Angel War Soul

Chapter 157 Stone of Space

Ling Lan quickly passed by several foxes. In front of a cliff, he suddenly stopped. It was a deep pit that could not be seen at the bottom. In front of him, there was another channel. From it, there was a faint roar of beasts, and ropes hung down the cliff. He saw Other places are dead roads, and only the ropes in front of them can pass.

Ling Lan showed his wings of heaven, gently kicked his feet and flew off the ground without the help of ropes at all. When he fell to the opposite side, he found another hole under the mountain wall, with a thick rattan hanging down, just enough to fall into the hole.

As long as the suspended rope is gently touched, a huge stone will fall down, and then the person who grasps the rope will fall directly into the bottomless abyss.

What a sinister fox clan! Ling Lan was shocked by the concealment and cunning of the fox clan and walked forward more carefully.

I only heard a roar, and as he got closer, he heard it more clearly. Not only that, he felt that the mountain was shaking slightly, and the cracking of stones was mixed in it, as if he were carrying out a mining project.

Sure enough, when he walked out of the passage, a dark wall appeared in front of him. Hundreds of strong fox clans used their fists to hammer hard against the mountain wall. The shattered black stones were loaded into the car by the female fox clan behind him, piled up and pulled out.

They all grow stronger than tigers and bears. If it weren't for the sharpness of their heads, they would be no different from foxes. Looking at them from their backs, it's really easy to confuse.

Under the hammer of the fox warriors with iron fists, the broken stones will not be smaller than their heads. Such a ability requires not only relying on their strong strength, but also mastering the strength of the control force.

No wonder they hide so secretly. If these fox clans run to the street, it will definitely subvert the view of the beast people that the fox clan has only been beautiful for a long time.

What is the black mountain stone? What a familiar feeling. Ling Lan has always felt a mysterious and powerful force attracting him. He looked away from the fox clan and carefully looked at the black mountain wall ten meters high.

These are a kind of stones that can be sold. While training their physical fitness during the mining process, the fox warriors can also take out the stones for sale, which is indeed a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

Ling Lan's slightly frown suddenly loosened, and he was surprised to think that it was the stone of space! How much can such a large space stone be sold? Moreover, it can be seen from the black traces that these space stones have been excavated five meters thick. If the 50 cubic meters of space stone is used by Ling Lan, it can increase at least half of the space power in an instant.

Ling Lan, who had seen the big scene, couldn't help getting excited at this time. He thought that if all these space stones fell into his pocket, his space magic cultivation would be improved by at least one level.


Ling Lan suppressed his inner shock and excitement. He suspended over the mine and flew into another hole in the west.

This cave is far less than imagined. It is completely hollowing out the center of the mountain and building a secret base.

"Your Excellency, today, we have developed 20,000 copies of 'Blood of Beasts', and the 5,000 people who have taken them have not had any side effects."

"Well, very good, the sword given by the eldest brother sold 1.5 billion yuan, which increased the production of the blood of the beast tenfold at once. We only spent 300 million, and the rest of the money will exert more power!"

Ling Lan heard the sound of two people talking on the other side of the mountain wall. He turned his ear and approached the mountain wall and listened carefully.

"Your Excellency, an ordinary beast blood can increase our clan to the strength of the bear, and have a life span of 50 years. If the blood of the advanced beast is made, then...hehe..."

"Hmm! Do you think this research is easy to do? Shut up and go down to do something!"

Ling Lan saw a man leaving. He bypassed the mountain wall. In front of him was a small unmanned laboratory, where stood a strong fox clan. He turned his back to Ling Lan and couldn't see his face clearly.

In another aisle beside him, there were countless people fighting. Ling Lan confirmed that this was a fox training and mining base, and the highest manager here was the fox man in front of him!

What should I do? Grab him directly for interrogation, or grab the stone of space first? Ling Lan struggled with this problem in her heart and slowly pondered.

When he didn't think about it for ten seconds, he heard a roar from the cave, and the whole mountain suddenly shook violently.

"Who is it?" The fox man rushed out angrily. He passed Ling Lan. Because he ran too fast, his mind was full of movement outside and did not notice Ling Lan's breath at all.

