Angel War Soul

Chapter 237 Devil's Heart

"There's someone over there!" A few lights and shadows flew through the sky ten thousand meters away, and one was flying towards Ling Lan and the two of them.

Ling Lan looked in the direction Hailin pointed and saw a white light with black spots slowly approaching. He looked at the man becoming clear in his eyes. The man he knew was Bishop Aas, whom he had met not long ago.

"It's Bishop Aiss, who still holds something in his hand."

Ling Lan and the two stopped and suspended in mid-air. Ai Yasi was getting closer and closer. Her expression looked a little unnatural, as if it was painful and disgusting. After seeing Ling Lan and the others, she quickly raised the black object in her hand and said to Hailin, "Halin, this is the black corner demon heart that the Pope asked you to give. You seal it up, and the Pope is eager to explore the entrance of the demon world. There was another earthquake there, and the demon army seemed to rush out again.

"That's it." Hailin took over the demon heart, which was still beating violently. It was the heart that the Black Horn demon could not destroy after his death. As soon as Hailin took it, she felt that the deep magic gas wanted to erode her body and make her soul polluted by evil.

"Why did the Pope give it to me?" Hailin asked puzzledly. Ayath traveled thousands of miles to find Hailin for this purpose.

"Haileen, you have got the power given by the goddess. Only when you hold it can you be protected from the devil. Look at me and take it for a while, and your body hurts a lot." Ayas looked at Hailin enviously, pounded her shoulder and said.

The devil's heart is the most evil place of the demon clan. A demon clan is killed, but it can also occupy the body of other creatures through the demon heart that has not been destroyed, so as to resurrect again. The Black Horn demon is the strongest demon ever to run out of the demon world, and his heart can only be restrained by Hailin, the archbishop and the pope.

"Oh, I will keep it well."

"Then I will go to the entrance of the demon world. You quickly seal the devil's heart in your church so that you don't fall into the hands of people with intentions." Ayas told him, and then his figure flashed and left quickly towards the west.

Hailin frowned slightly and looked at the beating demon heart suspended in her hand, immediately put it away, and then rushed to the direction of Anqi City with Ling Lan.

An hour later, Hailin returned to her Dom City Church, and Ling Lan also returned to her Anqi City Church to see the situation in the city.

Before Ling Lan flew to the city, she saw that the huge bright boundary was still shrouding the church within 10,000 meters, where a large number of believers and city residents were hiding and praying devoutly.

This bright boundary is specially used to deal with demons, so as long as it is a creature on the continent, it can step in safely without any restrictions and obstacles. Ling Lan fell from the sky and immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people.

Lia saw that Ling Lan had been out for more than two days and finally came back. She couldn't help cheering and smiling happily.

"Lord Ling Lan!" Leah and several red-clad believers came over quickly. When they saw Ling Lan's face a little pale, they suddenly felt worried.

"Lia, what's going on these days?" Ling Lan was concerned about the situation of the church and quickly asked.

"Everything is fine in the city, Lord Ling Lan, are you injured?" Leah confirmed what she thought in her heart when she saw Ling Lan's footsteps and her soft tone.

"It's okay, then I'll go back to rest first. You need to pay more attention these days. If there is anything abnormal, please let me know immediately.

Yes! Let me help you."

In the abyss rift surrounded by endless darkness, the Pope brought almost half of the envoys of the Holy Island to suppress the demon army that was about to rush out with the hermits on the mainland.

A day ago, the Pope and others thought that the entrance to the demon world had been completely blocked. But they didn't expect that less than two days later, they would usher in more and more horrible demon armies.

All countries on the mainland have organized troops to conduct carpet searches. Whenever the demon clan appears at the first time, the whole country will unite to strangle the evil creature. The Hill Empire, the Leilin Empire, the Orc Empire and the Elf Forest all experienced a demon siege. The number of these demon creatures was not large, and they were killed soon.

All the nine-order strong men on the whole continent spontaneously gathered at the entrance of the demon world. Only by blocking the demons rushing out from there can they keep a trace of the demons on the continent.

After Ling Lan was injured by the Black Horn demon, it will take three days to recover to more than 60% of his normal strength. At that time, his bones were half broken and his arms could not be lifted. Fortunately, more than a dozen bishops such as the Pope and Hailin were present at that time, and their strength made him an amazing recovery.

The demon world is a place where evil creatures live in cosmic space. They are a race against the Protoss. Almost every moment, the demons fight desperately with the Protos. The Protoss came to Tianchuang Continent, a land where humans, orcs, elves and other creatures grew ten thousand years ago. They spread God's will here and gradually developed the Shin religion of light in the human country.

Similarly, the demons also fell in love with the peaceful land of human beings. They tried to drive away the dominance of the Protoss on the mainland so that human beings could convert to demons. Demons and Protoss are strong men of the same level, but unlike human beings, the starting point of human beings is very low compared with them. It takes longer time and endless perseverance for human beings to grow into their level. It's like fierce beasts can easily kill human beings, but they are not opponents of human beings after all.

At the entrance of the demon world, the heaven and the earth are changing color, and thick black clouds permeate the continuous mountains. The bodies of the Pope and other thousands of people are submerged in it, just like a grain of gravel between heaven and earth, which can't be smaller.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

"I can't resist it! The demon clan is too strong. Let's step back!" A scream broke out in the crowd. They watched their companions die one by one and realized the end of the world in horror. They are afraid and don't want to die in irresistible power. Horrible magic gushed out of the abyss, and thousands of demons screamed with their teeth and claws, making a sound like a ghost crying and howling.

The gods around the Pope were like fallen birds, one by one by demons and fell painfully into the abyss of the earth.

"Is this really the end of the world..." Even the high pope showed a look of worry and despair. The six pairs of angel wings behind him were dim, and they were about to reach the point of power exhaustion.