Angel War Soul

Chapter 135 Intention

"Ha ha, you are right, but I have lived in this environment for more than 200 years and have been used to it. Although the outside world is beautiful, I don't want to compete with my people.

"Who started the current war?" Wendy asked doubtfully, and she was puzzled by the words of the Dark Queen.

"I just want to tell you this story." Sylman, the Dark Queen, thought for a moment and then said with a little sadness, "Six thousand years ago, the Elf Forest suffered a major disaster. At that time, the sky was full of meteorites and fell here, and the earth was also frequently earthquakes. At that time, most of the elves died in the disaster, and some people were taken to the depths of the earth by the cracked ground. Those people are the ancestors of the dark elves.

"It turns out that there is such a thing." Ling Lan didn't know the history of the elves. He was also a little touched when he heard it at this moment.

"Those dying elves were about to be suffocated. When they died in pain, they met a creature under the ground. Although those creatures were terrible, they very kindly sprinkled their blood on the bodies of the elves. After a few months, most of the people who couldn't stand it died, leaving only less than After 100 transformations, it has been refined and flexible. They proliferated after getting used to the dark days under the earth and the air was thin.

"When the elves under the earth have the ability to survive, they are determined to return to the ground. After thousands of years, their generations have finally dug a way to the ground after unremitting efforts. At this time, the elves saw them and thought they were demons on the ground and clashed with them. The root cause of all these contradictions began at that time.

"However, the mother emperor is so kind that your clan has always attacked us." Wendy frowned. When she heard this, she suddenly couldn't hear it.

"You are right. In order to complete the legacy of his ancestors, my brother, even if the elves on the ground can't accommodate us. He must also complete it through war. You know, even if we really occupy the forest of elves, we can't live on the ground, but my brother's brutality is unconvincing at all. Sirniman explained meaningfully.

"You mean that it was your brother who started the war, and you have always been neutral." Ling Lan said his own thoughts and questions.

"Yes, kid. My name Wendy is here to make my brother understand that I am willing to make concessions and mediation for the peace between the two clans of the same clan. As the queen of darkness, Syrneman first made concessions.

"Really? When I go back, I will explain to my mother that we don't want war, but..." Wendy understood Syrneman's intention, and she gradually accepted this unknown enemy that she had hated before.

They chatted for a long time, when an elf warrior hurried over and leaned in Syrneman's ear and said something.

Sirneyman heard this, frowned, and then looked at Ling Lan and the others, "Since you can, please come back. Visa, take them out."

"Yes, Your Majesty! You two come with me."

"See you then." After Ling Lan said goodbye, she pulled Wendy and followed.

As soon as they took a few steps, suddenly, an evil breath came to their faces, and then a person came out.

"Niman, do you still want to let them go after you catch them?"

"Attila, why are you here?" Syrneyman stood up unhappily from the stone chair and stared at each other coldly.

"Haha... Why can't I come? These two people are handed over to me." Atilla and Sylman are also the queens of darkness, but the two of them stand here at the same time, and their temperament is completely opposite.

"I have my own decision on the people I catch. You control me too much."

"You surrounded thousands of elves not long ago and didn't kill them, but you released them all. Do you want me to tell your brother, huh? Hahaha..."

"You!" Syrneman pointed angrily at Attila and squeezed his slightly red lips tightly together.


While they were talking, Attila suddenly waved her sleeves and a piece of white smoke suddenly sprinkled on Ling Lan's body. Wendy, who did not react, fell to the ground unbearably as soon as she smelled the strange smell.

Ling Lan was a second slower than her, and also struggled painfully and fell into a coma.

Atilla stared at them with a sneer and went straight back. The two black bull elf guards behind her picked up Ling Lan and walked away.

Sirneman looked at their departure and didn't know how angry he was.

Ling Lan, who pretended to be in a coma, closed her eyes and felt the situation around her. They walked for more than half an hour before putting him down. Atilla ordered his men to take good care of them and left by himself.

Ling Lan slowly opened his eyes and saw five or six guards standing at the mouth of the hole in front of him. They were not tied up and put them on the ground like that.

Ling Lan grabbed Wendy's hand and pressed it hard. After a while, Wendy had no reaction, and he knew that she was really stunned.

The dark hole was very quiet, and the dark elf who guarded the mouth of the cave straightened his body and stood there extremely seriously without saying a word.

