Natural dull young master

Chapter 50 Remation!

Mo Si took a deep breath and waved his hand under the solemn and nervous eyes of our group.


Sensus, two people raised the table in the room and blocked it in front of them. A beautiful maidservant near the door gave a wink to the people beside them, signaling them to stand a little behind.

When she and the two people holding the table as shields were left in front of the door, she took a deep breath and opened the door with lightning speed.

With a "sw" sound, an arrow arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, stuck on the table and trembled. It's like laughing at our group of people.

Before I could respond, several arrows appeared, shooting intensively on the table, and some lost their heads, but they could wipe the side of two people on the table.

I was stimulated by this scene and my scalp was numb.

If you rush out directly, you will definitely be used as a target and shot into a hedgehog. Fortunately, Mo Si has arranged all this.

consciously, I raised my head and looked at Mo Si. I saw him frowning and looking at the situation in front of me. There was a trace of solemnity in his expression. However, he still gave orders in an orderly manner and did not feel decadent because of the scene in front of him.

I was relieved to see him like this.

Although I know that under such circumstances, the hope of survival is relatively slim, when I see Mo Si's calm appearance, I feel like a support point in my heart that my belief in survival will not collapse.

I was relieved and continued to be caught by the situation in front of me. After all, at the time of life and death, there was not so much time for me to sigh so much. We should also be prepared to seize the opportunity and strive for a front-line opportunity for this slim life.

I believe that opportunities always favor those who are prepared. Moreover, if so much preparation is made and my life will be buried here, I can only say that my life should be like this, and there is nothing to complain about.

So, I stared nervously at the situation in front of me, waiting for a moment to rush out directly.

"Drink!" The two held the table as a shield and rushed forward fearlessly in the impact of the rain of arrows.

At this time, the arrow rain is also getting denser and denser. Many arrows not only brushed the two people, but also had arrow feathers in their thighs covered by the table, flowing bright red blood.

The two just snorted, gritted their teeth and walked forward step by step. Standing two steps away from the door, the rain of arrows gradually became loose from the previous dense.

Good time!

The other group of people previously arranged did not wait for Mo Si's gesture and seized this opportunity to take out the pocket* that they often brought with them from the cuffs. Tie it to your arm and gently touch it with your feet. Take the two people holding the table to block the arrows as a shield, tilt your head slightly to the side, and press your hand on the *string.


A pocket arrow popped from the string and flew to the shooting point at a very fast speed.


A faint muffled hum came out, and several of the other party fell down. As a result, the intensity of archery was reduced a lot.

After shooting the arrow, two people suddenly retreated. The other people leaned against the two people who still insisted on supporting the table. They changed their hands with a sharp head, surrounded by iron claws, and there was a tough wire at the bottom, aiming and pulling the trigger.


Because of the burning corner of the house, it was easy to be embedded by this thing. I pulled the wire wrapped around a small iron barrel and found that the embedding was very deep. After that there was no problem, I quickly pulled the two people who helped them in front of the dense rain of arrows and quickly ran to the room.

As soon as he entered the room, someone came forward and closed the door, pulled out the two arrows shot into the leg, and quickly applied the prepared golden sore medicine.

This set of * actions is full of clouds and flowing water, without a trace of mud and water. It is only completed in half a cup of tea time, which can be called a race against time.

Seeing this, I can't help sighing that the quality and equipment of Mo Xian's group of people are complete. All the equipment can be held in one hand, and it doesn't take up much space on his body. Even the power of the equipment has not been reduced much. I have to say that the weapons of the world have been improved.

However, what makes me wonder is why they do this? Do you want to forcibly open the eaves?

I frowned and covered my nose with my hand to avoid the increasingly choking smell of smoke. I stared at the people who entered the room and were ready to move.

As I expected, Mo Si saw that these people seemed to have completed the task easily, and the depression between their eyebrows dissipated a lot. He raised his eyebrows and hurriedly pointed to several stronger men and said:

"Go up and pull the wire bucket!"

There is a little urgency in words.

There's nothing we can do. The fire spreads too fast. Because the room is relatively small and there is no ventilation, the only ventilated door and window dare not be opened. Once opened, it can only be used as a live target for enemy shooting. Therefore, the smell of smoke in the room is getting stronger and stronger and the temperature is getting higher and higher, so we can only be busy according to the previous setting. , forcibly open an opening.

Otherwise, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for them.

The strong men who were named hurried forward and pulled the barrel. Under the command of Mo Si, they pulled back with the strength of breastfeeding.

I waved the choking smoke, shed tears, and looked at their movements. Although I don't know what Mo Si is going to do in the end, I can only hope on them now.


It's just that the smoke is too big.

When I was wet with tears, my eyes were hazy, so I had to wipe the tears shed by the choking nose of smoke with my hand, a little worried.

When I wiped my tears, a wisp of long hair fell down on my forehead, which was very uncomfortable. I quickly brushed the strand of hair with my hand. Only then did I find that there seemed to be a wet cloth wrapped around my head.

Only then did I remember that I was afraid that the roof above my head would burn too fast, and some sparks or collapsed pieces of fire fell on my head, causing my hair to burn, and then I was wrapped in a layer of cloth wet with water. In order to prevent that from happening.

Sure enough, no matter what the situation is, a woman will subconsciously take maintaining beauty as the first goal, even if this woman is so ordinary.

I sighed gently, and I was also ashamed to be careful about myself.

I have always cherished my life so much. In such a sinister environment, the first element I consider is not life, but the beauty that can't be eaten or drunk.

It seems that the comfortable life over the years has almost made my sense of crisis disappear. It really echoed that sentence:

Bearing and dying in peace!

He secretly despised and scolded himself, but his hands did not stop. He quickly took off the wet cloth wrapped around his head and covered his nose with his hands.

It's so comfortable!

After covering my nose with a wet cloth, my breathing became smooth, and the thick fog that had just been blurred became clear and enlightened in front of my eyes.

I didn't waste time on other things, and my eyes were eagerly looking for Mo Si's figure. At a glance, Mo Si was standing beside the group of strong people, as if he were saying something.

Just as I wanted to get close to Mo Si, the roof seemed to shake, accompanied by the falling of rickewood and sporadic sparks.

I was shocked and subconsciously stood beside Mo Si with my legs. It seemed that I could get safety.

Mo Si ignored me, squeezed his mouth, looked at the strong men with a solemn expression, waved his hand down hard, did the action of chopping, and said in a low voice:


After hearing this, the men suddenly became full of energy, pulled the thread barrel and pulled it back hard. Due to the force, the blue veins of their arms appeared and bulged their powerful muscles.

At this time, the roof is even more shattering with wood chips and Mars, scattered on our group of people, and the sound of tearing can be heard from time to time.

Mo Si didn't even blink his eyes, but continued:


In this round with Mo Si and the group of strong men, the eaves above his head made a harsh sound of harsh eardrums and slowly slipped to the side.


Suppressing the dark and thick fog of the eaves in the house slipped, and suddenly I felt that the air in the room was much fresher.

Finally, I was relieved!