Angel War Soul

Chapter 097 Words of Blessings

Migaya observed Ling Lan for a while, and then opened his eyes, "Ling Lan, how old did you start practicing light magic?"

"This is ten years old." Ling Lan thought for a moment and replied quickly.

"Oh, that's good, that's good, similar to Melante in those years..."

"Merante?" Ling Lan didn't know who this person was, but when he saw the expression between Migaya's eyebrows, it seemed that the man was very strong.

"He is a genius, but he left the church three years ago." Mia Elan explained to Ling Lan.

Ling Lan nodded. His eyes stayed on Megaya's legs most of the time. He was in a wheelchair, and his legs must have been unable to move.

Ling Lan looked at him. A soft light emitted from his body. He gradually stretched out his right hand and aimed at Megaya's legs.

"Ling Lan..." Elan didn't know what he was going to do. MGaya's prestige in the church was more noble than that of Elifir. Naturally, she didn't want to see Ling Lan's offense.

A soft light surrounds Megaya's legs, and everyone stands there. Even if they don't touch the light, they can clearly feel the comfortable feeling from the light. Compared with the warm sunshine and cool spring water, it is more exciting and has a long aftertaste.

"Can you heal magic?" Megaya was also stunned for a moment. He leaned forward excitedly, and his eyes projected a faint light.

"Yes, I just learned it. I'm sorry for accidentally selling it next to you. Only then did Ling Lan remember that if his healing magic could cure Migaya, it would not be his turn to take action.

"Who gave you this magic?" Michaya also became interested and asked very eagerly.

"It's just a coincidence." Ling Lan won't say anything about the girl's dream. Even if she did, few people would believe it.

Migaye paused and smiled slightly and said, "This divine book is divided into four realms. You are just getting started now. Yes, if you are all integrated, not many people can hurt you."

"Isn't this a high-level magic that only archbishops are qualified to learn? Ling Lan, do you even have this kind of magic? Miaelan stared at Ling Lan in surprise. Her appearance at this time was very cute and beautiful. Her bright red and delicate lips and bright and deep eyes made people a little intoxicated.

"Ha ha, Ling Lan, why don't I take you to a place? It may be helpful for your cultivation." Magaya suddenly had a good impression on Ling Lan and took the initiative to invite him.

"Of course, thank you." Ling Lan's practice in the past few days has been stagnant. Unlike before, his cultivation speed is always moving forward like a Mercedes-Benz carriage and never stops.

In the envious eyes of the two waiters behind Mielan and Migaya, Ling Lan respectfully pushed his wheelchair and slowly walked out.

Ling Lan only knew a little about the cognition of the Church of Light. Along the way, under the explanation of Megaya, he understood the supreme position of the church among every people who believed in him.

The reason why the magic and fighting skills of the Light Church are much stronger than the conventional one is because of the help of people's faith. Although this invisible spiritual power is invisible and untouchable. However, it is also something that does exist.

In every corner of Tianchuang Continent, there are footprints left by the believers of Light Theology. They walk on the mainland with the belief and principles of spreading teachings and practicing healing diseases. Slowly, after thousands of years of precipitation, the Church of Light has been able to develop into the current grand Scale.

In the mainland, there are two ways to cure diseases, one is to treat diseases directly with drugs, and the other is the healing magic of the Light Church. These two healing methods are indispensable and complementary.

Out of the door of the church, go out to the left, at the end of Ling Lan's sight, there is a big sign that says the Bright Healing Hall. That's where Migaye wants to take him. Ling Lan's healing magic and ordinary healing magic are different from heaven and earth. As long as he understands the first level of realm, he can be alone in the hospital and treat patients' pain every day.

The two walked for about ten minutes before they came to the door of the healing hall. Ling Lan fixed her eyes and saw that there were two exquisite and holy gates in front of him. Three or three or two people went in and out, with a peaceful and warm look and posture on their faces.

Under the guidance of Megaya, Ling Lan pushed her wheelchair and walked slowly into the door on the right. A faint sound of praise came from the depths of the aisle to Ling Lan's ears. In the air, the holy breath permeated every corner. On the way Ling Lan walked, his whole heart also began to be affected by it. In the subtleization, his heart was as transparent and pure as if he had been baptized by the holy light.

