Angel War Soul

Chapter 371 Occupy the split

"He is summoning his real body, Ling Lan. Everyone kill him quickly, otherwise no one can do anything about it later!" The dream changed and looked at the pillar of light slowly shooting down that day.

At this time, dense tornadoes blew around Andeko, and the light power in his body doubled to an incredible extent. Between the sky and him, the suddenly bright pillar of light swallowed the whole world and enveloped everyone in the vast holy light.

"Light and dark spinner!"

"Trial reincarnation!"

"Dreams are born and destroyed!"

Ling Lan, Hailin and Meng attacked Andeke, who is increasing his strength at the same time. At this tight moment, they seem to be a second late, which will double Andeko's strength.

At this time, the whole sky has completed the appearance of not floating clouds and blue. Dozens of light guns fused with black and white rotated at high speed, rolling up a tornado that seemed to devour everything and hit the small Andeko.

In a large white holy light, the light that inherited the will to destroy was shot down like a rainstorm and also went towards Andeko.

"The majesty of the gods cannot be despised. All of you will be put into the cold hell and will never go to heaven! The light of destruction!"

Andeko is not afraid of the attack that can destroy the world. His body forms a holy light barrier with strong defense, which can block any earth-shaking magic and fighting skills.

However, suddenly, Andeko's brain was stimulated and he felt dizzy.

"Andeko! The dream of the nightmare family attacks the three worlds. You absolutely can't stop it. Only life will have consciousness, and there will be dreams, and let you die painfully in the dream to commemorate the lives of hundreds of my clans!"

"I can destroy your ethnic group alone, but I can't kill you? Don't dream here, whoever kills will be known soon! The will of the gods, the evil spirits are inviolable!"

After a round of joint attack by Ling Lan and others, Andeko took the initiative to fly to the front of the dream. His whole body exuded a dazzling golden light, and his whole momentum was also more tall, powerful and invincible than before.

"Dream boundary!"

Dream's body disappeared instantly before Andeko came, and Ling Lan saw that both of them disappeared in a gorgeous flying flower that suddenly appeared.

Then the densely fluttering petals are wrapped into a ball, constantly becoming bigger and spreading, interweaving into a large ocean of flowers in the air.

In the boundary, an independent space world traps Andeko. There is a flowing waterfall, a dense forest with withered petals and the blue sky overhead.

"It's just a dream. How can God's desire be controlled by you?" There is a layer of hidden energy around Andke all the time to protect him. Only when something is close, he will feel it at the first time.

Suddenly, the world began to shake violently. The water of the waterfall turned into fierce water dragons and rushed over, and a big hole was opened in the sky. Countless heavenly stones rumbled down, a scene of the end of the world.

Andeko knew that this was an illusory dream, but he couldn't help being affected by the deafening sound and real touch. He stood there without any fear and would not dodge. When the three water dragons turned into a water curtain all over the sky and devoured him, he still moved to dodge.

"False, false, true and true, Andeko, you will stay in this dream for the rest of your life! Humph!"

"Holy Light Gun! Break it all!"

Andeco heard the dream's voice coming from all directions. He no longer stood there waiting and picked up the holy gun in his hand and stabbed it fiercely.

At that moment, the heavenly stone above his head and countless colorful flying flowers rushed towards him, and the holy light from his holy gun had no effect on those illusions at all. On the contrary, he felt that his powerful blow was in vain, and there was a trace of anger in his heart.

Ande closed his eyes and stopped looking at the things around him. At the moment he closed his eyes, the rolling boulder rolled up the thick dust and fog flooded him in an instant, and the boulder fell into a mountain bag on the ground. His body is not suspended intact in mid-air. All this seems to be illusory, but real.


"Impossible, is all this true! No, the nightmare clan commanded to attack with dreams, which made people mutilate themselves. I stood still, and she didn't want to hurt me with hallucinations at all.

"Ande, in those years, you destroyed all the nightmares because of a trace of evil thoughts in your heart, leaving only the noble princess to fall to the world. These are all crimes you really committed. As long as you confess to the gods, God will definitely forgive you."

"Your Majesty the Goddess!" Andko suddenly raised his head and found that in front of her was the goddess of light, the supreme god of the divine world. Her holiness, fraternity, elegance and beauty were unmatched by all living things, and her yearning and admiration was beyond the reach of any female angel of the Protos.

