me to have any face to live." A woman is coy.

"I haven't seen you for so long. My little Xiangxiang, just let me kiss my brother. Don't worry, no one will find out~" A man was very anxious.

Then, the following is a scene that is not suitable for children, which is automatically blocked~

My first impression when I heard this sound:

"Wow, there is JQ!"

Second impression:

"Damn, hand-to-hand combat, people are very shy, don't be so open!!" Someone stared at this once-in-a-century "live broadcast" without any shyness.

So, there was a scene: two people by the pool were doing "piston movement", and I, standing behind the rockery, muttered in my heart from time to time, some of the movements I saw in the movie, comparing with each other.

"Wow, this action is really too powerful to show that he is so thin that he can still hold that woman. That woman is obviously very plump..."

"Oh, my God, he has maintained this action for three minutes. Why hasn't he changed the action? Aren't you tired?"

"Damn, do you need to shout so loudly? I'm not afraid to teach bad children on the roadside. It's really shameful..."

In this way, the two parties did a good job, and I, a bystander, also watched it very well~

Just as I was watching, suddenly, a man nodded on my shoulder.

"Don't bother me, go away~" I shook my shoulders impatiently.

The person behind didn't give up and clicked a few more times.

Damn it! It's endless. I didn't see what I was looking at. I have never seen such an ignorant person.

I was angry and turned around angrily, trying to teach the person behind me a lesson so that he could know that my aunt was not so easy to bully!

As soon as I turned around and saw the man's face, my anger quickly fell with the momentum of destruction, leaving nothing left.

“.... Dumb, why are you here?" I looked at him with a dry smile and said with a guilty heart.

In the dark, Dumb did not reply, but looked straight at me with something in his eyes that I couldn't distinguish.

Under the dull eyes, the lower my head is, the more I feel that there is no escape. If there is a crack in the ground, I will get in immediately without saying a word. Ah Dumb's eyes are really oppressive. And the two people who were moving next to them shouted more and more quickly and loudly.

My ears and face are getting hot. With my head down, I didn't notice that A Dumb's eyes were getting heavier and heavier, as if a fire was burning.

Can't these two adulterous wives be quiet? I couldn't help but say.

Just as I stood uneasily and the two people next to me seemed to be about to release, A Dai suddenly stretched out his left hand and pulled me to his chest.

I was stunned. My body leaned stiffly against the dull and strong chest. My nose was full of the refreshing smell of his body, but my mind was blank. I didn't know what was going on.

In this situation, it was not until the two people finished their movements and began to put on their clothes that I came to my senses, quickly pushed Dumb away, and stood aside with a hot face.

The awkward atmosphere spread between me and Dumb.

What a shame! I reached out and touched my hot cheek and tried to lower the temperature on my face with my hand, but my eyes couldn't help drifting away to the dull.

Dumb only stood quietly not far from me without any movement, because the night was too dark to see his expression clearly. I think it's still that stupid look. Compare my panicked appearance, well, I'm too unprepared. Even the ancient man didn't feel anything. I'm afraid of a ball!

I despised myself fiercely and calmed down. Sure enough, I owed to scold... Embarrassing!

After the two people over there got dressed, they were tired of it again, and the two began to talk about some non-nutritious topics. It's nothing more than a woman who wants a man to marry her. After all, raw rice is cooked. If a man doesn't marry her, she can only jump into the river and commit suicide. The man named Brother Huai was so sweet that he coaxed the woman who was pretending to be careful.

I feel very boring. The meat drama is over, and the emotional drama continues. Sure enough, the adultery at home and abroad is the same thing. But, if you can't go out and expose your identity, what should you do if you are killed? I haven't lived enough yet. I can only stay behind the rockery, hoping that they can get rid of it quickly.

A stood quietly aside, looking at my boring but helpless appearance, and his smile couldn't stop coming out of his dull face. He looked at me gently and spoiledly, but unfortunately, as the person involved, I didn't know.

The two people who were tired of being crooked sat aside intimately and talking. From the little things outside the house to some things in the house.

I rolled my eyes and held my two best friends to play lilies? Why is the man so ink? Can you hurry up? I still have to eat!! Really, draw a circle to curse you two...

The topic of the two of them gradually turned to the old lady's birthday party. Originally, I was suppressing my anger. Hearing their content turn to the news I was about to ask, I immediately pricked up my ears and listened to their conversation.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for them to talk about Dumb.

"Brother Huai, your eldest brother's name should be Lin Zhendi."

"Yes, what's the matter? Do you like him?" Brother Huai sat aside lazily and said jokingly.

"Damn it, they are all your people. It's just funny to look at his dull look. Just ask you. If you say such a thing again in the future, I will ignore you." A woman's voice was a little choked.

"Okay, I won't say anything again. Look at my crow's mouth. Come and hit me to calm down your anger. Don't be angry!" Brother Huai strangely took the woman's hand and gently brushed her face.

Obviously, Brother Huai's style made women very useful and smiled again. The two talked back to Ah Dumb again.

"Why does this old lady want to ask him to attend the banquet? I heard that he is unfavored. A woman raised the question in my heart at the right time. I nodded vigorously secretly, looking forward to the answer of Brother Huai.

"Speaking of this makes people laugh. A few days ago, the old lady dreamed of my eldest brother's mother. She was shocked and invited the master of Lingguang Temple to do a magic work. The master said that she needed to celebrate her birthday and asked a person with the closest blood to help suppress it. The old lady also made up her mind. It was her birthday these days, so she called my eldest brother to attend the birthday banquet. Brother Huai said with some disdain.

"Ah, what's going on? So that's it. No wonder the old lady made a lot of love in front of us and thought she was going to spoil him again. It seems that the old lady in this house still favors you the most. A woman tried her best to stick gold on Brother Huai's face, and the two of them had a good meal again, but I didn't have the heart to listen to it anymore.

I felt a slight pain in my heart, as if I had two hands, strangled me, and I couldn't breathe well.

I didn't expect that this was the reason. Dumb turned out to be regarded as a "town house" by them. It's so abominable!

I looked up at A Dai and couldn't help holding A Dai's hand. It seemed that only in this way could I support him with greater strength.

A Dumb was a little scared, but he let me pull it back and returned a smile that I had never seen before.

A slight smile is very charming.

This sentence came to my mind.