Natural dull young master

Chapter 22 Encountering an Inexplicable Man

While rubbing the painful arm pinched by Li Tian, I walked into the Fuman Building under Li Tian's hateful eyes from time to time.

At this time, it was the time to eat. Fumanlou was already full of people coming and going, talking and chatting constantly. From time to time, you can hear the sound of a young man standing in the lobby singing.

The little man standing at the door saw me and Li Tian with sharp eyes, and his face was full of smiles. Li Tian asked for a blessing and said respectfully:

"I don't know if the two princes have an appointment?"

Oh, I forgot to say that Li Tian and I were dressed in the beautiful men's hall last time. Li Tian dressed up like the previous Prince Charming**, and I was dressed in a bloated coat with a short figure like the driver beside her. A discerning person knew that I was just a follower.

Actually, I am an attendants.

The three people once again won the hard-won independence under the circumstances of Li Tian's coquettishness.

Of course, the consequence of exercising independence is to make me dress more fiercely, in order to have a visual impact and make those evil spirits dare not come forward to talk to me at will. So a slight change was made on the basis of the last time.

Originally, Li Tian thought it was troublesome to change clothes, so she simply wanted to paint makeup, change some appearance, and go straight into women's clothing. But Aunt Li and the three of them didn't agree. Unless they change men's clothing, they don't need to talk about anything. What's more, Li Tian's clothes are a little wet. It's better to wear it for a while. If she wears it for a long time, it will be easy to catch a cold this day.

Therefore, Li Tian compromised and accepted this helpless result.

I also accepted this helpless result and had to be hit by them by the way.

According to Aunt Li and the other three: Anyway, nerds only need to eat.

The implication: As long as Enron has something to eat, there is no need to consider her other ideas.

Actually, I heard them say this, and I really want to hold their sleeves and spray them to death with a mouthful of salt soda.

Do nerds have no human rights? Can a nerd only be at your mercy? Do nerds have to be foodies?

Fortunately, I am open-minded and not so narrow-minded. As long as I don't touch my bottom line, I will still be that nerd quietly.

Although I'm really helpless, I'm just a little stunned. But I really never looked at the stream of food.

I don't know why they said that about me.

Here, Li Tian said in a hoarse voice after eating the sound-changing pills:

"Second floor, Room A!"

The little man was stunned for a moment and immediately said with some embarrassment:

"There is someone in Afang at present. I don't know if the prince has an appointment with them?"

After listening to it, I was a little confused.

Li Tian will definitely not be aimless. Since her exit is Jiafang, there should be someone she is familiar with. I just don't know if I know that person...

When I was thinking about this, Li Tian impatiently took out a token from her chest to show it to the little one, interrupting the little one's refusal.

The little man took a look, turned his words, made a "please" gesture with a more respectful attitude, and said:

"Please follow the villain."

Li Tian collected the token, gently "um", opened the fan, made a few fan movements, and walked upstairs with the little guy.

I think I was forgotten by Li Tian again, because she didn't see how far I was from her at all. Normally, she would come to pull me with me at a distance of one hand. But I don't know what to do today. Although her steps are very easy, they are a little too big, as if something in front of her is attracting her.

Is that person very important to Li Tian?

I hesitated and stood at the top of the stairs for a while and didn't follow.

However, my appearance has brought great pressure to the traffic of Fuman Building, which directly blocked the stairway.

Maybe my physique is relatively strong. Those who stand behind me are patient and are not in a hurry to let me give up their seats.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, the people behind me don't care whether I'm strong or not. Just maintained a polite attitude, poked me in the back and said gently:

"Brother, can you give me a little bit?"

I came to my senses and turned to look at the man behind me. Suddenly, I was stunned.

At that moment, I admitted that I was stunned.

Different from Mo Xian's enchanting beauty, different from the fairy temperament of Hua Xiangrong, and different from the confidence in the strategy of Dumb.

This man's slender body is only wearing a white crescent robe, exuding a gentle temperament of scholars all over his body, which makes people can't help but feel good. He sighed, what a beautiful man.

However, after amazement, I turned my head and walked up the stairs.

Because Li Tian can no longer see anyone.

I have to go up quickly, otherwise, I will be killed by Li Tian's face and petite fist when I go back.

Although the strength of her fist is no different from tickling. But if there are too many lice, I will be itchy. In the same way, if she beats too much, I will also feel pain.

decisively, I didn't even leave a word to the man, so I went straight upstairs. Anyway, I was also a passer-by. Why waste time on him?

However, sometimes the situation of "if the mountain doesn't come, I will be the mountain" is not uncommon.

The crescent-colored man was stunned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he came to me and said enthusiastically:

"I don't know which room the little brother is going to on the second floor?"


"Little brother, looking at your strong body, there is purple air between your eyebrows. I don't know which son you are from? Maybe we still have people we know well."


"Little brother, it's fate for us to meet. I'll treat you for you later!"

After publishing this generous statement, the crescent white man put his hand on my shoulder very familiarly, as if he were already two brothers.

The corners of my mouth twitched and I was a little speechless.

How can there be such a strange person? I didn't say a word. Why did he directly raise his identity to the level of "brother"?

It seems that I just met you, right?

I secretly rolled my eyes to the familiar Yuebai prince next to me. I dodged aside without a trace, dodged his hand on my shoulder, and looked at him blankly and said:

"I have someone!"

In other words, I have an appointment with others. Don't bother me!

But this moon-white prince didn't seem to hear the deep meaning of my words and said with a laugh:

"That's good. I originally wanted to continue to find a place to have a good chat with my brother, but since my brother has a place, I will be disrespectful."

Listen, I'm completely messed up.

What do you mean, me and the place, but you are disrespectful? Listen, what is cheeky? This is called cheeky!

I didn't ask him to come with me. Why did he go online? People said to climb up the pole.

But I haven't given him the pole yet. Why did he come up directly?

At this moment, I completely understood the true meaning of cheeky invincibility.

However, I don't care whether he is cheeky or not. After all, I'm not going to eat alone, and Li Tian. If Li Tian has a little harm, I don't think there will be any temporary killing, and I will be directly swallowed by the three hygienics around Li Tian.

So, I decided to break his dream of having dinner with me.

Before I could speak, the cheeky man suddenly turned around, pulled my sleeve pitifully, and said with tears:

"I haven't eaten for days, little brother, just have pity on me. Whoo..."

I looked at him with surprise, slightly stunned and didn't say anything.

This man... It's too fast to change your attitude. Tut, it's really insightful. From the polite and gentle image at the beginning, to the familiarity in the middle, to the poor now.

I really haven't seen anyone who can change several attitudes so skillfully.

It's just that he doesn't eat anymore. What does it have to do with me? I'm not Kaizi!

The man in crescent white cried for a long time. Seeing that I was unmoved, he looked at him blankly. He gritted his teeth and muttered softly in my ear before I didn't react:

"I know your true identity!"

I frowned, opened my distance from him, and said in a low voice, "What on earth do you want to say?"

The young man in moon white looked at me with gentle eyes and deep meaning, and whispered:

"You understand."

I looked deeply at the young man in moon white, and he smiled and exuded light clouds and wind all over his body, as if nothing could affect his mood.

Suddenly, I took a step forward, and the moment he reacted and couldn't distance himself in panic, I smiled at him.

I was already full of beards, and this smile was even more ferocious.

"So, what?"