This is the power of faith!

"I feel a force. Is this faith?" Ling Lan muttered softly and quietly felt the breath of the Holy Spirit in the depths of his soul.

"Yes, if you stay here for a while every day, you will experience the core divine power of Light God. Every day, a large number of believers come here to sing the scriptures. Their pious faith will form a powerful divine power and go straight to the divine world." Megaya closed his eyes with a peaceful face, and his voice was like a clear bell, knocking on Ling Lan's heart again and again.

Gradually, on Ling Lan's body, the holy light of the healing magic emanated again. At this time, he stood still, like angel statues arranged on both sides, invisibly revealing the holy and majestic breath of angels.

"I seem to understand the meaning of the words of blessing. This is really a good place." Ling Lan sighed from the bottom of his heart, and the sound of recitation was accompanied by the power of devout faith. In a while, he had a little understanding of the blessings of the first level of healing magic.

The healing magic is divided into four layers, namely, the words of blessing, the light of hope, firmness, and loyalty.

This magic is the girl's "dream" in the ring transferred to Ling Lan. If you want to learn it in the Church of Light, Ling Lan's current strength does not have this qualification at all. That's why Megaye was surprised to see that he could do this spell.

Only when the strength level reaches the great magic tutor can he be qualified to learn this magic. The reason why Ling Lan's progress is slow is also related to his current magical understanding.

The two stood still and chatted in the aisle. Around them, pedestrians passed by them until two intimate couples crossed them like a gust of wind, and Ling Lan and Migaye opened their eyes at the same time, as if they had noticed something.

In the palace of the Leilin Empire, in the Hongrong Hall, the mighty king Yeruz is entertaining guests from afar. Under his seat, four people from the Hill Empire are talking to him.

"Dear Your Majesty, on behalf of Hill's church organization, I wish you all the best." The speaker was a very uncomfortable man. He was wearing a broad and bright church robe with two evil lights in his eyes.

"Your Majesty is young and strong, Isa, you tell our purpose to His Majesty, and we will not waste his time." Next to Jeroissa stood two middle-aged men and an old man, and it was the old man in blue with deep and sharp eyes like an eagle.

"Hahaha...Old man, you're so good. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly." King Yeruz had no good impression on these people. If they had not represented the king and church of the Hill Empire, he would not have seen them.

In the magnificent hall, Jeloysa took the letter from a middle-aged man and handed it to the guard in the distance.

The bodyguard in the hall took the letter, quickly ran to the high platform and presented the letter.

Yeruz impatiently brought the letter over and took a cursory look.

" that why you came here?" Yeruz stared at the people below disdainfully, then tore two copies of the letter and threw it into the air and instantly turned it into ashes.


Jeroiza stared at him angrily. Even if Yeruz was the king of a country, he would not resist his anger.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?" The old man in blue asked faintly and looked at the Yeruz on the seat with a vicious look.

"Your newly succeeded child dares to threaten me. Get out of here and don't let me see you next time." After saying that, Yeruz stood up, strode off the stage and walked in front of them laughingly.

In the hall echoing with ridicule, Jeroisa and the old man conveyed their eyes and walked out of the hall angrily.

Ling Lan's cultivation after a day at the Guangming Healing Museum has been significantly improved. At the suggestion of Megaya, he officially joined the Healing Museum in the past few days to understand a new cultivation method.

Every day, he enters the state of meditation in the chants of loyal believers. Gradually, he can absorb and transform the spiritual power of the faith around him into his own strength.

Half a month later, his blessings have reached the point where he can heal people. On this day, he sat on the first floor of the healing hall to provide free medical treatment for some patients.

Light blessing magic can only heal people with mental problems, and most of the symptoms such as trauma, poisoning, illness, etc. are helpless. What Ling Lan can do is to make people have a strong spiritual power, so as to speed up the recovery of their own disease.

His work is completely righteous and does not charge any fees. Only in this way can he absorb more believers for the church and improve his cultivation faster. The two are completely connected and will not suffer any loss at all.