Angel War Soul

Chapter 375 Fearless

"Ah! Don't!"


Dozens of frightened angels were pierced in an instant, and those angels flying in front of them narrowly escaped the disaster under the back of the dead.

This is the empty place. A magic cloud where Dors is located has stopped them from their heads.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Some magical claws, ghost heads, hell beasts and other horrible monsters formed by magic gas pounced on the frightened angels and buried them in this horrible magic spirit.

"Andeco, you are the only one left! Surrender quickly!"

Thousands of Anqi City soldiers flocked to the hundreds of angels from all directions and surrounded them. The result of the war was obvious, and the angels brought by Andeko were easily defeated in the end.

"You ant-like human, how dare you let me surrender! I can destroy the whole world on my own!"

"Andke, give back the lives of our people! It's impossible for you to leave today!" At this time, a voice came from below, and a beautiful and illusory woman appeared in an instant.

That man was a dream. The hatred between him and Andeko was the deepest. After she regained her strength, she quickly came to kill Andeko with her own hands and avenge the clan.

Andeko suddenly felt that his consciousness was affected by the outside world and gradually had some hallucinations in his mind. He saw the picture of looking for the nightmare clan hundreds of years ago in order to fight against the demon clan. Countless girls who were almost exactly like dreams were destroyed by him. After he killed them, the nightmare family completely disappeared from the world.

What he didn't expect was that Meng, the only living nightmare princess, had been accumulating strength to revenge on him.

"You killed all my clan in those years. Now, I will take all your men and sacrifice them into a new dream clan!" Meng said angrily, and a cloud of smoke dissipated in the air.

The hundreds of angels who were besieged by tens of thousands of Dors and others themselves reached the end of the crossbow. At this time, a strong wind blew and their consciousness suddenly blurred. It was at that moment of trance that their array was broken through a huge gap, so that Dors and others** surrounded them and were easily hanged one by one.

"The soul is collected, and the memory is erased! The boundless dream seems to be true and false, virtual and real, and returns to nothingness!"

When every angel dies, their bodies will be drawn into a faint white light by the power of dreams and converge into a ball. Finally, under a series of actions of the dream, the white lights and shadows that were still struggling floated in the air and were gradually transformed into dream-like bodies.

As soon as all the angels died, the soldiers of Anqi City turned their eyes to Andeko. At this time, between heaven and earth, Andeko was surrounded by the magic spirit emitted by 300,000 troops, like a white light spot that was about to be destroyed in the boundless darkness, which was almost imperceptible.

This battle lasted for nearly an hour, and the souls of those dead gathered on the head of the moon demon, forming a thunder and lightning fog.

"Andco, haven't you always thought you were the invincible God of War? Today, let me show you the immortal secret skill of death that I have learned, hehe... a dead soul blow! Go!"

The moon demon held the death power gathered from tens of thousands of undead breaths on the top of his head, which contained a trace of soul energy of thousands of newly dead angels. Under the collection of the moon demon, it is now returned to Ande.

"How can the god of war in my divine world be afraid of you! Since you want to replace these people, don't blame me for killing you first! Destroy the starry sky!"

Andeko grabbed the holy gun in his hand, and the twelve fire-colored wings behind him burst into a thick fire and turned into a huge fire shadow and rushed to the dark light mass.

At this time, the white tiger beast also raised to the sky and roared earth-shakingly, spitting out a huge lightning ball from its mouth and hitting Andeko.

Ling Lan, Meng, Hailin, Eric, York, and all those who can fly in the sky used all their strength to attack Andeke with the most powerful magic and fighting skills.

Before the power of thousands of people has been released, all the elemental energy of tens of thousands of miles has been pumped out to form an absolute vacuum.

The gorgeous colors form a separate world, covering tens of thousands of people in it. Those city residents hiding in the city looked up at the sky and saw colorful light covering the sky without leaving a trace of gaps, followed by all kinds of deafening roars.

At this time, those city residents put their hands on their chests and prayed silently. On their bodies, the power of faith slowly floated into the air like fireflies.

