Angel War Soul

Chapter 166 The defeat of the snake clan

The snake army that realized that death had come stopped and continued to collide. At the behest of the Snake King, both sides stopped fighting. Ten minutes of impact, the casualties on both sides were extremely heavy. More than 5,000 soldiers of the snake clan died. They were all blocked together and could not exert their combat effectiveness. They were squeezed to death and trampled to death.

The tiger and bear warriors are better. They only killed more than 2,000 people outside the open field.

Senbada, the tiger king, personally led his team to approach step by step from the back of the snake army. The snake king, who was so angry that he couldn't wait to stare at the rear angrily, waiting for the judgment of fate.

"Ah... you son of a bitch! Kill me if you have the ability! Will you be afraid when you are an old man? Dream!"

The snake prince, who was held in the hands of the tiger king, kept fluttering with his feet off the ground like a weak chicken. The Tiger King walked to the Snake King and threw him out disdainfully, showing disgusting eyes as if he were throwing garbage.

"Lupilas, this is the result of your rebellion!"

The snake king Rubius's eyes were blood-red. He lowered his head and didn't want to look into the tiger king's eyes. His body couldn't help trembling. The humiliating mood of defeat was constantly tormenting him. Every word of the tiger king and every mockery of the other party was far more painful than the sharp sword piercing him. fen!

The desperate snake warriors put down their weapons timidly. They were already afraid and had no strength. They were soft and couldn't use any strength at all.

They, who have not really fought for decades, are not the opponents of the tough bear and tigers at all. They step on the bodies of their brothers and companions. The flowing blood river shines with strange and evil light, and their faces reflect on them, as if death is calling.

"I'm not willing... I'm not willing..."

"Father! We don't have to surrender to this stinky tiger! I'd rather die!" The son of Rubilas, the snake prince, shouted excitedly. He held a sharp knife in his hand and was ready to cut himself at any time.


With a crisp sound, Lubylas slapped him fiercely in the face!

"Mambada, we surrender!" Rubius's eyes were full of extremely complex divine light. He planned for decades and bribed all the guards in the Tiger King's Palace. He didn't understand how he could fail. He would not die. He still had to keep the lifeblood of the snake clan and start over.

"Hahahaha..." Sambada, the tiger king, laughed like thunder. He glared at Lubyras and shouted harshly, "You didn't expect it! It's the day that won't die! Blame you despicable traitors. If you want to live, just listen to me carefully!"

"Say it, I'll tell you everything!"

"Bed them all up and take them away!" The Tiger King ordered to roar at the soldiers around him. He turned around and walked out to the palace. A long-planned rebellion ended in this incredible way. From then on, the defeated man could no longer raise his head and would no longer have so-called dignity.

Three days later, Samba returned to its previous scene. In addition to the restoration of the palace, most of the city still maintained a prosperous appearance. A war killed tens of thousands of people. Those dead spirits were buried in the mountains outside the city. The Tiger King personally took his soldiers to the dead. Let's take a ride.