Natural dull young master

Chapter 43 Sick Fruit

Li Tian talked to me about the beautiful man for half a time before she realized that it was almost time to make an appointment with her mother to return home. After complaining that Mo Xian didn't remind her and told me again, he hurriedly ran out and didn't give me a chance to go out.

"This girl is still like that!"

I shook my head, put down the picture book in my hand, sat at the table and poured a glass of water to drink.

I just talked to Li Tian so much that I forgot to drink water for a while. When Li Tian was about to go home, I found that time passed so fast and her mouth was dry.

After drinking water, my mouth felt a little comfortable. Suddenly, I thought that Mo Xian didn't come back after going out. According to Li Tian's performance just now, Mo Xian brought Li Tian, and Mo Xian should have taken Li Tian away, but...

"Is the big demon particularly busy today?"

I frowned and unconsciously stirred together.

Actually, I don't care whether he is busy or not. I just regretted that I had finally met him. I wanted to ask him about A Dumb, but I forgot that he tried the wooden steward and Li Tian to read the picture book.

Thinking of Mo Xian's pressing step by step in the room, I couldn't help complaining. Even if the wooden stewer is a little more skillful, you don't have to bite the problem.

"Go and see the wooden stewor!"

I got up, as if to give myself a reason, suppressed the depression in my heart, and walked out of the house indifferently.

Outside the house, the sun has begun to gradually move west, not as dazzling golden yellow as noon, and the whole body began to be red. It looks very soft.

I looked up at the distant sun, and my heart gradually calmed down.

The cool breeze gently blew on my body, and the hair was like a naughty child, constantly going back and forth.

I pinned my messy hair with my hand, and I glanced at the yard calmly.

The wooden stewor picked up another knife and carved something against a piece of wood. In the soft sunshine, the expression is focused and sacred.

There is no usual situation of Xiaoguo sitting aside chattering.

I stopped and didn't come forward. I just leaned against the door and quietly looked at the skillful movements of the wooden steward.

It's not that I haven't seen the whole process of wood carving, but at that time, Xiaoguo and Aunt Hu were there. In addition, it's not good for me to keep staring at a man, so I rarely carefully observe the whole process of wood carving.

It is said that serious men are the most charming.

Now it seems that I really think this sentence is very correct. I usually feel that it is too dull, and I also look at the clear diamond angle, tough and resolute...

"What the hell am I thinking?"

I patted my blushing face with my hand. I couldn't help moving my eyes away from the wooden steward and said secretly.

Afraid of being discovered by others, I turned back to my room.

At this time, the wooden stewor seemed to feel it. Suddenly, he looked up at this position and just saw the northern shadow I left behind, and his expression was a little gloomy.


The soft call disappeared with the wind...


The one-month ban is finally approaching.

On the way, Li Tian came to me several times despite the dissuasion of the three guards beside her.

I think she wants to come to me for fun, such as the album.

It's a pity that although her three guards can't dissuade her from coming to play, they follow Li Tian's side as the door god, adhering to the principle of "where the master goes, wherever I am".

Li Tian is quite annoyed and difficult to say anything. Her mother can let the three people follow her both open and secretly, and never leave.

According to the degree of control of Li's real power, Li Tian's mother is the leader of the inner house, and it is not easy to command three guards.

Since then, Li Tian has lost the right to freedom of movement.

I sympathize, but I can't help.

After all, it is strongly demanded by Li Tian's mother. If I say something, it is easy to be annoying.

People are self-aknowledgeable.

I still remember this clearly.

Li Tian knows this, except for some depression.

Of course, it's depressive. Even I felt depressed.

Imagine that every time you talk, there are always three door gods standing beside you with a cold atmosphere, looking at you from time to time, and then suddenly doing very weak and disappointing things when you say happy places, such as coughing.

Suddenly, it was like a big fire being washed by cold water and immediately extinguished the fire. But Li Tian and I are completely boring.

It doesn't matter if you don't have freedom of movement, but now you don't even have the freedom to speak. I really want to die.

Li Tian simply stopped coming and began to stay at home and start a new round of war with her mother.

The theme of the war is: liberalism.

I don't know the outcome of the debate war between the two sides, but when I was banned and lifted, Li Tian had not appeared in front of me, so I knew that Li Tian's mother had the upper hand in this debate.

Otherwise, with Li Tian's unbearable situation, she will definitely come to me at the first time and tell me that she has defeated the evil forces.

"It's really boring~"

Li Tian didn't come, and Mo Xian rarely stepped into my room. He suddenly became idle, and suddenly felt like he didn't know what to do.

Although my life has not changed much. It's just that Xiaoguo hasn't been around me recently.

She is ill.

The situation of this disease is very fierce. The direct result is that Xiaoguo, who has always been full of vitality, blushed and lay weakly**.

At that time, I asked Aunt Hu to go to the doctor, but Xiaoguo hugged me and didn't let me move. Tears of nose rubbed against my clothes together and said with choking:

"Princess, I don't want to see a doctor, and I don't want to take medicine to see a doctor. Whoo..."

I tried to open Xiaoguo with my hand and found that Xiaoguo had used all my strength. I didn't dare to use brute force. I was afraid that Xiaoguo would feel uncomfortable, so I had no choice but to coax Xiaoguo:

"Xiaoguo, your illness is very serious. You have to call a doctor to have a look." After a pause, I carefully looked at Xiaoguo's expression and found that she was not as tight. There was a smile on the corners of my mouth and persuaded her in a softer voice:

"You don't want to be so uncomfortable all the time, do you?"

Xiaoguo seemed to think about it and then shook his head.

I was suddenly very happy and prepared to persuade Xiaoguo:

"Then let go of your hand and let me find a doctor."

What depressed me was that Xiaoguo made trouble again and cried and shouted that he would not let me go to the doctor. He also said that if I went to the doctor, she would ignore me. And he doesn't cooperate with the doctor.

I saw Xiaoguo's appearance of not entering, and I wanted to say something, but I thought that she was sick now and the sick people were like children, so I decided not to call the doctor for the time being.

After a good meal, he comforted Xiaoguo, fed the water himself, twirled the towel, put the towel on Xiaoguo's forehead, and ordered Aunt Hu to decoct the medicine.

Xiaoguo was not allowed to call the doctor, so I had to ask Aunt Hu to go to the pharmacy to get some cold and fever-reducing medicine and go home to fry it by herself.

However, after drinking this medicine, the curative effect is very slow. Fortunately, Xiaoguo is developing in a good direction. Otherwise, I wouldn't have such a free day.

Originally, I wanted to guard Xiaoguo, but Xiaoguo didn't allow me to say anything, the disease is easy to spread.

After I heard it, I was no longer reluctant.

"Well, I don't know when Li Tian will come~"

I muttered softly, holding my chin in my hand, and my other hand unconsciously knocked on the table, making a "dlap" sound, echoing in the room.

"Princess, princess, big things are not good, big things are not good~"

Suddenly, I heard Aunt Hu's panicked voice.

I turned my head and looked at Aunt Hu, who was walking towards me with a pale face, and my heart thumped.