Angel War Soul

Chapter 313 Gathering of Bishops

Two days later, the bishops who had achieved nothing in the magical East Continent went back disappointed. They all received information about the Holy Island and hurried to the Leilin Empire.

Ling Lan handed over the matter to Eric, Leah, Dors and others, and then flew to Loran City.

Since the devastating changes on the mainland, it has only caused an almost subjugated blow to the Hill Empire. However, the Leilin Empire benefited greatly from it.

Most of the territory of the Hill Empire has been lost, and the name of its strongest empire no longer exists. In the past, the national strength of the Leilin Empire was second to Hill, but now it has thrown Hill far away.

Under the long-term power of light, the people of the Leilin Empire have cultivated rapidly, and ordinary people's bodies are much healthier than before. The orc empire and the elf forest have also received great benefits, and the strength of the race has also been upgraded to a whole level.

Ling Lan came to Leilin, as if he had stepped into the divine world. On the bustling street, people walked on the street with smiles, a prosperous and lively scene.

The three archbishops are now staying in the church in Loran City to welcome more than a dozen bishops who came from the mainland. In this election, the archbishop will also elect a candidate who is qualified for the position of bishop. Anyone who can win the hearts of the people and has the strength, even if he was once an ordinary believer, is fully qualified to participate in the bishop's election.

Therefore, there was an endless stream of believers coming to the Loran City Church, and nearly half of the hotels in Loran City were filled in just three days.

"I haven't seen Bishop Phil for a long time. I don't know how they are doing now." Ling Lan fell in the jungle west of the church and walked to the church.

Along the way, believers in white robes were everywhere, drowning those ordinary city people in the white ocean. Ling Lan saw that everyone's faces were full of excited and happy smiles. He was also infected and became particularly happy invisibly.

The number of people in the church is unimaginable by all those who come in. The wide square of thousands of square meters is densely full of people, and almost all the ordinary believers in the church stand outside the church to welcome the bishops and powerful believers.

Even so, Ling Lan took a lot of effort to see Phil's proud disciple - Miya Elan.

Mia Elan was taking a female bishop to see Elliepher and happened to be seen by Ling Lan. She happily introduced it to Ling Lan, and then went to the welcome hall of the church together.

People without identification can't enter there. Ling Lan saw that the guards around him were strict, and the noise in the distance subsided a lot, and her mood calmed down.

Through the corridors, the land is full of purple flowers and green plants, all reflecting the beauty of the scenery.

Today's church is very different from a few years ago, and Ling Lan can't figure out where the Welcome Hall is.

Finally, when he heard some conversation and turned a corner, his eyes suddenly opened up.

An elegant and chic garden is presented in front of Ling Lan and them. Between the lush shrubs and bright flowers and plants, several people in white are standing there talking to each other. Some people are admiring flowers and plants, closing their eyes and meditating.

Ling Lan's eyes swept over the crowd and saw Hailin sitting on the cradle made of flowers and vines, swinging beautifully and charmingly.

"The scenery here is so beautiful! Bishop Phil is so happy. This is simply a paradise on earth!" Ellie, the female bishop on the left side of Mialan, excitedly flashed with intoxicated light and took a few deep breaths.

"Pear Ellie, if you like it, you can stay here every day. There are many such places in the church, and the small courtyard arranged for you to live in later is similar to here.

"Really? Great! Ha..."

Ling Lan talked to them for a few words and was in a hurry to find Hailin. Here, he had hardly met with any bishop except Hailin and Mia Elan. Those familiar Melante, Bishop Phil, Lord Magaya, etc. are not there.

Half an hour later, the three archbishops were present together. Together with Bishop Phil and Lord Megaya, they called the bishops into the hall to discuss matters.

Ling Lan saw Selen. In addition to showing hostile and resentful eyes to him, he seemed to have really forgotten what happened to his roulette.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mathil stood up and announced to the bishops present the details of the election of the archbishop two months later.

In addition to these, the bishop was also very concerned about the appearance of demons in the Eastern Continent. Matil also told the public what he knew and explained that those who could make achievements in the exorcism operation would benefit greatly from the election of the archbishop.

The meeting ended quickly after only half an hour. Before the meeting was over, Matil told everyone to come here at this time tomorrow. He said that another extremely important and noble person would be introduced to them.

Ling Lan vaguely guessed something. He saw that there was no Miller among the bishops, the young man with a golden gun who claimed to be the son of God. He thinks it's very likely to be Miller. If he really sees him tomorrow, something will happen.

As soon as Ling Lan thought of this, his expression seemed a little unnatural. Seeing that Hailin was looking at him with concern, he immediately dispelled the thoughts and did not worry about this matter for the time being.

On the prairie outside Anqi, more than 20,000 believers are practicing seriously all the time. Leah walked happily on the road with a stack of white paper in her hand.

"Lia, what are you going to do?" Eric happened to walk towards her and couldn't help asking.

"Don't you know? I will identify these portraits for everyone. Maybe they can really find their relatives. Leah looked at him in surprise and said happily.

Eric almost understood when he saw that there were portraits on the white paper.

Before Hailin left, she told Leah what she thought. Leah is absolutely worth doing. With Hailin's consent, she contacted Doles in Anqi City and asked the people of Anqi City to draw a few portraits of their relatives and bring them here to identify.

Those believers who practiced and separated from their relatives were called over by Leah and identified one by one. Under the blow of countless depressed believers who shook their heads, Leah's happy enthusiasm was gradually frozen into ice.

Looking at 10,000 people without a nod, Leah couldn't help standing up to breathe. Suddenly, a religious in line rushed out of the line, grabbed the portrait on the table and shouted.

When Leah heard him calling his mother's name, her disappointed face also burst into an excited smile again, and the believers present smiled happily.