Ling Lan seized the opportunity. He hid himself and suddenly flashed out.

His left was the end of the passage, and on the right, a long aisle could not be seen. He called Xiao Zi out, and a purple smoke spewed out. The dark elves' eyes were black and all fell to the ground.

Ling Lan hugged Wendy and ran quickly into the passage. Xiao Zi fluttered her wings and flew high into the sky to follow closely.

"Hight! They ran away!"

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed by Ling Lan, and then a shout came from the cave, and they were found.

The dead cave suddenly became chaotic. The dark elves were familiar with the darkness and could see at night. They didn't need to light the lamp at all to catch up with Ling Lan's far away figure.

Ling Lan's speed was limited by darkness. He was gradually caught up and surrounded. Xiao Zi relieved him in the sky. For a moment, screams kept ringing in this huge winding cave. There was a light hole in front of him, and he could go out immediately.

"I want to run!"

Suddenly, a strong breath blocked their way. Attila stood at the mouth of the cave and stared at them coldly. She held an evil staff in her hand, emitting purple fog from time to time.


Wendi moaned in pain, and she woke up leisurely and felt a little uncomfortable.

Ling Lan saw Attila's ability, and he put Wendy down and blocked her.

"Get back obediently!" Attila raised his staff, and a fog demon with teeth and claws rushed at them. Her staff is extremely strange and can kill five demons at the same time to contain Ling Lan.

He also has to protect Wendy. For a while, he can only dodge and can't fight back.

The two angel phantoms raised the powerful angel sword in their hands and blocked the attacking demons. In a while, Wendy was able to fight. Ling Lan snorted coldly and rushed up.

"Attila, go to hell!" Ling Lan unexpectedly took out the blazing sword. As soon as the fiery sword came out, a bright flame suddenly lit up in the cave, illuminating all the corners clearly.

The hot temperature made the dark elves surrounding him suddenly stunned and withdrew 100 meters in horror.


The power of the sword is not small. Ling Lan cut out with a sword, and the hard rock broke in response. The dust fell from the top of his head. The small gravel, like raindrops, kept hitting the ground.

Attila flashed the sword thrillingly. Her clothes did not touch the light of the sword, but it burned strangely and broke a big hole.

Ling Lan, who hadn't seen her for a few months, surprised her very much. She was stunned for a moment and then took action very angrily.

In the huge hole, Attila turned into thick smoke. The whole hole was occupied by her purple-black smoke in the blink of an eye. Ling Lan didn't want to fight anymore. He turned around and grabbed Wendy and rushed to the mouth of the cave.

I didn't expect that Attila, who would escape, immediately chased after her. As soon as her figure appeared at the mouth of the cave, she was struck by a hot sword. The roar sounded, and the whole mountain trembled slightly. The broken boulder at the mouth of the cave was sealed. Attila was almost hit at the moment of danger.

"Hmm! Despicable enough!" Attila faced the closed hole and cursed fiercely.

Ling Lan rushed out of the cave with Wendy. He ran all the way along the mountain wall. Behind him, there were countless dark elf armies chasing him. His speed was extremely fast. After a while, he threw away the pursuers behind him.

The sky outside gradually lit up, and in less than half an hour, the warm sun rose from the horizon and shone into the green forest.

Ling Lan and the two rested on the tree for a moment and then returned to Saier City.

During the day, the dark elves will not appear. The elves will take advantage of now to find the caves where the dark elves live, and then catch them all.

Without the pursuit of soldiers, Ling Lan took Wendy to the edge of Saier City in less than a morning.

The war lasted for more than half a year. Saier City is a border town. So far, it has only encountered a few small battles. The refugees gathered from other cities are concentrated here. If Saier City also falls, they will have nowhere to go.

"Strange, what about Ilray and the others?" Along the way, Wendy didn't see the army in the past, only three or two refugees stayed together.

"Don't worry, they are safer than us and will be fine."

The two went to the city and didn't see anyone they knew. When they were about to ask passers-by, a cheerful figure rushed to them as quickly as possible.

"Brother Ling Lan!"

Sinnia shouted happily to let Ling Lan hear clearly. He smiled and opened his arms and hugged her.

"Brother Ling Lan, have you been caught?"

"Ha ha, they can't catch me. Aren't we coming out now?"