Angel War Soul

Chapter 215 Rumors everywhere

"Rurian, I have a little stomachache. Please bring these tea for me."

"Okay, slow down!" In front of the Yingbin Hall, a red woman ran to the distance and handed the made tea to another red woman who happened to pass by.

"Hey, I heard that all the relatives and friends of the bishop are inside. That little sister is very good-looking."

"Shut up, how dare you beat the bishop's idea and look for death."

Rurian accidentally heard their conversation in front of the whispered guard.

"Uh... Here comes the tea. I'll bring it for everyone." Ling Lan stood up uncommally, quickly ran to Rui Leian, who came in, and hurriedly took the tea. He personally saluted everyone, so as to slightly ease his embarrassment at this time.

Rulei'an looked at the people present. Almost all of them were young people. There was only one uncle-level man sitting in the seat next to Ling Lan.

"Rillian, Lord Leah has something to call you!"

"Oh, I know!"

At this time, everyone present noticed her, and York also turned his head and looked at her.

Rele'an was seen by everyone. She lowered her head shyly and was about to walk out of the hall.

"Rurian, a familiar name..."

"Uncle York, your tea." Ling Lan finally put the tea in front of York and looked at him strangely.

"Uncle York, are you all right?" Ling Lan saw him whisper in a low voice, and his expression looked strange.


Relean, who had just turned around, suddenly turned back and looked at York, who had just been somewhat impressed.

"Rui Leian!" York stood up and turned to look at her, with a complicated and very lost state of expression.

Ling Lan and others were surprised that they didn't know what had happened and silently waited for things to continue.

"Yoke, is it really you?" Rui Leian's eyes were full of tears and stood where she was emotionally, full of affection and surprise. She couldn't help crying.

York was similar to her, but his performance was not obvious. He slowly stretched out his hands and suddenly rushed to Ryan, who was shorter than him.


The people present opened their mouths wide and looked at the two of them hugging each other in disbelief. Ling Lan, in particular, didn't know when his men actually met York, and he seemed to be very familiar with him.

What the hell is going on?

People were making fun of Ling Lan first, and now their attention has been completely focused on York and Ray Ryan, trying to dig out their latest news.

"Rurian, is it really you? I thought, I thought you had..."

"Yoke, you have changed and grown so many beards. I have been waiting for you until today."

"Relean, I love you..."


The two affectionately conveyed their touching love, hugged each other again, hugged and kissed mouth to mouth. They were immersed in the long river of love and fully integrated into their own small world.

Except for Lance and Elta, everyone turned their heads shyly. They wanted to see it awkwardly but didn't want to see it, and their hearts seemed particularly contradictory.

First of all, Ling Lan couldn't help coughing twice and interrupted the beautiful pictures of children being staged by **.

Ling Lan did this cruelly, but he didn't mean to. He was choked by the saliva in his throat and couldn't help it.

The two people who were still in love heard the noise and left each other's arms reluctantly.

"What are you two doing in public? Don't consider our feelings? Huh?" Lance said dissatisfiedly, raising his head and tilting his neck to look at them.

York brewed his emotions, and then said to the people present, "Everyone, I'll excuse myself for a moment. Goodbye!" He spoke incoherently and pulled Ryan out of the door quickly.

York's move once again stunned everyone. At least two of the five of them were wondering whether York had been ignited by the flames of war and was in a hurry to return to his room and raised his head and the flames were flying.

The scene of getting together with relatives and friends for the first time came to an end in a shocking way. Ling Lan simply finished his meal with the crowd and continued to be busy with the church. The rest of the people, as travelers, happily enjoy every scenery and thing they are interested in in Anqi City.

Three days later, a shocking news suddenly spread all over the city of Sga. Bishop Celine colluded with the Dom, which led to the last war. Moreover, the news was told by Seylin's subordinate Segs and Saruman, the leader of the Dom clan, and the credibility has completely reached the most real peak!

The city residents who were originally influenced by the declining Suga City Church withdrew from the church, but now, the news has made the people in Suga City very hate the church. Some believers couldn't help but launch organizations to destroy church buildings and hurt church believers.

If the City Guard hadn't stopped it in time, Suga would have launched a new*.

People are paying attention to the church every day, especially Celine and Ling Lan, who are new bishops, and they still have many shortcomings in the management of the church. Their every move is kept a close eye on the Holy Island, making records and reporting at any time.

At this time, more than half of the believers in Celine's Church have been reduced, and now only the loyalists she originally brought are left. All the indigenous people who joined were indignantly separated from the church and changed from the original believers to the current strong resentful.

Every day, a large number of city guards patrol the streets leading to the church, strictly prohibiting any life events that want to provoke trouble.

"Selene, I have found out about this. It was the bitch Zman who did it. He doesn't know where he arrested the person and insisted on slandering you! I think it must have been dictated by that little bastard Ling Lan!"

"Do you like me?" Celine suddenly turned her head and asked the angry Kurba.

There are still only two of them in the hall. Kurba looked left and right, and didn't know what she meant. "Of course I love you. I want to marry you every day. Otherwise, you can just quit and go back with me to be a young lady!" At that time, it was no worse than now!"

Kurba danced excitedly, but his words attracted Celine's resentment. She stared at her fiercely and closed her eyes and didn't want to look at him anymore.

Seeing that he had said something wrong again, Kurba coaxed her nervously, "S Celine, I'm just playing. Don't take it seriously. What do you think we should do next?"