Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 37

"My head hurts so much, it hurts..." Yiyi muttered to herself painfully.

Qi Shengtian couldn't help laughing, "Little fool, see if you dare to drink next time." He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Hans held his bed and walked to the other side of Yiyi's bed and began to make it. Qi Shengtian embarrassedly said, "Thank you for helping me lay the floor." I thought I couldn't sleep today! It's okay to sleep on the ground!

"This is my floor, and I want to protect Yiyi." Self-affetaive, he doesn't want to leave where he is going to sleep at all!

Qi Shengtian said depressedly, "Is there any quilt left?"

"You can sit all night! Why don't you go home?" Hans looked at Yiyi's sweet sleep and lay down.

Qi Shengtian sighed, and it seemed that Hans had a big opinion on himself! After agreeing, let's see if there is a quilt that can be laid!

"It's okay, there are still two beds, one bed and one cover is just right!" Qi Shengtian spread the Zi on the other side of Yiyi's bed.

Turning off the lights in the dark, both men opened their eyes wide and couldn't sleep.

"It's so uncomfortable..." Yiyi, who was lying on **, turned her body back and forth, as if she was uncomfortable no matter how she lay down.

The men on both sides bounced up and asked anxiously, "Yiyi, how's it going?"

Unfortunately, no one answered them, and Yiyi fell asleep again.

After Qi Shengtian and Hans looked at each other, they laughed and said, "I thought you were asleep too!" So you can't sleep either!"

"I'm worried about Yiyi!" Hans helped Yiyi cover the quilt and lie down.

Qi Shengtian continued to ask, "Yes, didn't Yiyi say to help you find your family? Is there any news?"

"I have no family!" Hans said sadly that he didn't want to mention this topic again in his life.

"It's okay. If you can't find your family, you can still live with us after Yiyi and I get married. I don't think Yiyi will leave you alone. Even when I was dating, I almost took him with me, and I knew that Hans was also very important in Yiyi's mind.

Hans thought, "Are you getting married soon?"

"Ye, I will be engaged to Yiyi first. When my new drug development is over and it is put on the market, I will marry Yiyi. At that time, I will give Yiyi a grand wedding. Qi Shengtian couldn't help raising the corners of his lips that day.

Hans's heart was stung, "Can you guarantee that you will treat Yiyi all your life?"

"That's for sure, but I will also treat you as my family. By the way, have you ever had nightmares during this period?

"No, I haven't had a nightmare for a long time."

"Maybe you have settled down now and give you a sense of security. But it's good not to have nightmares.

Hans closed his eyes and said slowly, "I haven't had nightmares during this period, but in my dreams, I seem to often see two little boys playing together. I feel that one is me... but I don't know the other one."

"Maybe it was a reflection of your childhood. Although you are frustrated, you may inadvertently remember everything."

"Then when can I remember it all! Although I know that I may not have a family, I still want to know what happened to me.

Qi Shengtian thought, "After my drug research and development is successful, I can take you to the UK to find some experts who are better than me, such as my professor."

"You also have a professor!" Hans asked in surprise.

"Of course, you think I'm self-taught! It's much better than me in the UK. Don't worry, I'll take you in person to see if there is any good way to restore your memory. Although I haven't lost my memory, I understand the anxious mood of those who have lost their memory.

Hansne gave a sound and whispered, "Thank you!"

"No." Qi Shengtian raised the corners of his mouth. He knew that Hans was not a bad guy. When they got married, he would let Yiyi marry him and become brothers and sisters. It was right to take care of him in this way.

They chatted for a long time and then fell asleep.

Sunshine penetrated through the cracks of the curtains and shone on Yiyi's eyelids.

Her head hurts, as if she had been sawed with a saw. She grinned with pain. She must have been drunk last night. She opened her eyes and saw that it was indeed her own room, and she was finally relieved, but how on earth did she get back?

Yiyi sat up while pinching her eyebrows. What's the strange sound?

