Angel War Soul

Chapter 127 Ancient Stories

"Ead Elder Ravi, a shark monster rushed to the island just now and was killed by Ling Lan." Eric came forward and said respectfully to the old man.

Narawi turned his eyes to Ling Lan and stared straight at him.

"Are you the teenage genius that Eric said?"

"Brother Eric said exaggeratedly, I'm Ling Lan."

"Well, come with me." After saying that, Ravi turned around and left. He didn't continue to ask about the battle just now.

"Hmm!" Lufas on the side saw that Ling Lan seemed to be being received by the elder, and he snorted dissatisfiedly.

After Ling Lan said a few words to Wendy and Lance, he followed Elder Ravi alone.

Ling Lan has been on this island for a week. It was the first time he went to Yanshan Island, where the guards were as strict as the palace. Almost every step he took, he could find some guards in the light and dark.

There is a small hill on Yanshan Island. The buildings on the island are built on the mountain and continue to the cave in rows.

Under the leadership of Ravi, they stopped on a sheep intestine path and then went up the mountain.

"I heard that you are looking for a secret. Can you tell me?" Ravi and Ling Lan walked on the steep stairs, and he suddenly turned around and asked.

"I'm here to get the sword." Ling Lan said lightly.

"What? Take the sword?" Ravi stared at him in surprise and walked with him. "Are you..." He glanced around Ling Lan doubtfully and never said anything again.

"In front is Elder Charles's cabin. Go and find him."

Walking up the stone steps, Ravi stopped and said to Ling Lan. In front of them was a forest full of natural atmosphere, where green trees looked particularly vibrant in the sunlight. In the lush forest, a gray cabin reflected in front of Ling Lan.

"Thank you, Elder Ravi." Ling Lan stepped on the land piled up with fallen leaves and walked forward slowly.

Along the way, he was a little excited. Immediately, he could understand the doubts in his heart, and he was full of expectations.


In the sound of insects and frogs, Ling Lan didn't go to the door of the cabin, and the wooden door opened automatically.

"Are you Ling Lan?"

A desolate and heavy voice came from the door. Ling Lan paused for a moment and then said, "Yes."

At this time, Ling Lan suddenly felt a great pressure coming down from his body. He felt like he was carrying a boulder, and suddenly he was about to breathe.

He clenched his teeth and stood on the ground with his legs straight. He bent slightly and showed blue veins on his neck, "Ah..."

Suddenly, for more than ten seconds, the pressure on Ling Lan suddenly disappeared, as if nothing had happened, as if she was dreaming.

"Well, that's good. Come in."

Hearing Elder Charles's approval, Ling Lan understood his intention and entered the house cautiously with excitement.

The first thing he saw was a wide screen, on which there was a distant landscape map. In front of the screen, there was a four-cornered wooden table and several small wooden chairs.

Just as Ling Lan was curious about where Charles was, he was shocked and found that Charles was drinking tea comfortably in the chair.

Ling Lan felt that he appeared suddenly and seemed to be sitting there all the time. Charles's mystery made him feel how powerful he was, the most powerful person he had ever seen so far.

"I've been waiting for almost a hundred years, and today I finally waited..."

"Your Excellency, you mean..." Ling Lan asked puzzled. He stood in front of the door and stared at Charles.

"Sit down, kid, do you know what your full name is?"

Ling Lan blurted out, "Ain Jueluo, Ling Lan."

"You have a necklace on your neck. Let me have a look." Charles didn't even raise his head from beginning to end, knowing that he had a necklace around his neck.

"Good." Ling Lan took off the necklace and put his hands up. Charles took it with his withered hand.

The angel necklace with six pairs of wings shines brightly in Charles's hand. The light became more and more vigorous and gradually lit up every corner of the room.

Ling Lan looked curiously that he had only seen this kind of thing twice, each time when his life was threatened.

Charles can stimulate the power on his necklace, so he will definitely know the origin and meaning of the necklace.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan's inner expectations are even more urgent. No one wants to know their real power and secrets.

"The descendants of the Ainjuro family finally waited..." Charles raised his head, and his eyes flashed with excitement. The feeling was like driving away the dark sun, which made people feel very bright and dazzling.

"Son, let me tell you a story..." Charles poured a cup of tea and told it carefully for Ling Lan.

