Natural dull young master

Chapter 20 The capable wooden steward

I just casually asked Uncle Mu a few words. Under his dull face and couldn't hold a word from the principle of "silence is gold" for most of the day, I waved to him tiredly and asked him to retreat.

Actually, I want to express my gratitude for extending a helping hand during my crisis and explore the bottom of Uncle Mu.

Although I believe that the princess has no bad thoughts about me, the people selected are better, and they must be innocent. At least they work in the royal palace. Even if the work of the people below is so lax, they will definitely be very strict about the recruitment of their subordinates.

Who dares to be responsible if something goes wrong? Therefore, I believe that the wooden stewor is quite innocent.

But after all, they and I have just met, and we don't know the details of each other. In addition, when the wooden stewor saved me, he obviously showed that he was not the ability that an ordinary subordinate should have.

I still remember that when the guards came around me, they looked at him with a touch of scrutiny.

It's just that I didn't have time to take care of so much at that time, and I had to go back to my room to take care of it a little, so I put this matter down.

Until now, I have a little time to ask.

However, I don't know if the skill I asked was too bad or the wooden stewor was really blank like white paper.

I didn't ask for anything. Tossing and turning is so simple that I can use five hand index sentences.

My background is so simple that I feel surprised.

But that's it. I always feel something is wrong in my heart, as if there is something I haven't paid attention to, and it's very important.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't have a clue, so I had to put it down.

At this point, the matter of Mother Jiang has come to an end.

In the past few days, my yard has been safe and well. Everyone does their own duties and does their own things well.

Xiaoguo still looks confused and has a sudden nature. From time to time, she will play a game of "hide and seek" with me: although Aunt Hu is still very formal and awe of me, at least she is not the kind of inexplicable kowtow and admits her mistake last time. I feel very gratified. Although I felt that Aunt Hu was too careful when I heard Xiaoguo's report that day, I saw people's hearts over time. Moreover, Aunt Hu already has been in awe of me. In a short period of time, it will not be eliminated so quickly and easily. Just let him go.

As for Uncle Mu, most of them learned about Uncle Mu's whereabouts from Xiaoguo.

I have a lot of complaints about this.

Because I feel that my position in Xiaoguo's heart has been reduced a lot. Otherwise, why does she often hang on the side of the wooden stewor, not me?

I won't admit that I'm jealous.

Of course, after this incident, coupled with the intentional or unintentional observation in the past few days, coupled with the continuous news of the wooden steward in Xiaoguo's mouth, I became more and more curious about the wooden steward.

For example, the wooden stewor is very diligent. In such a sleepy season, he gets up early and cleans up the house, although he has almost cleaned up when he comes.

For example, the wooden stewor is very skillful, and you can carve a lifelike thing with a piece of wood. It's attractive.


A lot of such things floated into my ears from Xiaoguo's narrative. Gradually, I feel familiar with the wooden stewor. When I saw him, I unconsciously felt much less strange, and even when he suddenly surrounded me, I didn't feel very abrupt.

Habit becomes natural.

In these three days, I have been much less alert to the wooden stewer. No matter what his identity is, as long as it doesn't affect my normal life, I am very willing to protect him. Anyway, it's just a matter of living in exchange for a hidden master, which is really cost-effective.

If there is another emergency of Mother Jiang, with a wooden stewmer, even if his martial arts skills are not strong and can't be stopped, at least he can still win a little time for the guards sent by Mo Xian.

I made a lot of money.

So, I put down my guard against the wooden stewor and began to accept him.

However, the peaceful life was once again broken with the arrival of Li Tian.

When I raised my always confused eyes and looked at Li Tian, Li Tian was depressed and hit half a cup of tea in a bowl of tea with a heavy nose. And that bowl of tea was as warm as before, but the temperature was gradually decreasing.

Don't look, even his toenails can guess that Li Tian is angry, and he is very angry.

Of course, I don't know why at all. I just saw her appearance. I bowed my head very well and continued to wander too empty.

Only when you touch your eyebrows can a fool do it!

It's just that the monk can't escape from the temple. Since Li Tian has come here, there is definitely something that is not easy to share with others, and it is the kind that is no problem with me, a nerd.

It's just that I underestimated the level of this problem.

Li Tian put down the cup heavily and made a heavy sound in a dull atmosphere. However, I had already made psychological preparations. I just raised my eyelids and glanced at Li Tian, who gritted his teeth and didn't know what he was saying, so I closed my eyes again and continued to be "sleepy".

It's better to close your eyes and refresh yourself than to focus on Li Tian. What's more, such a warm environment is a good time to sleep.

I hope Li Tian will ignore me for the rest of her life.

As soon as this idea fell, Li Tian pouted and pushed me angrily, but without saying a word, as if she was venting her remaining energy like a tumbler.

At this moment, I deeply realized the exact meaning of "hope is full, reality is very skinny".

How can there be such a thing? If you have something to say, you only know how to bully me as an honest person.

I muttered a few words in my heart and rolled my eyes without a trace. I understand that if I don't say anything anymore, Li Tian will definitely not give up. The corners of my mouth, which was about to fall off by Li Tian, slowly opened my eyes with a slightly wry smile, looked blankly at Li Tian, yawned, and said with her eyelids:

"Tingtian, what's wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Tian stopped pushing, flattened her mouth, and pointed to me with red eyes and aggrieved face:

"You all bullied me! Whoo..."

Oh, my God, what's going on?

I looked at Li Tian, who was crying in a mess, with a little surprise, and my mind kept wondering. But this was not the time when I thought about this. Seeing that Li Tian's crying was about to develop in a hysterical direction, I hurriedly caught up, pulled off the silk scarf on her cuff, wiped her face, and kept saying, "Don't cry, don't cry" and other dry and unnutritious words.

Li Tian heard that I turned this word over and over again, and the corners of my flat mouth twitched a little, so she took away the silk scarf that I wiped on her face angrily and said fiercely:

"Nerd, don't comfort people if you can't comfort people." She wiped the tears from her cheeks, raised the scarf on her hand and threw it next to me. She raised her chin and said proudly:

"I sent it to you."


I put it away, stuffed it into my chest, and patted it by the way, with a satisfied smile on my face.

Li Tian, who has been glancing at me with the afterglow, couldn't help laughing. He covered his mouth and thought it was a lady's "haha" and laughed:

"'s so funny."

I saw Li Tian smiling and giggled with her. Although I knew that I laughed very stupidly and naively. But as long as this young lady doesn't make trouble with me anymore. Anyway, "smile, ten years less."

After Li Tian smiled, Liu frowned slightly, looked at the desolate scene outside the window, and sighed gently.

I don't know why Li Tian has returned to her troubled appearance, but after half a year of getting along with each other, I probably figured out some of Li Tian's temperament and knew that she would definitely tell me later, so she didn't interrupt and bow her head to play with the corners of her clothes.

Sure enough, after half a cup of tea, Li Tian sighed quietly and looked at me for a long time. It was not until I got goosebumps that she said:

"Idiot, I really envy you. If only the two of us had changed our identities!"

Suddenly, I felt dizzy.

Is this also a dream?