Natural dull young master

Chapter 64 End 1

"The water is gone, go and put out the fire!"

A hoarse and fing voice came into the room.

My heart suddenly tightened, and my head subconsciously turned away and looked at the window behind me.

In the distance, black smoke began to gushing. The dark land was dyed red by the firelight, and even the surrounding air showed signs of distortion. From afar, you could feel the burning breath.

At the same time, many people are shouting, taking buckets and so on to the water place to put out the fire.

I don't know if it's Mo Si.

I looked full of worry. Although Mo Si and I have not known each other for a long time, they have also walked a road of symbiosis and death. What's more, Mo Si can also promise me that he is willing to leave safely with his life. This is valuable, but not everyone can have his fearless spirit of sacrificing his life and righteousness.

Of course, I automatically ignored his previous review and disappointment at me along the way.

So, abandoning his eyes habitually pumping [I added it automatically...], the four Mo are still quite good. Like me, they are all qualified familymen. I am also deeply grateful to him in my heart, even if he probably just followed Mo Xian's orders.

In my heart, I hoped that they could leave safely. I was about to look back, but I heard a panicked reminder:

"Be careful!"

My heart was cold, and my temples suddenly burst. I felt a murderous wind rushing towards me on the left side and lifted my hair. The vigorous hand kept expanding in my slightly rotating pupil when I didn't have time to look back, and I saw that it was about to come to me.

I really want to move away and avoid Master Lin's sudden blow. However, Master Lin's temperament is so strong that he has the intention of not reaching his goal and not giving up. In addition, it happened in the lightning, so that I didn't react at all. I just fixed it in that place, but I couldn't move.

But the more it is like this, the more I want to move. I don't want to give my life to the other party completely.

Thinking, I was finally reborn into this world and lived tremblingly for three years. Only looking at the sky in the corner of Lin Mansion, in addition to serving Dumb well every day, he tries his best to protect himself.

Who makes herself a humble maidservant?

Fortunately, Dumb is not a violent master in novels or TV series, but a poor young master who looks stunned and does not receive the attention of the boss of Linfu. But in this case, I didn't complain much, but felt more comfortable. After all, I, who didn't know anything, did not inherit this physical memory as other novels say. As long as you are paid a little attention, you can find my abnormality. At that time, I guessed that I didn't know how much it would take to cover up the fact that I was a traveler who could not let others know.

Therefore, staying with Dumb is the most fortunate thing for me. After all, life is comfortable and worry-free. Although Dumb is not favored, the daily use has not been deducted. Therefore, the work is also very easy, not to mention that there are only me and Dumb in this yard, who often appear in my sight when eating. It also won a large amount of free space and some expenses to go out.

However, in the past three years, I have been vigilant in my daily life and did not forget my spare time. I deliberately went to the streets and alleys to collect some information about Linfu. Many things have changed in the blink of an eye, and no one can predict what will happen in the next second.

It is very necessary to prepare for a rainy day.

By the way, I also keep collecting information about some surrounding cities.

Although, I don't feel that I am too likely to leave Linfu.

A Dumb, a master who is so kind and gives me full freedom, a small yard that can shelter me from the wind and rain without worrying about my future life.

I think no one wants to give up such a good life and live a life of wading through mountains and rivers.

What's more, where can I go as a female streamer? In this hierarchical ancient times, women went out to stay in a small space to have children for men, and there was no other ideas at all. Otherwise, it will be rejected by the whole society.

I'm just an ordinary woman, with no big ambitions and ideals, and I don't have the wit and foresight like other time-traveling predecessors. I just want to have a simple life and live a simple life with a simple person.

So, I've been working hard.

However, Master Lin's experience touched my reverse scales.

Living is not only my goal, but also one of my current reverse scales!

Anyway, I'm still young. How can I be at the mercy of Master Lin?

Even if you are shocked by your momentum. I also want to break free.

In a short time, my heart turned countless thoughts, and Master Lin's strong hands were also getting closer and closer to me, and the strong wind brought made my face a little painful.

However, what makes me desperate is that I can't break free at all. It's like being immobile. You can hear, smell and smell, but you can't move. Even if I have the ability of Tongtian, I can't release it. This feeling of aggrievedness makes me helpless and angry.

But what can it do?

That's it.

I smiled bitterly at the corners of my mouth and closed my eyes calmly.

Just as I gave up resistance and was ready to be captured, Lin Zhenhuai's panicked call for help floated into my ears:

"Dad, help me!"

The amazing momentum that fixed my body suddenly slowed down, and even the strong wind on my face was much smaller. Master Lin seemed to be hesitating.

Good opportunity!

I suddenly opened my eyes, exerted my milking energy, and tried to turn to the right.

Master Lin's offensive between lightning and stones caught a blank.

At this time, I didn't stop and ran to Dumb. When I was next to Dumb, I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat stains on my head with my hands.

Finally... escaped.

I looked at Master Lin, who was as heavy as water and stood in my original position, and I couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, feng shui takes turns!

consciously, I glanced at the Dumb beside me.

The straight Dumb standing only had a calm look, but let me feel an amazing chill around him, like a piece of ice.

At this time, Lin Zhenhuai, who was captured by him, was panicked and stiff, and did not dare to move around, because there was a dagger shining with sharp light on his neck.

In the room, it fell into silence again.