Angel War Soul

Chapter 088 Interrogation

"If there is no evidence, he just wants to kill people. The prince's handling of the case is really different from ordinary people." Ling Lan said for Lance at this time.

"Little boy, you are looking for death!" The middle-aged man who was defeated with his eyes just now pointed at him with a red face and had nowhere to vent angrily.

"Hahaha... You don't have any evidence. What other cases are you handling? If you want to find a reason to kill us, just kill us outside. Why wait until now? It's so funny! Hahaha..."

The harsh scream of Lance suddenly sounded in the room. The second prince frowned and shot a cold light in his eyes. He was a person with almost no strength, and his courage depended on the mysterious three people behind him.

Under his eyes, the old man stopped talking and directly took action at Ling Lan and the other three at the same time.

Great pressure hit everyone. Ling Lan's body emitted a white light, and then protected Leia and Lance. He quietly closed his eyes and used the power in his body to compete with the old man.

A slight cool breeze filled the spacious room, and Ling Lan felt a weak but extraordinary breeze. This invisible thing sometimes compressed together, stabbed the most vulnerable place on their bodies, and sometimes dispersed, blowing fiercely to their bodies.

The still fighting method continued. After a while of heat, the old man saw that his quiet attack could not cause any damage to Ling Lan and others. At this time, the middle-aged man beside him also began to take action, and a faint blue fighting spirit turned into a tiny sharp gun and disappeared, and then stabbed at him. On Ling Lan's body in the front.

When Ling Lan saw that the other party turned into two people, he immediately tried his best to gather the strength of his whole body at the pointed chest and struggled to resolve the attack.

"Don't go too much!" Ling Lan looked at the people in front of him angrily and said coldly. He was completely enraged, and the other party killed him without saying anything, which made him unacceptable.

"Angel Phantom!"

"You want to rebel!" The middle-aged man roared angrily, and the second prince suddenly leaned back and looked in surprise at a huge angel phantom standing five meters in front of him majestically.

"Damn it, you old bastards, I'm going to risk it!" Lance's hot temper was ignited in an instant, and he was as angry as summoning a contract beast that could not accommodate his huge spacious room.

"Kill them!" Seeing that they were so arrogant, the majesty of the past suddenly broke out and roared at the people behind him. He quickly got up and wanted to leave the house. He didn't want to be affected at that time. How strong Ling Lan and others were, he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Hmm! You forced us, and you still want to run!" Ling Lan's body suddenly disappeared in place and suddenly blocked the door. The second prince was shocked and sat on the ground excitedly.

"Child, don't be too presumptuous!"

"You should be very clear about the right and wrong, since you have to kill us. We will kill you all, and no one will dare to arrest us then, don't you think? Ling Lan changed his face, and what he said surprised everyone.

"Okay! Then let you see the strength of the Dharma God!" A fierce wind suddenly burst out of the old man's body. Suddenly, the tables and chairs in the room were blown away by the strong wind and hit the wall fiercely.

Ling Lan pulled the second prince over as fast as he was about to take action.

"Come on, I'll see who dies first!"

"Good! Ling Lan, kill these bastards!" Lance was completely attracted by Ling Lan's bold movements. Before he expected Ling Lan to have this side, he immediately took out the Zijin crossbow and aimed at the middle-aged man who seemed to be the most bullied.

"You..." Leah also panicked at this time. She didn't expect this to happen, but even if she wanted to speak, she would never have another chance.

The room is full of tension. This small room can't withstand an attack from their group at all. Only the place used to receive people will be destroyed in an instant.

"Help me quickly! Damn it!" The second prince was pressed against his waist with a dagger by Ling Lan, and he kept trembling with horror. On his handsome face, bean-sized sweat gathered together and flowed to his neck like running water.

His cowardly appearance made it difficult for those people for a while. Ling Lan dragged him slowly out of the door. At this time, the door was already full of prison guards and a large number of city guards.

"Let go of me, or I won't let you die!" The excited second prince cursed one after another. Seeing that things had reached such a point, Lance suddenly slapped him and made a close contact with the second prince's face with his slender fingers.



"What's your name? You're a hostage now, do you understand?" Lance poked his face twice in a row and said ferociously.