The dream uses all her strength to create that kind of illusion of selfishness among the attacking people, so that people can exert a stronger blow when they are at their best.

The huge fiery red phoenix transformed by Ande shuttles fearlessly in a hurricane that can tear space, and the roaring water dragon. He is like sitting in a solid flying fortress and experiencing a devastating natural disaster. The harsh crash, roar, bursting sounded endlessly, and hundreds of forces collided together, tearing a huge space-time crack and staying in the sky above his head.

The dead soul magic ball issued by the moon demon turned into a dark god with a long horn and holding a death sickle in his hand. Before he rushed over, the dark and boundless death illusion suddenly waved the sickle in his hand and cut it fiercely to Ande's * neck.

"This is the power of faith..."

Ling Lan felt the light gathered from the city below in this horrible space. When he was a bishop, he felt the breath of faith. At this moment, these countless stars converged on him, like recreating a round of sun and moon, containing endless power.

"No matter what power people have, they have faith in their hearts. This belief can integrate all the elemental energy, wind, water, fire, space, light, darkness, everything in the world, which is not as profound and powerful as the hope in people's hearts." Ling Lan seemed to have a new feeling. He took out the black and white wheel and let it rotate at a high speed in front of him.

The light and the faint light emitted by the dark side merged, and Ling Lan stretched out his hand to inject all the absorbed power of faith into it.

At this time, a loud noise came, and tens of thousands of people in the sky were shocked by the power that could destroy the stars, like a boat in the sea of anger being swallowed up in an instant. They are like qualityless thin paper in the wind that can tear time and space, screaming and being blown in all directions.


The wind roared in front of Ling Lan. He saw countless bursting fiery feathers floating in the air with the wind. In the hurricane, the huge figure of the white tiger beast stood brazenly and was not affected by it at all.

Except for Ling Lan, the moon demon and the white tiger beast, there is no companion in the whole sky.

"The majesty of the gods...absolutely... should not be despised!"

Ande's roar sounded from the dazzling light, and the light dissipated. All the twelve real wings behind him were cut off, and bright red blood flowed out. His sacred robe also cracked countless mouths and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Andeko, the majesty of your Protoss cannot be despised, and the majesty of our human beings must not be trampled on by you! I want to let you know today that human faith is also a power to destroy you! Go to hell!"

The black and white beam of light that absorbed the faith power of hundreds of thousands of people shines straight away. This beam of light is so wide and powerful that it can penetrate a huge crack in the boundless sky.

The shining light from the beam of light instantly drowned Ling Lan, illuminated the whole dark sky, and then rushed to Ande's broken body.

"The blood of the Holy Spirit, the burning spirit of war, the soul of immortality, reborn on the spot! One shot of divine power!" Andko grabbed his chest fiercely with his left hand, and the blood splashed out and dyed half of his chest red. The blood suddenly burned and devoured his body. At the same time, he raised the holy gun in his right hand, stood in front of him, and merged with the holy gun.

At this time, the gun is him, and he is the gun. At the moment before the destroyed black and white beam of light flooded his body, the erected flame gun suddenly smashed down and stabbed the pillar of light fearlessly.


A short explosion once again shook the sky. This time, in the place where two forces hit and torn apart, the space was blown into a dark and deep hole. The dazzling light quickly dissipated, and a soft holy light in the black hole wrapped the flame light that could no longer be seen in shape. Then, a sacred and holy breath gushed out from inside and deeply hit Ling Lan, the moon demon and the white tiger beast.

This sudden strange change made them all stunned and focused their attention on the strange light that appeared.

"Goddess of Light!"

Mo said with a little surprise. At the same time, a vague picture flashed in Ling Lan's mind, in which there was a sacred and deeply yearning goddess. It is true that they didn't expect that the highest god of the divine world would come to the world.

"Andke, your last blow completely adheres to the unyielding meaning of the Protos. Steel is indestructible, but extremely easy to break. Return to the arms of God and rejuvenate in the tree of life..."