Natural dull young master

Chapter 35 Evil Reappearance 2

A dagger with a chill is lying on my neck!

My stiff body was motionless, but my eyes were aiming at the dagger on my neck. I felt that this dagger and this scene had appeared in my mind, but I didn't know when.

I racked my brain to think about where this familiarity came from. I didn't find that the eyes of the person who held me flashed a trace of interest, which was mixed with tolerant pain.

This little fox is still the same. He has been coerced, and his eyes are not honest and keeps turning.

Suddenly, he teased me and came to my ear, "eat" and laughed:

What are you thinking about? Tell me."

The hot breath crossed my ear, and a crisp feeling rose. Unconsciously, my ears trembled and subconsciously said:

"Why do you think this scene is familiar? Do we know each other?"

After saying that, I flashed and suddenly remembered what happened a month ago.

At that time, it was the same. I was held hostage by a demon man, and the voice was so similar...

My body became more stiff. I carefully turned my head and said with a dry smile:

"What a coincidence. It's really predestined to meet you again today!"

As he spoke, his hand carefully reached out to the cuff and wanted to get the small bag of powder placed in the cuff. Although it was "itch powder", as long as he found the opportunity to sprinkle the powder on his eyes, he should be able to escape his magic scratch smoothly.

In fact, I'm not confident that I can sprinkle the powder in his eyes. The last time I was able to successfully escape was because the evil man was seriously injured, and there was also the reason why he underestimated me. This time, there are too many uncertain factors. I guess he is not so unlucky. Every time he kidnapped me, I was injured, and I don't occupy the right place and people. You can only find a good time to try it.

However, I didn't expect him to remember me, an unknown pawn. Sure enough, I was a man with a small belly and a vengeful man. I couldn't help curling my lips and thinking disdainfully.

The evil man was amused by my words. I really didn't expect that I had such a living treasure. There was a trace of charm at the corners of his mouth and said in a muffled voice:

"Yes, we are really predestined!"

After saying that, I put the back of the dagger on my face and straightened my face.

I was shocked by his action and immediately put down my secret moving hand. I took the initiative to turn around and dared not do anything.

"Don't do anything casually, otherwise, it won't be fun if I make a mistake and cut a blood mark on your delicate neck." The evil man was very satisfied with my knowledge. He looked at me standing like a puppet. My delicate neck was delicate and white. Under the light, he became more and more smooth. He stretched out his hand without a knife, involuntarily rubbed my delicate skin with his thumb, and smiled;

"If you think your neck can match my sharp dagger, you can try it."

Originally, I was shocked by his sudden move. I really didn't expect him to flirt with me, and then his words made me extremely depressed.

I am a fish.

I had a deep sense of powerlessness that I didn't even want to roll my eyes, and I didn't know what to say.

Tell me, just take me hostage. Why do you want to flirt with me? Can my little bud's body get into your eyes? Oh, don't fall into my hands, or you will have a good-looking one.

With constant thoughts in my heart, I almost greeted the evil man's whole family.

The evil man rubbed my delicate neck for a while, snorted, and his eyes flashed with a trace of pain, but was quickly suppressed by him. And I didn't notice this small detail of him at all.

The evil man loosened his hand rubbing my neck. Just as I breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly said:

"Last night, that performance was really wonderful, but I went around and never heard such a song..." The evil man paused, as if he was thinking about how to phrase it. After a while, he said:

"I have never heard a word so easy to understand, and the melody is also catchy. I don't know which master wrote it?"

After saying that, he looked at me quietly, actually distanced himself from me and pressed his hand on the injured chest, as if it could relieve a little pain on his body.

Damn, if it weren't for that woman, I wouldn't have been so seriously injured!

The evil man was very depressed when he thought of the fierce fight last night. Originally, when he saw Lin Zhenhuai staying alone in the room, he broke into Lin Zhenhuai's room and wanted to teach Lin Zhenhuai a lesson, but unexpectedly met a man wearing a mask, and Lin Zhenhuai was already unconscious. When the masked man saw him appear, he rushed up without saying a word to restrain him, and then the two fought inexplicably.

