Angel War Soul

Chapter 182 Church Test

Ten days later, Ling Lan used his great migration to rush to the royal city of Luolan of the Leilin Empire. His space magic has reached the strength of the ninth level, and the speed of movement has also greatly increased. It originally took a month to travel, but now it only took ten days to do it.

"Ling Lan is back! Ling Lan is back! Come out and welcome everyone!"

When Ling Lan and Lance, Elta walked on the only street leading to the church, the ordinary people who usually patrolled the street rushed back to the church excitedly and informed everyone of this surprising thing.

When Lance saw that Ling Lan was so popular, they couldn't help looking at his face with a complicated smile.

"Ling Lan is very popular here." Elta took the initiative to speak a little under Lance's**.

"That's it! He is a child prodigy and genius of the Church of Light! Can it be unpopular?" Lance said strangely, with a deep jealousy in his words.

"You two don't have to sing together here, haha..."

While they spoke, a row of neat and majestic believers came out of the door of the church. They lined up and walked in front of them. Behind them, Bishop Elifir and Myaelan, as well as Migay and Gohada, came out.

Ling Lan saw such a battle for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel warm. He remembered that when he first came here, he was only invited by Elifeld, and he was not as grand as today.

"Welcome to the return of Lord Linglan..."

The 60 believers shouted neatly to welcome the return of Ling Lan. Bishop Ellief behind them came with a charming smile on their faces.

"Bishop Phil, Lord Migaya, you are so excited for me!" Ling Lan smiled and didn't know what to say. Such a large situation was very uncomfortable for him.

"Ling Lan, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and your temperament has become more and more extraordinary, hehe." Elliefield took a look and found the difference between Ling Lan and said admiringly.

"I have practiced in the orc empire in the forest of elves, and my strength has improved a little, but Bishop Phil is still the object of my study."

"Ling Lan, well, that's good, that's good. Come in and talk." Migaya nodded and looked at him smiling happily. Everyone listened to him and entered the church together with Ling Lan and Lance and Elta.

In the spacious welcome hall, except for Bishop Elifir and Migaya and Gohada, the rest stayed outside.

Ling Lan, Lance and Elta sat together, opposite the three of them.

For more than a year, everyone had a lot to say, but because of their identity, they hesitated and didn't speak.

In the end, Migaya smiled faintly and said, "Ling Lan, I heard that you have done a lot of great things in the Elf Forest and the Orc Empire. You might as well tell us, hehe."

"Uh... Lord Megay praised it. That's all what happened to me with Lance, Elta and Lea. Let me talk about it briefly."

Ling Lan simply talked about the war in the elf forest and the war in the orc empire. Hearing this, the three people opposite showed an endless expression full of joy.

"Is this the dark elf? Oh, it's so beautiful!" After listening to Ling Lan's story, Gohada, who had secretly glanced at Elta, had more reason to stare at her directly.

"Yes, this is Lance's lover! Elta. Ling Lan deliberately aggravated the word "lover", and Lance listened and laughed very comfortably.

"Dark elves are indeed a race of natural beauty." Migaye just glanced at Elta and remembered his memory a long time ago.

"Ling Lan, can you take out your flaming sword and have a look?" Elliefield looked at Ling Lan with great anticipation and said.

After she finished speaking, everyone turned their eyes to him.

"Of course!"

Ling Lan held the Flaming Sword in her hands and gently put it on the table.

The Flaming Sword lies there quietly. The sword shines with a faint red light. Its texture is very strange, and this magical and rare material can't be found on the market.

They looked very carefully at every part of the sword, including Megaye. After all, the legendary artifact is not visible to ordinary people.

It was not like this when the Flame Sword really showed its power. Lance and Elta had seen it, and they just looked at it for a while and stopped looking at it.

Migaye and Ailifir both touched the body of the sword and carefully felt the amazing power transmitted from the sword.

"It's really a good sword!"

Suddenly, an extra voice praised loudly, and everyone raised their heads and looked at the direction of the sound.

"Merante!" Ling Lan couldn't help but feel a sense of war when he saw him.

"Haha, the legendary sword looks unusual. Ling Lan, do you want to compare with me with this sword?" As soon as Melant entered the door, he invited Ling Lan. His words just hit people's hearts and turned their eyes to Ling Lan.

