Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 15

Yiyi gently patted him on the back and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay. I really don't know what terrible things happened to you before you were frustrated.

"Yiyi, why don't I remember anything! Do you really want to know who I am? What the hell is going on?"


"Yiyi, I'm really in pain." As long as he tries to think about his past, his head will ache violently.

"Hans, don't force yourself to think about the past."

"I really want to know..." Hans pulled his hair tightly in pain.

"Hans, that's enough, don't torture yourself." Yiyi's tears kept sliding down her face, and she held Hans's hand to prevent him from pulling his hair again.

Hans finally stopped and fell almost like a collapse. ** "Yiyi, I'm in pain."

"I know, Hans, it's still early. Let's sleep a little longer!" Yiyi covered him with a quilt for fear that he would catch a cold.

"I don't want to sleep... I'm afraid of nightmares again."

Yiyi stood up and said, "Then I'll make you a cup of hot milk. Take a break first."

"I'm going to take a shower." Hans got up and pinched his clothes. "The clothes feel wet."

"That's good."

Yiyi went to the kitchen and boiled water and helped Hans make a cup of hot milk.

"Yiyi..." Hans came out with his upper body bare, and his hair was still dripping. "My clothes are going to be washed."

"Oh, I'll get you another pajamas." Yiyi lowered her head with a blush and dared not look at him again.

Yiyi took a pajamas for Hans and handed him the washed milk, "Change your clothes and drink the milk."

"Good." Hans changed his clothes and sat next to Yiyi and slowly drank milk. "Yiyi..."


"Didn't you say you wanted to help me find a family?"

"Ye." Yiyi locked her eyebrows. She used to have this idea, but it has stopped since Hans hypnotized and said that she saw the explosion.

"Yiyi?" Hans saw that Yiyi was worried. "Do you know the news about my family and don't tell me?"

Yiyi shook her head and said, "I really don't know anything about your family. If you really want to know, I can find someone to help you."

"I..." Hans hesitated to know and was afraid to know.

Yiyi patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "I think I know what to do. I'll ask Xiaotian to help you find your family tomorrow."

"Yiyi..." Hans looked at her gratefully.

"Let's go to bed now, or I will become a panda tomorrow." Yiyi and Hans went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

"Help him find his family?" Xiaotian thought his ear was wrong!

"Yes, he has been having nightmares these days. He wants to know who he is. So you'd better help find a private detective!"

Xiaotian sighed gloomily, "I really admire you. I feed him, live in him, work for him, and help him find his family."

"Xiao Tian..." called her name unhappily.

Xiaotian raised his surrender and said, "Well, I'll help you find a private detective right away, but I don't know if I can find his family."

"No, it's okay to find more. We don't have amnesia, and we certainly don't know Hans's urgent desire to find his family.

"I'm afraid that I can't find a tramp without family even if I find a few detectives." Xiaotian turned around and left to do business.

Yiyi turned around the seat and looked at the blue sky, with white clouds of different shapes floating on it. If you can't find it, let God decide if you can't find it!

"Yiyi, thank you." Hans didn't know when he had come to her.

"We are friends, and I hope you can find family." Yiyi smiled gently at him.


Hans really feels that Yiyi is like his angel, always so gentle, always helping him when he is in trouble.


Xiaotian suddenly smiled like a sneaky cat and ran in, "Yiyi...you're bad!"

"I'm bad?" Yes, you are so bad that you hid such an excellent man. Do you think there is another one left for me?

Xiaotian tried his best to pound her stomach with his elbow.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"But if it's so excellent, I will abandon him immediately."

"When did Hans become so popular?" Didn't they see that he was hiding?

"Who said Hans?" Xiao Tian looked shocked.

"Then who do you think I hid? Didn't I just let Hans live at home?" Is it Brother Han? No way, that's Sister Man's.

Xiaotian resisted the impulse to strangle this stupid woman and pointed outside and said, "Go out and have a look, or your man will be eaten by the woman in our company."

"My man?" Yiyi stood up and walked out of the door puzzled.

In the distance, I saw a group of people surrounded by several floors.

Yiyi cleared her throat and asked, "Have you finished your work?" That's just right. Let's work overtime at night..."

Before the voice fell to the ground, everyone returned to their seats in a gust of wind.

Qi Shengtian looked at Yiyi with a smile, and Yiyi was dumbfounded, "You... are you so here?"

"I just got off the plane today and came to see you before I could change my clothes. Can't you give me a warm hug?"

Yiyi blushed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Everyone is watching!" Look at these colleagues covering their mouths and laughing secretly.

Qi Shengtian suddenly took out a small box of gifts from behind. See if you like it?"

"What's in that box?"

"Is it a ring?"

"No way, that's developing too fast." Help, I've almost used my salary this month. How can I get a red envelope!"

"Mys too, what should I do!"

Qi Shengtian laughed when he heard everyone's whispering.

Yiyi pulled him anxiously, "Let's go and talk about it in my office." Yiyi could feel that everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"You'd better open the gift I gave you, or they will definitely not be in the mood to work."

"Ah?" Yiyi hesitated and whispered, "Isn't it really a ring?"

Qi Shengtian smiled even more, "Don't you know when you open it? I have chosen it for a long time! I think you will like it."

Yiyi looked at the gift and said, "I don't think you will mess around." She slowly opened the gift, and her colleagues' heads were about to fall down.

The sound of unpacking paper is particularly loud in the quiet room, and Yiyi's heart is also beating drumming.

"It turned out to be Swarovski's crystal necklace." What a cute baby bear, Yiyi smiles.

"Is there any mistake? It's not a ring!"

"It's really disappointing."

"Oh, I thought I was going to borrow a red envelope this month!"

Qi Shengtian approached her and asked, "Do you like it?" Or do you feel a little disappointed? I should give you a ring!"

"If you give me a ring, I will definitely think you are crazy. Go in! Xiaotian poured a cup of black tea and brought it in.

Xiaotian immediately served the black tea and said, "I've been ready for a long time, but won't you go out for a walk?" Don't worry, I will deal with the work.

"That's the best. I didn't eat anything on the plane. You can eat something for me!" Qi Shengtian naturally took Yiyi's hand.

Yiyi looked at the office "But Hans..."

"Miss Yiyi, don't worry, I will take care of Hans for you. I will send him home in person after he is full. Don't worry!"

"Then you must take good care of Hans!"

"Ye! Go ahead. I will take care of Hans as my own father. Xiao Tian waved his arms happily to send them away.

Yiyi left with Qi Shengtian with uneasedness.

In the box of the Chinese restaurant, there is a large table of all kinds of dishes.

It's just that the two people sitting in it are devouring their food, and one of them is worried.

"Yiyi, don't you like to eat with me so much?" Qi Shengtian put down his chopsticks and asked seriously.

"How can it be! It's just that I had lunch today. I'm not hungry!"

"But your appearance tells me that you want to leave!"

"No." Yiyi said hard.

Suddenly, Qi Shengtian clung to her cheek, and his black eyes stared at her tightly. "Are you worried about Hans?"

"Hm, can you see it?" Is everything on her mind written on her face?

Qi Shengtian didn't expect Yiyi to answer so honestly. He sighed and felt frustrated for the first time.

"Don't you think of me if you haven't seen me for a few days?"