Natural dull young master

Chapter 16 Pavilion's "Passion"

We were taken to a pavilion by the housekeeper, but we passed by a beautiful garden.

A cluster of red as red as fire; elegant peonies; elegant and noble orchids; snake-eyed chrysanthemums as brilliant as the sun.

When you see such a dazzling blooming flower, it gives people a relaxed and comfortable feeling from their hearts.

Occasionally, you can see flying butterflies playing freely among the flowers.

It's really a good scenery.

I can't help admiring.

No one can refuse to appreciate beautiful things.

Lin Zhenhuai also put down his worries here and returned to his romantic talent. At this moment, he was laughing next to a beautiful maid, completely ignoring the feelings of the people present.

I looked at him puzzledly. Is it that stupid and I don't have a sense of existence? Although he performed a "Spring Palace hand-to-hand fight" for me last time, A Dai and I are still a very pure teenager, okay? How many scruples~

However, Lin Zhenhuai ignored what we ignored very thoroughly. He was not satisfied with verbal flirtation and began to move his hands and feet. The little girl who was teased looked at me and me with charming eyes. He said something like "Second Young Master, don't want it", but he leaned up.

I automatically translated her actions into: "You two, why don't you two go quickly? Didn't you see me seducing the rich and handsome? It's really annoying!"

Sure enough, a slap can't make a sound!

I tried to reduce my sense of existence, and Dumb itself is like a piece of wood. They won't pay attention to him. It seems that my cultivation is not enough.

However, the imagination is too beautiful, and they will not let go of me who works so hard.

The maidservant in Lin Zhenhuai's arms has been unwilling to comply, and the anger in his heart came up. Originally, when Master Mo vaguely mentioned that he was more in a fancy, at that moment, he felt that the sky had collapsed and it was dark.

If Mo Shaolian's boudoir had not been entered by a flower picker, he would not say anything and asked to marry Mo Shaolian. Which man hasn't thought about Mo Shaolian? In private, he also discussed with his friends whether Mo Shaolian had been tricked by flower pickers, but there were different opinions.

However, no matter whether Mo Shaolian is successful or not, her boudoir has stinked. It is also blamed that Mo Shaolian is too famous. A little bad influence has also magnified countless times under the wanton rendering.

Therefore, no matter how romantic he is, it is definitely impossible for him to marry such a bad woman. Before you get married, you will be put on a green hat. If you put it on anyone, you will be depressed.

He now regrets following up. Originally, his mother told him that Master Lin was helping his eldest brother marry Mo Shaolian. He stayed in the house boring and wondered how bad the "first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River" was. His heart was itchy, so he followed him. How could he know that he was looked at by Master Mo? If he knew it, he would not have kept up if he killed him. Come here.

Unfortunate, there is no regret medicine to sell in the world. I can only pin my hope on my father to dispel Master Mo's idea.

Strongly suppressed his heart, Lin Zhenhuai said in a hoarse voice, "Baby, what's going on?"

The maidservant's charming eyes flowed, put her hand against Lin Zhenhuai's chest, circled, bit her seductive red lips, looked at me and A Dai, and quickly shrank back.

Everything goes without saying.

My fingers twitched uncontrollably. I guessed what he was going to say later.

Sure enough, Lin Zhenhuai looked at me and A Dai along the maidservant's eyes, frowned and said unhappily:

"Brother, can you and your fool go to other places in the garden?"

The meaning is unclear: you two are here, and my baby can't let go. Didn't you look at the uncle? I'm in a bad mood today. Am I about to get angry?

A Dai looked stunned, nodded obediently, got up and walked out with a rigid look.

I also followed the idiot, walked to Lin Zhenhuai's side, and glanced at him without a trace. In fact, I really wanted to rush to him and shout: You are a fool, your whole family is a fool! Oh, I even scolded Dumb. Please forgive me for losing my control.

But I can't, because I'm a dumb maidservant...

He walked out straight with breath, crossed the dumb, walked straight ahead, and said in his mouth:

"Damn, you are really a sex demon. Haven't you seen a beautiful woman for hundreds of years? It doesn't matter if Ah and I are present. We have put up with all this. We still have to drive us away. What's the way? Didn't you notice that the two of us are like wood..."

"Well, even if you are a devil, can you choose a better place? For example, such as the grass, the flowers, how emotional it is. You have to rush to the pavilion. In public, you are not afraid to teach bad children in public. It's really abominable!"


I complained randomly and felt much more comfortable. When I was idle, I found that there was something wrong and my feet were sour. I was about to take a break and discuss things with Dumb. I turned around and looked, ah, where's Dumb.

There is an empty piece behind, no one, only withered petals and leaves.

I "clucked" in my heart: "Is it possible that I'm lost again?"

Look left and right.

The left side is purple and red, and the right side is also purple and red. Looking back, the straight passage, I don't know where it is going.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I didn't get lost. As long as I followed this passage, I could get to the pavilion.

He was about to lift his foot and thought in a blink of an eye. No, Lin Zhenhuai was about to carry out his "animal walk". If he rushed there now, wouldn't he hit the muzzle of the gun? In particular, if he suddenly sees me, will he be so soft that he will not move for the rest of his life?

No, no, no, no, if he doesn't lift it, then I will become a sinner for thousands of years. I was righteous and righteous all my life to go under the big tree beside me to enjoy the cool, and gave up the idea of returning to the pavilion now. Of course, I won't tell you that I'm afraid that I'm a little maid and can't stand the revenge after disturbing Lin Zhenhuai's "sexual"...

Leaning against the shade of the trees, the cool wind blows through the cheeks, mixed with the smell of flowers, which is very pleasant. However, he secretly blamed himself for Dumb and left without saying hello to me, so that I could only stay here.

Gradually, my mind became confused, and the moment my eyelids were pulled into the darkness, what crossed my mind was: "This wind is really comfortable!"

God proved that if I knew that I would miss so many wonderful things, I would definitely stay awake instead of sleeping in the shade of trees!