"Good! I'm looking forward to it too!" Ling Lan said and stood up with the sword.

"Haha, there are two of you in my church, so don't worry about the development of theism in the future!" Migaya brushed his white beard excitedly and said happily.

"Adults are right. If only everyone were like them."

"Bishop Phil, Lord Mgaya, you really praise it." Ling Lan said modestly and followed Melante out of the door.

The news that the two of them were going to compare was like a ubiquitous wind, and it spread all over the church in an instant.

Seeing that the believers were all looking forward to each other, she allowed most people to watch this rare game.

In an instant, the believers from all directions gathered around the square, and they added up to more than 3,000 people, waiting for Ling Lan and Melant to play.

The believers guarding the door are suffering today. Not only can they not see the wonderful comparison between them, but the believers who have not been sensitive to worship Ling Lan are surrounded and crowded to rush in.

"Today, when Ling Lan came back, he was invited by Melante to have a special test in the ring. Please calm down and watch the two of them!" After Elliefield's speech, the believers couldn't help shouting crazily.

Melante, known as a genius swordsman, and Ling Lan, a super prodigy, today they will have a friendship in the ring for the second time in history.

Moreover, it is worth looking forward to that after more than a year of transformation, their strength has once again reached a higher peak!

Ling Lan came to the ring with a blazing sword. Melland, like him, held a handful on his back and a handful in his hand, which very handsomely won the screams of most girls.

Ten ninth-order strength red-dressed believers set up a huge boundary in the ring to prevent the power of the two from leaking out and affecting the believers who watched.

"Are you ready?"

Melante pointed to Ling Lan opposite with the broken moon and star sword, and raised the corners of his mouth with a confident smile.

"Let's start!" Ling Lan also showed no weakness. The sword in his hand suddenly flashed a hot red firelight. Suddenly, the sword seemed to be on fire, burning with red fire.

Among the audience below, a figure stared at the two of them disdainfully, and that person was the unconvinced Gore. For more than a year, his strength has also reached the ninth level, but the church has never paid attention to him. Even if his uncle is Gohada.

Ling Lan has seen the three sword skills of Melante's broken moon and star sword, and he clearly remembers that he did not avoid his third move last time. Moreover, the more magical sword on his back has never been used, so he can arouse the surging fighting spirit in his heart by confronting Melante.

Merante took the lead in attacking, and his waved sword light passed like blue meteors, stabbing Ling Lan.

Ling Lan's murderous intention soared, flew in mid-air and greeted him.

With a gentle sword, he broke the other party's vanity move with a hot firelight. Both of them were trying this blow.

"What a murderous spirit! You also have this special skill, which is good!" Melant can see that Ling Lan's murderous spirit is not artificial, but maximizes the murderous spirit through a skill, which can not only affect the opponent's mind, but also have a certain lethality on the opponent's soul.

"Ha ha, I'm flattered!"

"Became my first move, Xinghe is brilliant!" Melante used the sword skills of his broken moon and star sword, and his moves were created by himself in battle with the sword in his hand. The power of this sword skill can exert the greatest power in his hand. Even if it is seen by others, it can't imitate any effect.

There was an independent space on the ring, and Ling Lan saw that the surroundings turned black again. Hundreds of stars were blinking. Every time the light flashed, countless swords stabbed him.

Ling Lan has a divine sword in his hand and is not afraid of the attack of the illusory sword light. He cut out countless red sword lights, and the blue sword light and red sword light collided together to form an extremely beautiful picture.

Two hundreds of swords can't beat anyone, and they have broken the starlight of the city in mid-air.

However, Melante is a knight. He was born to use a sword. Compared with Ling Lan, the sword light is much more.

Ling Lan moved quickly in the dark with teleportation, and the sword lights were easily dodged by him.

"I see you!" Ling Lan found Melant's figure hidden in the dark. He appeared behind the other party with a moment and waved a sword vibly.

Melante turned around and blocked it with a sword. Both of them cut dozens of swords with a single sword. The sound of "jingle" kept ringing, and Ling Lan's arms shook with bursts of numbness.