This breath is so strong and real that he doesn't even have the slightest idea of questioning.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to admit my mistake and confess devoutly to the gods."

"Very good, Andeko, take off your arms, put it in front of you, temporarily give up all the existence that binds you, and sincerely throw yourself into the arms of the God of Light."

"Yes." Andko said, put the silver-white holy gun in his hand on the ground, and then slowly untied the holy robe he was wearing.

Suddenly, Andeko's eyes lit up and he was about to grab the holy gun on the ground with his hand. At that moment, the goddess also disappeared at a faster speed, and even the holy gun disappeared without a trace.

The world around him turned white at the same time. A handsome red man with six pairs of wings appeared in front of Andeko. He looked exactly the same as Andeko. Except for the wings and colors behind him, even his temperament was the same.

"I was cheated again!" Andko's eyes shot with extremely angry anger. He ignored the self in front of him and quickly flew into the air.

The world is a dream, a real dream that is difficult for him to recognize. He has to go out to kill the dream.

In the outside world, Ling Lan and Hailin are always staring at the boundary formed by the gorgeous sea of flowers.

The white tiger beast seriously injured Diga and is chasing him who escaped. On the side of the moon demon, Barr is forced to retreat all the time, and he is not the opponent of the moon demon at all.

Only the son of death is still hanging there coldly, wrapped in a thick and gloomy magic fog, revealing his extremely evil face from time to time.

"Andeko, defeat me and you can get out of this dream. As long as the God defeats himself, he is the real God!"

"Get out of here! You still want to deceive me with this illusory illusion!" Andke stabbed the void repeatedly, but it didn't work at all. The same himself had been chattering in his ear and chasing him.

"Andeko, since you don't believe it, come and have a try!" After saying the real and false illusion, the temperature around him rose sharply. His six pairs of fiery red wings ignited a thick flame. Between the wings waving, the heaven and earth were full of the fierce fire that could burn everything.

When Andeko saw his attack magic rushing towards him, the strange feeling surged into his heart and moved a little slower to meet him.

The strong burning sensation made Andeko once again confirm that what he saw in front of him seemed to be real, and he transformed a light gun into the other party's chest fiercely. At this time, the fiery red illusion also hit Andeko with the same action.

"What I have is the real power. You are just a spiritual split, Andeko, enlightenment!"

Andeco saw the illusion say these words, and the sound that hit his heart had an effect on him. He hesitated for a moment and watched the flaming god * turn to his chest.

"Ah! This is an illusion, not true... The remnants of the nightmare clan, do you really think this illusion can deceive me?

Andeko was pierced in the chest by the magic gun. As soon as the red blood flowed out, it was burned into blood-colored smoke by the ubiquitous flames, making a "ci tun�" sound.

"Andeko, you still don't understand! All this is true! You can suffer in dreams, move freely in dreams, and die in dreams! Dream is another kind of truth. Since you don't believe it, go to hell! Completely relieved!" The magic gun held by the illusion inserted into Andeko's chest again. At that moment, Andeko could no longer stand the real feeling that could no longer be real and roared at the sky in pain.

"Ah! Ah..."

The sad scream was more shocking than the thunder and lightning in the world, and the roar formed a substantial sound wave and circled into this dreamy world.

"Andeko is coming out!"

While Ling Lan spoke, the flower sea boundary suddenly exploded, and countless dream petals flew out in the air, gradually hiding the gorgeous light. At the same time, a roar came to his face and shook Ling Lan's ears.

"Andeko! Your split is not my opponent at all! It's all over!"

The dream opposite Andeco shouted loudly. As soon as she closed her eyes, an invisible and transparent energy came out and shot at the blood-filled Andeco opposite.

"Go to hell!"

Andko, who was struggling, used his last strength to summon a huge angel illusion to cut into the void. The next second, his cry suddenly stopped, and the body of Anne, the demon clan occupied by the dream, also fell to the ground.

"Andeko's spiritual power is really strong, and just a split is about to consume all my strength."

"Dream? Did you occupy Anderko's body? Ling Lan nervously asked Andeko, whose look had changed greatly.

"Well, I'm tired. I need to take a break first."