It seems to be the sound of human breathing. Who is it? Yiyi immediately took precautions all over her body, and the sound seemed to come from the bedside.

Why are there people on both sides of the bed!

"Ah..." Yiyi screamed in fear.

"What's wrong?" The two men were frightened by Yiyi's cry.

Yila covered herself with a high quilt and pointed to the two of them and said, "Why are you two in my room?"

Hans rubbed his eyes, "You drank too much last night, so I was worried that I came to your room to sleep with the bed!"

"Me too. I've been looking for you for a long time last night. I'm too lazy to go back, so I can only sleep on the floor!" Qi Shengtian yawned.

Yiyi thought for a long time, "I drank with Ethel last night. You sent me back!" What about Ethel? She also drank too much!"

"She has gone home with Andy. Do you remember what happened when you were drunk?" Qi Shengtian sat down to **.

Yiyi thought, "Didn't you send me home? I seem to only remember drinking a lot of wine with Ethel at that time.

Qi Shengtian asked worriedly, "So what's wrong with you now?"

"I have a headache, no, it should be said that it's super painful and a little dizzy." Relying on the head of the bed.

"A headache is a sequela of drunkenness. You may feel pain for a day to see if you will drink too much next time."

Yiyi stretched out her tongue mischievously, "I don't want to drink too much, but Arthur is in a bad mood! So I have to drink with her!"

Hans immediately asked, "Did she deliberately get you drunk?"

"No, she also drank a lot!" Yiyi looked at the two of them with strange expressions. What happened to them?

"Have a good rest! I'll buy you some breakfast and antidote. Qi Shengtian glanced at Hans and said, "Let Yiyi have a good rest!"

Hans nodded clearly, and they tacitly didn't want to know that they were about to have an accident.

Yiyi lay back** "Hans, please talk to Xiaotian for me and ask for leave and ask her to help me deal with my work. If she can't make the decision, I'll talk about it when I go back."

"Oda knows, there is no need to say it."

Ah? How did Xiao Tian know?" Yiyi was puzzled.

Hans said bravely, "Because she also knows that you have drunk too much! So..."

"How did she know? Did you say that? Oh, it's a shame. It will definitely be shattered by Xiaotian. Yiyi covered his head in the quilt.

Hans said depressedly, "I don't think she will say anything. Take a rest!"

No, Hans must have hidden something from himself. Yiyi lifted the quilt and saw that Hans was trying to escape from his room.

"Hans, stop here."

Hans slowly turned around and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?" Yiyi, do you want to drink water? I'll pour it for you.

"No, I want to ask if something happened to me last night. You didn't tell me?" It's strange to avoid her eyes.

" Nothing happened last night! It's just that you're drunk and I brought you back!"

"Hans, did I lose my temper after getting drunk last night and do something shameful?" Yiyi became extremely nervous. If she had known it, she would have stopped drinking. It would have made her so humiliating.


"What the hell did I do!" Yiyi is about to die of anxiety. "Hans, what are you talking about!"

"You didn't lose anything last night." Hans won't say anything.

Yiyi looked down at her pajamas and asked in panic, "Who helped me change my clothes last night?" It won't be Shengtian! My face turned red at the thought of this.

"It's Oda..."

Yiyi wondered, "Why is it Xiao Tian who changed my clothes?" Hans, make it clear to me!" There must be a problem.

Hans knew that he couldn't hide, so he walked to Yiyi's side and told him what happened last night.

Yiyi's face turned white. "I... Wasn't it a shame last night? The whole office knew that I was almost stained by several hooligans after I was drunk..." Yiyi flashed the impulse to die in an instant.

"Yiyi, don't be nervous. Don't worry that nothing happened to you. When we found you, your clothes were still on your body, and you just vomited dirty."

"Ah!" Yiyi shouted crazily, "I don't want to live!" She put the quilt on her head again.

"Yiyi..." Hans called her name in fear.

"Don't pay attention to me and let me die!" How can she go back to the office to face her colleagues tomorrow?