Just as they were deadlocked here, the city guards who blocked the place suddenly made way. They did not make way for Ling Lan and others, but a group of people were coming this way along the wall.

It's her!

Ling Lan looked at the most familiar face and suddenly had some unexpected guesses in his heart.

"Ling Lan, what are you doing?" Kellins still faced him with a kind smile like a goddess. Her tone was soft and delicate, like a long stream of water, slowly purifying people's hearts.

"Kellys, save me, do you hear me!" When the second prince saw her coming, he roared at her very excitedly. At this time, as long as he saw a person, he seemed to see the hope of living.

"Ling Lan, you let the prince go, otherwise, even if you are not the murderer, your life will never be better in the future."

"Ling Lan, let the prince go." Leia also said to him worriedly at this time that the person who dared to hold the prince hostage would not have a good end in the end.

Ling Lan looked at Leia's expectant eyes. He gradually let go of the second prince. Just as soon as his hand left his body, the second prince was suddenly sucked by a force and ran to the old man in the blink of an eye.

"Kill them!" The second prince trembled violently, and his fierce roar came to everyone's ears and became hoarse. Because he was so excited, he only had the idea of killing Ling Lan.

"Such a minute, Your Highness might as well listen to me." When Kellins saw that the sword-drawnly ready city guards were about to take action, she quickly waved one hand, and the faint aperture dispersed, and instantly bounced back the bodies of hundreds of people.

"What else do you want to say?" The old man narrowed his eyes and glanced coldly at Kellins.

"When His Royal Highness died, only Ling Lan was present, so this matter naturally has nothing to do with Ling Lan."

"What did you say?" Lance was still fascinated by her kindness. Just as he was imagining how beautiful she was, he heard her words instead.

"Before the robbed body is found, I think it's better to let Ling Lan stay here for a while."

"You robbed the body. What else is there to guess? The answer to all the mystery is on the body, but he is missing now." Ling Lan said calmly, staring at Kellins, trying to capture some information from her eyes that he wanted to know.

"You are all fucking deaf. Kill them!" After a moment of silence, the second prince turned around and suddenly roared excitedly at the people next to him.

No one dares not to listen to his words. Before his words fell, those city guards who were eager to make contributions * gave countless long * to Ling Lan and others.

"Look for death!" Lance raised the purple gold crossbow in his hand, and he quickly pulled the trigger. A flying shadow flashed by, and the ten line of crossbows pierced the throats of dozens of city guards in an instant. The whole line of people fell to the ground before they groaned before they died.

Those crazy city guards saw so many people dying in an instant. They were just stunned for a moment and were infected by the morale of their companions and squeezed forward fearlessly.

No one stopped the chaotic scene. No one could get close to Ling Lan and the three of them within five meters. The second prince, who was so scared that he was about to go crazy, was taken to a safe place by those people. In a while, countless city guard corpses lay on the ground.

Watching the opponents around her fall one by one, the pleasure of killing made Ling Lan and Lance very excited for a while. Only Leia just washed away the people close to her with water.

"Your death time is coming!" The old man settled the second prince and suddenly jumped out and swept away as a violent hurricane.

The piles of corpses on the ground mixed with scarlet blood were rolled together. In the blink of an eye, the countless bodies were smashed at Ling Lan's body. He suddenly dodged away, and the old man's wind flew in mid-air with blood, looking terrible.

"Come out, my baby!" Lance felt the increase in pressure and summoned his contract beast. He saw a huge hedgehog suddenly appear and crushed dozens of city guards to death in an instant.

When the city guards saw such a shocking scene like cannon fodder, they were scared and retreated back in horror. The current battle is no longer what they can control. On the contrary, they will only die.

The old man's body and wind merged, and his speed was so fast that no one could see him with his eyes, so he had to search for him with keen perception. The tyrannical hurricane blew the corpses all over the ground into the sky. Ling Lan and others retreated towards the second prince while fighting under the cover of Lance's contract beast.

"Your Highness, you tell them to stop, otherwise it won't end well."

By the side of the second prince, Kelings was protecting him alone. The two of them saw a faint light mask protecting them together. No matter how wind and rain were outside, they could not shake the mask.

"Those bastards are so arrogant that they must be killed!"

"If there is no evidence, it is not good for you to ascend the throne. What are you worried about with me?"