Angel War Soul

Chapter 304 Pursuit of Roulette

"Uh..." Before Ling Lan asked, the words of his dream suddenly made him feel like he was choked and could no longer speak. What he wanted to ask was the identity of the dream, but she saw through it at once. The awkward atmosphere made both of them speechless. The tent group set up by the believers was just below, and the dream suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Ling Lan knew that it was her most magical ability and had long been used to it. He fell on the plain and walked forward.

At the beginning of the disaster, these believers were deeply afraid of the future, afraid that the magic would drive them nowhere to escape. They didn't expect that the power of light rushing from the west suppressed the spread of magic, and the two forces pitted with each other and tended to balance, bringing them a beautiful world more suitable for cultivation.

When Ling Lan passed by, the believers were practicing excitedly and absorbing the full power of light in the air. At this time, a religiousman ran quickly and guided Ling Lan to Hailin's tent.

Now, more than 25,000 believers are managed by Hailin, assisted by several archbishops such as Leah and Eric. Ling Lan went to find Eric first, and he was also practicing hard.

"Ling Lan!"

Since Ling Lan came back from the demon world, he has rarely met Hailin. Sometimes, even if you see it, you will miss it in a hurry to kill the demon army. At this moment, they were finally able to stand together without any trouble, and the excitement made them almost speechless.

"Hailin, thank you for your hard work these days." Ling Lan saw that Hailin's cute and shy temperament faded a lot and turned into a confident goddess-like temperament, and he couldn't help but feel more loved her.

"No, I lived like this in the years when you were away." Hailin's eyes did not dare to look directly at Ling Lan, and the shyness in her bones was aroused again at this time.

"I'm sorry, we won't be separated again." Ling Lan apologized with guilt. He took her hand, hugged her tightly, and felt the warmth of her body.

Hailin smelled the familiar breath on Ling Lan again. She buried her head in Ling Lan's chest. The little woman's posture was undoubtedly revealed. The two hugged each other sweetly, closed their eyes and were reluctant to separate.

Time passed minute by minute, and suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside.

"Speaking archbishops, I'm going to report to Lord Ling Lan. Please wait a moment! Archbishop! Archbishop!"

"Who is here?" Hailin suddenly opened her arms and looked out. At that moment, a man just lifted the curtain and strode in.

Ling Lan turned around without hurry and saw not only one person coming, but then two more people coming in. Ling Lan has seen all of them, and the most impolite among them is Selen, who hasn't seen him in January.

Selen's face was evil and stared straight at Ling Lan. The other two are Archbishop Mathil and Archbishop Telinda. Their expressions are very calm, which is very disequile compared with Selen.

"What are you two doing?" Salem sat in a humble chair and scolded angrily.

He was the first to come in just now and could see clearly that he and Hailin were hugged together and had just separated.

"Who let you in? Archbishop Salem?" Ling Lan's eyes were deeply disdainful, and she also looked down at each other and questioned.

At this moment, the air in the tent was almost frozen, and Selen stood up and was about to get angry. His chest bulged and he was very angry.

"Selen, you haven't been normal recently. Do you want Tellinda to treat you?" Matil couldn't stand aside and said dissatisfiedly.

The three archbishops are not as united and friendly as they appear, and this time they have fully shown. Salem's eyes became more and more angry and fierce, like an angry old lion.

Matil turned around and smiled and said to Ling Lan, "Ling Lan, three months later, the divine religion is going to hold the election of archbishops in the royal city of the Leilin Empire. Remember to participate when you arrive."

"Archbishop's Choice?" Ling Lan and Hailin showed surprise expressions without intention. Helen saw the three archbishops appear at the same time and couldn't figure out their purpose, and this matter dispelled her doubts a lot.

Only Ling Lan knew the reason, but when he saw the disagreement between Matil and Selen, he pretended not to know anything.

"Yes, Ling Lan, don't be disappointed. The three of us came to see you specially, hoping that you will still show excellent strength as you did before."

"Thank you for your love, I will live up to your expectations. It's too crowded here. Why don't we go outside to get some air?

Ling Lan went out of the tent with them. Only Selen was like a superfluous person and was sunburned aside by them. More than 20,000 people set up tents to live on the plain and live well. They only practice hard all day long and don't have to worry about anything else. The average strength of these believers is above the seventh level. Even if they don't eat or drink for three days, they won't have any problems. Moreover, Ling Lan and York have a huge fortune. They send some people to the distant cities every day to buy food and water for the believers.

