Angel War Soul

Chapter 235 Covering the Sky

Ling Lan flew over the two cities in one breath, and finally saw the strong and repressing magic in a mountain outside the city. He hid his breath deep into the dense jungle and pursued the trace of the magic.


The whole mountain shook violently, and a large number of towering trees were bombarded by powerful magic lights and blown into a large pit dozens of meters deep. The sound like a huge thunder echoed in Ling Lan's ears, "Arnold! Get out of here! Give me the things and I will spare you! Haha..."

"Is he chasing someone?" Ling Lan saw that the huge demon body gradually changed, caught up with a fleeing shadow and disappeared into the dense forest.

The power of the black-horned demon could not be resisted by Ling Lan. He just followed him and was pressed by the evil magic spirit as if he were flying with a thousand pounds of heavy objects on his back, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Nubaka! I won't give it to you even if I die! Hahaha...Come and grab it!"


The body of the black-horned demon suddenly swelled, and one of his black arms that could almost pierce the sky shot the body of the small dark shadow. Half of the man's body was smashed in an instant, and the falling meat and blood squirmed to the ground.

"Do you want it? Then go and grab it!" The demon with only half of his body opened the remaining blood-red eyes and roared ferociously. He threw out an invisible object with all his strength, and then was slapped into meat sauce by the Black Horn demon again.

The disgusting and shocking scene made Ling Lan sweat. When he was about to leave, he suddenly found a small object getting bigger and bigger in front of him, flying in his direction.

What is that?

Ling Lan thought about the conversation between the two demons just now. He knew that it was the crazy black-horned demon that competed for. Curiosity made Ling Lan forget the threat of death. He jumped, hid his body and rushed up.

"He's there! Stop him quickly!"

Suddenly, dozens of colorful lights and shadows flew from the sky in all directions, most of whom were bishops and gods of the church. The black-horned demon's body was so big that they sensed his figure tens of thousands of meters away.

The black-horned demon knew that he was about to be surrounded, but he stared at the purple eyes that could crush a person and looked back and forth to the ground. Ling Lan grabbed the cold object that almost froze him, and his figure flashed into the dense jungle and fled quickly.

The black-horned demon suddenly roared and moved his huge body comparable to a city and rushed down the mountain like a tiger down the mountain to a dense jungle as big as his foot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Ling Lan looked up, and the light of Tianshan was instantly covered by a huge dark shadow. The next second, a big foot stepped on the towering tree fiercely, stepping on the whole jungle into a big pit.

The flying envoys and bishops all took action and launched a fierce attack on the back of the Black Horn demon. The hot flame, the frozen spikes, the angel's sword, and the holy light in the sky bombarded the devil. His body is huge, almost a live target, waiting for people to attack to their heart's content.

When the black-horned demon was about to lift his foot, he was inadvertently tilted by those intensive attacks and almost fell to the ground. He quickly narrowed his body, with a thick black fog around him to protect his vital parts.

"Come out! Get out of here! I saw you!"

The black-horned demon has not paid attention to the rain-like attack behind him and continues to roar angrily.

Ling Lan observed the movement of the black-horned demon from a small gap and desperately escaped from his sight when he turned his head. At that moment, he tried his best to blow up a big hole in the earth and hide it in advance. Otherwise, the black-horned demon could step on him half to death.

"Ah! Ah..."

The black-horned demon roared angrily like thunder. His roar was hundreds of times more powerful than the giant thunder, and the trees and peaks around him were shaken by his roar to create huge cracks. Tebi was the people who attacked him who covered their ears in pain and couldn't stand his super sound killing.

"It's not good!" Ling Lan suddenly fell to the ground. He flew too fast and did not dare to fly to the sky. He was shocked by the roar of the devil. Suddenly, his internal organs were about to be shattered and spit out a mouthful of blood.

This time, the black-horned demon became smart, and he covered the 10,000 meters around Ling Lan with boundless corrosive magic. As soon as those ordinary plants and stones came into contact with the imperable magic, they all immediately produced strange changes.

"God of Jihad!" Ling Lan stood up again, and endless light power gushed out of his body. At this time, his strength soared more than ten times. The continuous power made him forget the pain, and only felt that the endless strength made him have an impulse to stop fighting.

The holy war god is a nine-order magic of the light system, which can instantly improve people's combat effectiveness by dozens of times. However, this power can only last for about ten minutes, and it will keep people in a weak state all day. Ling Lan tore the space with a big movement, and the whole message disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Black Horn demon felt his breath out of thin news and went crazy again. He knew that Ling Lan could no longer find it. With a ferocious smile, he opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and fangs, and turned around to vent the accumulated resentment on them.

He was attacked repeatedly by dozens of bishops and hermits in the mysterious realm. The black-horn demon just broke a huge blood mouth behind his back and kept flowing black blood. He didn't seem to know what pain was. He slapped a bishop who couldn't escape to death with a bloodthirsty slap.

"Everyone step back! This is the blackhorn demon of the demon world. If he targets us, we will only die!" Someone in the crowd recognized the demon's race and reminded the crowd in panic.

"Despicable human beings! Kill! Kill! Kill..." The black-horned demon fell into an indescribable madness. He opened his mouth, and the blood-colored fog covered all the scattered dozens of people in an instant. As soon as some people without sacred weapon protection came into contact with the strange blood fog, their whole body began to rot quickly.

No matter whether they use holy light to heal wounds or detoxify the holy medicine, it has no effect. One person couldn't stand the pain of bloody ulceration and immediately decided to understand his life. When the people around who narrowly escaped the disaster saw that terrible scene, they all put down their noble faces and showed the frightened look that they had not shown for a long time.