Ling Lan passed through another channel, and those fox warriors who were training rushed out with red eyes, forming a crowded wave.

The cave immediately became chaotic. Ling Lan rushed back to the huge open space of the stone of storage space and saw a huge snake swim in front of him. He felt the familiar breath and immediately realized that it was Lance who was coming.

Before he came, he informed Lance. Unexpectedly, at this time, Lance rushed in and had a direct conflict with the fox clan.

"Lord Husot! Lord Hu Sotu! It's the god of the snake clan! The snakes betrayed us!"


A fox warrior hurried out of the cave and said to the fox man in front of him. A scream sounded and violent shaking became closer and closer. The fox man named Hu Sotu immediately blocked the mouth of the cave and waited for Lance's arrival.

Hu Sotu? Husoller? A very close name.

"That's him!" Ling Lan suddenly appeared, shouted, and sent out a sword of heaven to stab Hu Suotu's back.

He didn't expect that there was someone behind him screaming, and a pair of arms were drawn a striking and shocking wound, and scarlet blood spewed out. He was shocked to see Ling Lan behind him. He jumped and hit the mountain wall directly beside him.

At this time, Lance's big snake showed its head better and swam from the passage. Hu Sotu had run away from the broken rocks.

"Ling Lan, where are you?" Lance shouted loudly. He stood on the back of the snake and shot arrows at the pursuers behind him without seeing Ling Lan.

"I'm right behind you. You go after Hu Suotu. I'll deal with it here!" Ling Lan stopped the fox warriors who chased him. He summoned a huge angel phantom to block the hole. Lance's little black could use their consciousness and drilled out along the gravel pile beside him.

Those fox warriors grew up and trained in this cave. Until today, they have never come out of the cave. They have never seen such a very powerful and scary thing as angel phantom.

Even if they got stronger power, they were scared to retreat a few steps because they had never seen the world.

During this period, Ling Lan has flown over the stone of space, and those mined fox warriors have long been gone. They are forming a team to chase Lance's snake and leave here.

"Good opportunity!"

Ling Lan took out the blazing sword in the ring. As soon as the sword came out, the temperature around it rose sharply, ten degrees higher than before. However, no one could experience it except Ling Lan.

"Cut this mountain wall and receive it all from my ring!"

Ling Lan raised his sword, and his whole body was connected with the divine sword, turning into a huge fire dragon.

With a rumbling sound, the rocks shaken down by the strong earthquake rumbled to the ground. In the diffuse dust, Ling Lan turned around and pulled out all the swords inserted.


The mountain wall composed of the stone of space shattered countless cracks. Ling Lan suspended in the air and cut away fiercely with a few swords. The fragile stone of space broke into countless pieces, collapsed and flew down to every corner around.

Ling Lan put all the scattered stones of space into the ring. Those fox warriors who returned in danger were blocked by the broken space stone and could not get in. After a while, Ling Lan cleaned up more than half of the space stone.

What is that?

Ling Lan found a small fist-sized black stone with faint light in a pile of broken stones. Unlike other space stones, this stone showed a perfect diamond shape and was not damaged at all under the cutting of the divine sword.

Ling Lan didn't have time to think about it carefully. He put the black stone into the ring. Suddenly, the three blocked holes were knocked open by the fox warriors.

"Catch him!"

Dozens of hidden weapons, darts, bows and arrows and other long-range weapons flew over Ling Lan's head. His figure flashed and easily dodged. The stones in the space that blocked the hole had not been withdrawn. He used four angel phantoms to attract the attention of the fox warriors and took the rest away.

Because his Ling Lan is too powerful compared with them, it is not at the same level at all, so his figure dangling around them, and no one can touch him.

Ling Lan did not kill a fox warrior. He quickly went out of the cave and ran towards the outside world.

This huge harvest made him very excited. His space magic cultivation is still at the strength of the seventh level, which is two levels worse than the ninth level of light magic.

Moreover, the further forward, it will be difficult it will be to make progress. With this 100 cubic meters of high-quality space stone, he is very confident to upgrade the strength of space magic to the eighth level.

As soon as the chasing fox warriors came out of the hole, they couldn't find him at all. Their hidden cave was so disturbed by him and Lance that they would never dare to hide any more.