Angel War Soul

Chapter 228 Cheats Open

After the meeting, Archbishop Mathil took more than a dozen bishops through the spacious corridor and came to the door of the library, where two waiters in white stood respectfully by the door and bowed deeply to the bishops who came in.

The surrounding environment was quiet, and no sound was heard from anyone. Ling Lan and Hailin walked at the end. As soon as they entered the library, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw the huge and gorgeous magic lights hanging on the roof of the hall more than ten meters high, and the shining lights rippled around in the shape of a five-pointed star, filling the roof. The large library is as bright as day, and no dead corner is not illuminated by the light.

"Such a big bookshelf!" Ling Lan looked down, and the six book shelves were surrounded in a hexagonal shape. The bishops stood in the middle and swept through the rows of dazzling books in surprise.

Among them, a bookshelf with magic fluctuations in the west is full of secrets to cultivate the power of light, and the rest are books recording history and various anecdotes.

When the bishops saw the high-level skills they dreamed of, they couldn't help but lose their voices with excitement. At this time, they would not have thought that the Holy Island would be so generous that they would cultivate these precious secrets that only archbishops could read.

"The heart of purification, the light of judgment, the body of the Holy Spirit, the light of life, the fist of heaven, the burning of the wilderness, the reincarnation of gun skills, the paladin battle shield, the combination of sword and shield, the star light sword... Hahaha... So many high-level skills can only be cultivated by archbishops. It's great! With them, I don't worry that my strength will not double!"

Other bishops have cheered excitedly, their hearts beat faster, and their fingers tremble with their beloved suitable secrets.

"Hailin, which secret book do you want to choose?" Ling Lan has the magic of the Paradise series, and he hasn't seen the secrets suitable for him. He looked at Hailin beside him and saw that she had a book she was reading in her hand.

"Since it is the demon clan that has infected the world, I will choose this 'Jingling Seal Magic'. The high-level demon-killing technique can exert stronger power against the demon clan. Hailin chose this book and will no longer continue to carefully screen the dazzling books in front of her. With her current strength, it is enough to judge the true value of a magic.

"The magic of the Paradise series given to me by Lord Migaye is a high-level magic. I think I'll choose this book to refine and burn the wasteland! This book is said to be the strongest blazing angel magic. Combined with my blazing sword, it can greatly increase the damage of fire magic. Ling Lan took a fancy to the blazing refining and burning with a faint red light and took the book off the elevated.

The rest of the bishops are carefully selecting their favorite secrets. It is rare to have such a chance. After an hour, most of them are still reading them one by one.

Archbishop Mathil stood with his hands and quietly looked at the bishops who walked back and forth and focused on their own world. At this time, Archbishop Selen came in through the door and said blankly, "It's time to let them all go back."

The two waiters in front of the door answered in awe and went to the bishops to inform.

Selen's eyes glanced among the bishops, and then stopped on two men and a woman next to him.

"They have a good relationship, hehe."

"Selen, who are you talking about?" Matil held his glasses and asked him with a smile on his face.

"Can't you see it? Ha ha..."

"Lords, Archbishop Selen ordered that the time has come."

Kellings, who stayed in the corner, heard the waiter's voice. She decisively pulled down a book from the bookshelf, and there were several large black words on the book cover, "Sacrifice."

Ling Lan and others stood together with a selected book in their hands. They whispered to each other to see what kind of secrets they chose.

Matil coughed twice, and then said lightly, "The demons have infiltrated the mainland. Please go back immediately and protect their respective lands. Your merits and gods of light are watching all the time in heaven. Please keep in mind the rules of the religion and fulfill the duties of the bishop! Go back!" Mathil's words hit their hearts word by word, and then his body turned into a white holy light and disappeared in front of people.

In the huge library, his voice still echoed, slowly, slowly, for a long time.

"Haleyn, let's go!" Ling Lan and Hailin stood together and followed the crowd to leave the library. They said goodbye to the Pope and hurried back to their respective territories.

Over the dark and horrible sea, more than a dozen bishops flew in the sky, leaving shallow traces of new existence in the gray sky.