The two archbishops Mathil and Tailinda nodded happily all the way through this small tent. Before they came, they also visited other towns, but they had never seen more than 25,000 believers with more than seventh-level strength. This is the result of the joint efforts of Ling Lan, Hailin and the believers. In order to encourage them to work harder, Mathil deliberately sacrificed a year of cultivation to shed light to further consolidate his strength for more than 20,000 believers.

The archbishop's gift made all the believers extremely excited and shouted to thank him.

Just as people were immersed in excitement, Selen couldn't help following him, stopped in front of Ling Lan, and stared at him very angrily.

Except for Hailin, everyone else knows what's going on. However, if he doesn't say it, they won't speak first.

"Lord Selen." Hailin was puzzled to ask, but she didn't know how to say it. She just greeted respectfully.

When Selen saw that the two archbishops Matil and Tailinda did not help him, he stared at them angrily and said angrily, "Ling Lan, should I hand over my things?"

"Oh, if you want, come with me alone." Ling Lan said faintly, and there was no trace of surprise on her face calmly.

"What do you want to do?" Selen asked strangely and thought in a blink of an eye, "Huh! I'm afraid you'll do it to me. Let's go."

Ling Lan saw that he agreed and walked with him to a place where no one was. Hailin wanted to keep up, but was stopped by Mathil. The three of them stood there and looked at Ling Lan's backs disappearing at the end of their sight.

Selen was very cautious all the way. They walked for five minutes, ten thousand meters away. Sellen's mind always appeared that Ling Lan was a demon and a bishop. He has been suspicious of Ling Lan's change since he saw it, and he has never figured out why it happened. He said it to others, but no one believed it. In front of him, there was no one around, and the strong cold wind blew on his face, which made him feel a little chilly.

"Grip it over quickly!" Selen couldn't help scolding angrily. Ling Lan kept walking without stopping at all. If he doesn't stop it, he doesn't know when he will go.

"Is this what you want?" Ling Lan turned around and held a black wheel in his hand facing Selen. The surface of the wheel was not only dark and shiny, but also full of dark magic. For Selen, you can feel it in an instant.

"What is this?" Salem saw that the black wheel was very different from his own holy light wheel. Although the surface was similar, the attributes and power contained therein were completely opposites. He really can't figure out what's going on.

"This is your wheel. Now that it's like this, do you still want it?" Ling Lan looked at him jokingly, with a mocking smile on the corners of his mouth.

Selen came over in disbelief and was about to reach out to take it away. How could Ling Lan give him a contraction of his hand and make him empty.

"Bear me!" Selen roared at him violently, and the powerful force in his body burst out, forming a strong wind blowing around. He suddenly exerted his strength and jumped in front of Ling Lan in the blink of an eye and reached out to grab it.

Ling Lan's figure flashed and flashed behind him more than twice as fast as he was, playing tricks on him like this. But for a few seconds, Selen's anger burned brightly, standing still and roaring up to the sky, and his eyes were red and fell into madness.

At this time, when Ling Lan saw that he had murderous intention, he immediately reversed the wheel, and the continuous power of light gathered into a huge beam of light and shot at him.

"God of Holy War! Little Purple!"

Ling Lan shouted, and the power in his body soared rapidly. Even the power of light in the air penetrated into his body and raised his power to dozens of times in an instant. A tiny dark shadow imperceptably shot out from his side and disappeared.

"Impossible!" At that moment, Selen saw that the wheel turned white again. The familiar terrorist force locked him. He was illuminated by his wheel, and the painful unwillingness arose. No matter how fast he was, it was no faster than the speed of light. In an instant, he was hit hard by the pillar of light, like a big stone that was blown back. Fly out.

Selen used almost all his strength to resist the blow just now. Although he was fine, he was still knocked out by the violent impact. This was just the beginning for him. Ling Lan waved three pairs of angel wings, and the imposing majesty in his eyes made him extremely uneasy. He wanted to turn around and dodge, but he didn't work hard at all.

"ci ci..."

Before Ling Lan rushed over, Xiao Zi unexpectedly sprayed a large amount of poison gas into Selen's back. As soon as he said something bad in his heart, he was about to hold his breath. Ling Lan suddenly appeared in front of him at this time, and the dazzling holy light came fiercely from his stomach. His eyes were stabbed so hard that he could not open them, and at the same time, he smashed his body to the ground fiercely.