Angel War Soul

Chapter 155 Fox Girl

"This is a stunning girl of the fox clan, 28 years old, and a delicate virgin. She is proficient in ninety-eight kinds of immortality **, which is definitely the favorite choice of all men with status and wealth. This kind of girl, who has been cultivated since she was three years old, starts at 5 million gold coins!"


"Eight million!"

"10 million!"

"20 million!"

People roared like crazy, and they stared at the orcs who competed with them.

The auction scene reached the most** in history, and the orcs in the front row laughed even more mysteriously.

The warm cry gradually lowered, and their argument lasted for five minutes, leaving only two orcs to argue there.

"Two six million, Tuka, how dare you rob me!"

"Luhas, how dare you scold me? After going out, I will** your 19th little wife! Damn it!"

"Two million!" The orc named Tuca scolded Lujas, 500 meters away from him, and no one let him.

"You!" Lujas blushed with anger. He had no money and went there. Tuca looked excited like a sharp knife in his heart.

"You add it! Why didn't you add it! Haha..." Tuka grinned happily and made a contemptuous gesture to Lujas.

Isabel looked at them jokingly and there was no offer at all.

"Damn it, I've made 28 million! Who dares to rob!" The people below were silent, and no one made a sound. Except for some rich people and nobles, the other few thousand people were blessed with the eyes of the fox girl.

After a period of silence, Isabel cast her eyes on a surrounded beast not far in front of her. After throwing a charming eye, a soft sound finally came out from the first row below.

"40 million."

That sentence, like a stone thrown into the lake, is gently and fleeting. If it weren't for the echoing sound, people would have thought it was an illusion.

"40 million, Master Sambana will pay 40 million. Does anyone else want to raise the price?" Isabel's words made Tuka shut up. He looked worse than Lujas just now. After arguing with the other party for a long time, it became a shameful farce in the eyes of others! For these shameful figures, this is a disgrace and insulted by others who trample hard on the ground.

"40 million once!" Isabel shouted emotionally. She didn't shout once, and the fullness of her chest shook with her.

"40 million twice!" After a pause of two seconds, Isabel's voice became louder.

When only people's heavy noses could be heard quietly at the auction, Isabel picked up the small hammer on the table and smashed it fiercely.

Suddenly, a voice stopped her action.

"Fifty million!"

Who is it?

Who added another 10 million? Even Ling Lan, who was not interested, noticed the place where the sound was made. There was a place where people stood up excitedly and talked to the people in the middle.

Obviously, the speaker is in that place.

"Who is it? Dare to rob women from me!" The noble-looking Sambana shouted fiercely and also stood up and looked at the area on the right.

"I said, get out of the way. I'll pay 50 million. Who wants to raise the price? Otherwise, I'll take the beauty home happily." The lazy voice shocked the orcs who had seen the world. They had also seen 50 million yuan to buy a beautiful slave. However, they were surprised that they had never seen this unknown boy. I don't know where it came from.

You know, Senbana is the son of the king. Even if someone richer than him robs him, he still has to weigh his weight.

"I'll pay 70 million!" Sambana looked there resentfully, and shouted angrily. The people present must have been very angry when they heard his tiger roar.

People who like the bustle look at the man who didn't show up again and look forward to his more wonderful performance.

Sure enough, after Sambana shouted, he shouted in his lazy voice, "100 million!"

"It's Lance." When Ling Lan heard the familiar voice, he was sure that it was Lance. Although he had not seen the other party, he would never make a wrong judgment.

How could he buy that slave? And there are at least 100 million gold coins. Ling Lan puzzled that he had sold all the things in the ring, and there were more than 100 million, but he would not buy anything that was useless to him.

"You bastard!" Sambana scolded angrily. He just wanted to rush over and beat the owner of the voice, but he still put up with it. After all, how can the prince, the son of the lord of a country, lose face to a slave?

In the plan, he brought 90 million gold coins, and all the rich businessmen in the city were told. No one dared to rob him. Unexpectedly, an unknown rich man suddenly ran out.