Crossing the sea outside the Holy Island is the vast primitive forest. Ordinary people have never set foot in the direction of the Holy Island. It is not only dangerous and inaccessible, but also has nothing worth stepping into.

Ling Lan and Hailin looked down on the blinking earth and felt the pleasant feeling when the wind swept across their ears.

At this speed, they can return to Anqi City in less than a day. Yellow sand, lakes and forests flashed in front of their eyes, and it is difficult to see the natural beauty.

"There is someone underneath!" Suddenly, Ling Lan felt his uncomfortable breath moving quickly on the ground, and he saw a small dark shadow gathered together. He immediately slowed down and stopped in mid-air and looked down carefully.

"It's a demon!" After Hailin stopped, her bright eyes stared at somewhere in the forest and said for sure.

"Let's go down and have a look!" Ling Lan also sensed the breath and landed rapidly in the dense and lush forest. They could not see it clearly in the sky, but with their strong spiritual power, they had locked in the group of evil breaths that were running.


The dense branches and leaves rushed open, through the coiled old vine branches. Ling Lan and others saw dozens of black humanoid monsters tearing the bodies of a large animal at a glance. When they saw the arrival of Ling Lan, they screamed one after another, quickly gathered together, and staring at them with their teeth and claws.

"The lowest demon monster." Ling Lan felt the faint magic on them and said.


Before Ling Lan had the next reaction, the group of evil monsters opened their bloody mouths and all rushed to Ling Lan. In their eyes, as long as they are not of the same kind, they will arouse their killing heart and rush forward bravely.

Ling Lan stood in disdainfully and displayed a powerful and dense sword of heaven before they rushed over, "Wo! Wheops! Whe..." and hanged them all. All monsters that touch the lightsaber are split in half. They are so weak that they are not even as good as a sixth-order human.

"It seems that there will be signs of demons appearing elsewhere. We have to go back quickly. Maybe something more terrible will happen if it's late." Hailin said to Ling Lan worriedly.

Ling Lan nodded without saying a word, rushed out of the forest with her and rushed back as quickly as possible.

There are monsters in the demon world hidden in this uninhabited primitive forest, not to mention human towns, there must be demons that have not been noticed. Compared with these monsters similar to beasts, those demons look much more terrible.

At the same time, the bishops flying to their own cities found more or less traces of the demon clan. Like Ling Lan, they killed many demon monsters found along the way.

After they left the Holy Island, the three archbishops flew to the gap between the demon world and the world and tried to block it. The dark tide is surging on the whole continent, and a huge disaster will come soon.

In Anqi City, there was no movement after the last time they wanted to attack.

There are also traces of demons in the mountains. Since ddock was stopped by Garfield, he wanted to kill people at the foot of the mountain, but as the weak tribes were destroyed by the demons, he had no time to take care of things in three cities such as Anqi City.

York's trade with Saba is going on every day. There are many rare minerals in the mountains, and the amount of ore he trades every day is almost more than a quarter of the income of all his industries. At the same time, the shops belonging to Kurba in the three cities are gradually decreasing at a very fast rate, and even the two of them are engaged in a huge secret war in business.

"Lord Ling Lan is back! Lord Ling Lan is back!"

As soon as Ling Lan stepped into the door of the church, the news of his return spread throughout the church. With the passage of time, the Church of Anqi City has been thoroughly rooted in the hearts of the people, and more than 90% of the loyal believers in the whole city have reached.

After Ling Lan came back, he immediately summoned Leah and another vice-bishop. He ordered that from now on, all the light secrets stored in the church should be distributed to the believers so that they could immediately choose the skills suitable for them to practice. Moreover, he decided to select a large number of the most potential loyal believers every day to encourage them to practice light martial arts and magic, so that they all have the ability to detect the existence of demons and protect themselves.

Ling Lan's decision made Leah realize the urgency of the situation, and they immediately released the task. For a moment, many white believers suddenly appeared on the seemingly loose and lively street. When the people saw them in the past, they thought that the Dom would come to attack the city again, but the mountains outside the city were quiet and there was no sign of coming out of the mountain.