A thousand years ago, the gods in heaven and the evil demons fought a devastating war. At that time, the demon army occupied the whole Tianchuang continent, and human beings almost perished at that moment.

God felt the devout faith and prayer of human beings, so he ordered the angels and gods under him to go down to the earth to save human beings facing disaster.

When the angel pros fought side by side with human beings and united together, the demon army retreated steadily. Finally, a hundred years later, it withdrew from Tianchuang Continent.

In the war at that time, many memorable and unforgettable stories happened between the angel Protoss and human warriors.

Among them, the greatest thing is the unforgettable love story between the strongest angel Gabriel and the princess of the human race.

Gable, who was originally a Protoss, fell deeply in love with Angie. Despite the opposition and anger of the gods in the divine world, they finally gave birth to offspring.

In order to maintain the dignity of the divine world, the god who learned about this deprived him of all the glory and merits in the Protos. In the end, Angie could not escape the fate of being killed by the gods. Gabre's strength was abandoned. The two of them hugged each other's bodies and sank into the endless sea.

After listening to this story, Ling Lan felt as if she had experienced it first-hand and was very touching. After a long time, he turned around, "You mean, I am a descendant of the gods and human beings?"

"At that time, the ancestor God ordered us to protect the family with his descendants, anonymously, and vowed to save the child. However, after the pursuit of the gods, our guardians could not resist at all. In the last deadly battle, the children of the gods were secretly sent elsewhere, and at that time, the necklace was hanging around his neck.

"Are I really?" Ling Lan asked unbelievably that Charles's story was very sad, but it was more like a legend.

"As long as the sacred fire left by the ancestral god is not extinguished, his descendants will still live in this world, and you, since you have the angel necklace left by the ancestral god, then there are ten *." Charles' hand holding the cup trembled slightly. After waiting for nearly a hundred years, he finally saw the light.

Leave Charles's cabin, Ling Lan couldn't calm down. For two days, he sat on the roof and looked at the endless sea.

The meeting between Ling Lan and Charles has long been heard by everyone on the island. What makes them excited is that Ling Lan is an outsider and can meet Charles, so the opportunity to get the Flaming Sword is very large.

Only if they can get the blazing sword, their guardian family must fully obey Ling Lan's orders.

Lance's big black snake has also recovered from his wounds. Wendy has not been idle these days. She is practicing hard to make greater contributions to the forest of elves.

In the distance, a huge building ship came this way, and the people guarding the island stopped their eyes and watched curiously.

"Lance, do you really want to go?" Wendy stood beside Lance and asked with a frown.

"Yes, it's okay to stay here. I can't waste all my time here. I'm sorry, Princess Wendy."

The change of Lance's temperament made Wendy very uncomfortable. With Elta, he became much quieter.

"Look, there is a big ship over there!" Wendy also found the dark shadow in the distance of her vision.

A huge building ship appeared prominently in people's eyes and quickly approached the island.

Ling Lan came down from the roof, and I walked to the shore and looked at the east direction.

At this time, Eric came over from the island over there with a trace of displeasure in his eyes.


Ling Lan saw a blue figure standing in the bow of the boat, and Leia's figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

Hearing Ling Lan's words, Lance also dilated his pupils and stared over there, trying to see more clearly.

"Do you know the people on the boat?" Wendy looked at the two of them curiously and asked strangely.

After a period of silence, the boat approached. Finally, Ling Lan confirmed what he thought in his heart. The only woman on the ship was Leia, who had not seen for a long time, as beautiful as Qinglian.

"It's really her!" Lance shouted in surprise, and then there was no sound. He was very contradictory now, so he showed a complicated look.

"Listen, the people on the ship, we won't help you!" Eric stood on the rock on the left, cheering up and roared loudly at the boat.

His voice echoed at sea and came far away.

The people on the island heard it clearly, but the boat still landed as fast as possible.

Several middle-aged people came down from the ship one after another. Accompanied by several young men, a Leya style of water-blue dress came, such as a woman turned into a lotus flower, which is beautiful and free from vulgarity, and no longer exudes fresh and holy beauty all the time.

"Brother Eric, don't refuse so early. We have decided that as long as you cooperate with us, the body of the dragon will belong to you, and we only need water beads. What do you think?"

spoke by a steady and rough middle-aged man. Behind him were more than a dozen men from the boat.