"Quickly finalize, I can't wait, little beauty, hahaha..." The obscene laughter sounded, and after Sembana sat down angrily, no one would raise the price. The auction house of 5,000 people was quiet, and people held their breath and looked in the direction of Sambana.

When Isabel saw that Sembana was slow to speak, Lance urged her impatiently. For a moment, she whispered for the first time. Then, Sembana looked coldly and glared at her. Her murderous eyes made her tremble all over and just wanted to close her eyes and escape from the scene.

Isabel, who was struggling hard, still had a forced smile on her face. Finally, in her lower and lower voice, the price of 100 million gold coins from Lance was finally finalized.

A shocking roar suddenly broke out on the field. Countless male dreamed of beautiful fox beauties were bought by an unknown rich man. They all stood high to see what the man who dared to challenge Prince Sambana looked like.

With Isabel's stop, she quickly showed the last finale treasure, and the evil sword stabbed blood.

Those crazy people remembered that there was such a most valuable and mysterious weapon.

"This finale treasure comes from a close divine soldier of the legendary Dark Elf King, a king-level sacred weapon 'sting blood', starting from 100 million gold coins!"

Isabel's words surprised people. This precious treasure Yuan is not as shocking as a stunning fox girl, but its preciousness is really real there.

King-level sacred artifacts are unattainable for people, and they can't be bought no matter how much they cost. However, today, there is really a king-level sacred weapon in front of them.

Only one level away is an artifact that can only be possessed by the legendary god! Such a magic soldier completely scared more than half of the guests.

"50 million!"

"Two hundred million!"

"Five million!"


In the end, the blood of the Dark Elf King was sold for a sky-high price of 1.5 billion, which is equivalent to the total income of Semba City for a year. Even if the king wants to buy this magic soldier, he will be very sad.

A mysterious old man shot blood, and finally, the three-hour auction ended.

Ling Lan looked for Lance in the countercurrent crowd, and the other party was affectionately led to the stage by Isabel, waiting for the crowd to disperse.

Ling Lan came out of the auction house. After half an hour, he waited for Lance with an excited face. He took the fox girl he bought and trembled excitedly and came out.

Behind him was followed by the prince, Sambana. He stared fiercely at Lance, who was not aware of it, and couldn't wait to kill him immediately and grab the fox girl beside him.

Ling Lan faced Lance head-on. He turned over his right hand hidden in his sleeve and saw the paper ball in his hand disappear.

When Lance saw him, he suddenly found pain coming from his body. He saw a paper ball rolling down his trousers. When he picked up the paper ball, Ling Lanren had gone.

Ling Lan also needs to find out who the seller of the evil sword is. As long as she finds the mysterious man, she can find the hiding place of the fox clan.

After a long time, the pedestrians in front of the auction house became rarer and rarer. Ling Lan, hiding in a high stone building, focused on three people who came out of the auction house at the same time.

The three of them walked naturally along three unisonous roads, and gradually, they were about to disappear from Ling Lan's sight.

1.5 billion gold coins can't be hidden on a person, unless there is a space ring and such a large amount of money, no one coveted it. That's impossible.

"That's him." Ling Lan saw a man and immediately followed him. Around the ordinary snake man, there were ten strong bodyguards guarding him. Only on the stone tower did Ling Lan find that they had been cleverly protecting the snake man in the middle. Anyone who wanted to approach him must pass in front of the bodyguard.

The other two seemed to be in a hurry, but no one followed them. Even if Ling Lan had so much money, he would not be afraid of being remembered.

When Ling Lan followed out of an alley, he came face to meet a bear man. The bear man was the bear man who gave him a paper ball, and he could see it clearly at a glance.

"Your benefactor, do you have any instructions?"

Suddenly, the bear man whispered to Ling Lan.

"You follow the other two people who came out of the auction house, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, we have paid attention to them."

"Hmm." Ling Lan saw that their efficiency was not bad at all. He walked safely on the street, keeping a certain distance from those bodyguards that would not be found.

After leaving the city, the bodyguards stopped tacitly and turned their heads to come back. Ling Lan found that the snake man was picked up by several people and walked to the mountain not far away.

It was dark, and Ling Lan saw them walk into a very hidden cave. After he had a goal, he hurried back to see Lance.