However, he fought. Anyway, he was also idle and was about to find someone to loosen his shoulders, and the masked man's martial arts skills were so high. The two fought evenly. However, unexpectedly, just as he was fighting, the thirteenth girl rushed up. The original balance state was in the addition of the thirteenth girl. Entering, it was broken in an instant. Although the skill of the thirteenth girl was not much better, the two attacks also made the evil man retreat and powerless to fight at all. What's more, when he was in a hurry, he was stabbed in the chest by the masked man with a sword. If he hadn't kept the bottom card on his body, it was estimated that this life would have stayed in Yihongyuan.

When I recover from my injury, I will come to you to settle this account!

A haze flashed in the evil man's eyes and thought viciously.

At this time, I was uneasy about the problem of the evil man. Did the evil man notice me last night?

No, during the performance, I was hit with a thick layer of rouge by those maidservants, and I couldn't even recognize it myself. How did this evil man recognize it? Is it possible that I have any other characteristics?

I was about to check it before I noticed the sharp chilling dagger on my neck.

Well, let's wait for the opportunity to check it by yourself.

But what does he mean? Did you find something through this song? Or is it just a casual question?

I couldn't distinguish the evil man for a moment, and my expression was unpredictable.

It's better to fool me first. When I was calm, I slowly exhaled a turbid breath and said inadvertently;

"This is what I heard a beggar sing in my hometown before I entered the house. I thought it was pleasant to hear, so I learned it."

The evil man didn't care. At first, he just wanted to delay some time, and he was a little curious, so he asked. However, the blood on his chest seemed to flow more and more, and his eyes were in a trance. Even the dagger in his hand began to tremble and bit his lips heavily. , the bitten lips made blood, and the evil man licked his dry mouth with his tongue. There was a faint salty smell in his mouth, but it also made his confused consciousness appear briefly clear.

In order not to be found injured by him, the evil man suppressed the feeling of dizziness and said in a muffled voice:

"Oh, that's how it is."

I feel a little strange, because listening to the voice of the evil man, it seems to be mixed with tolerant pain. I don't know if it's my hallucination.

When I was about to test him, the evil man suddenly put a dagger on my face and said indifferently:

"It's better not to challenge my bottom line."

I am very sensive to keep the zombie movements.

Gradually, he didn't know what to do. The dagger on my neck went up and down. Seeing that, I was panicked and even a dense sweat appeared on my forehead.

Oh, my God, you don't have to do this to me. It's not easy to live once, but now it's still gives me a thrilling "good play" every now. Moreover, this protagonist is still me. Do you want to live so hard?

I want to cry without tears. It's simply a history of travel through bitterness!

My eyes went up and down with his dagger, and I said in a trembling voice:

"Hey, can you take this dagger? My neck can't resist your sharp dagger."

Subconsciously, my body leaned against the evil man, as if I could try to distance myself from this shaking dagger.

When the evil man heard what I said, he raised a wry smile at the corners of his mouth and thought to himself:

"If only I could hold this dagger, I guess it will fall into this girl's hand again."

Thinking like this, my mind became chaotic and my eyes were in a trance. The dagger in his hand is also getting more and more unstable.

I looked at his shaking dagger and quickly took another step back. However, when he retreated, his foot accidentally stepped on the feet of the evil man. The evil man was hurt by my foot. The pain immediately restored his eyes from a trance to a brief wake-up. Taking advantage of this gap, he opened the distance between the dagger and my neck, and suddenly took out a pill and stuffed it into my mouth.

In a panic, I didn't expect him to suddenly take action and subconsciously swallow the pills stuffed by the evil man into my mouth.

When I swallowed the pill, the evil man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and could no longer support it. He fell to the ground and fell into darkness. Before falling into darkness, he muttered:

"This is a poison, don't..."


I came to my senses, blinked my eyes, and looked at the evil man who fell aside strangely.

What's the situation? I haven't done it yet. Why did he go into a coma?

I pinched my chin with my hand. I thought to myself and remembered the pain in his tone just now. I squatted down and touched him.

When I touched my chest, I got a sticky damp feeling. When I picked up my hand and looked at it, I couldn't help but feel dizzy.

A hand of bright red blood.

I gasped on the wall, with a wry smile on the corners of my mouth.

It seems that I have to be a good person today.

He held his forehead sadly and shot at the evil man with a pale face lying on the ground with resentful eyes.

You don't forget to harm me before you faint. Why don't you die for me?

With a depressed face, I stood in the yard and struggled for a while. I reluctantly carried him and walked to my room.