Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 34 Colored heart and courage, our generation is a model

For the remaining half day, the Lions Regiment fought three more deer and several first-order spirit beasts, but fortunately there were no more casualties. Soon the night came, and everyone found an open place to camp by the river. The bonfire lit, and everyone barbecued venison. The smoke carried a strong smell of venison and floated far away in the night.

The wild lion took out a bag of wine and shared it with everyone. They ate venison and drank wine. Several low-level warriors sang the song of rough hunters. With wine and meat, it is easy for men to communicate, and Yun Zheng has been very familiar with the martial artist.

Yu Wenjun sat on a tree pier in the distance, grabbed the deer's leg, drank wine, and his eyes flashed, which made people have an illusion for a moment. He cried because he didn't want to reach the soul crystal nucleus.

Han Yue was in a bad mood after coming out of the nucleus. She kept poking and lost her head in the afternoon hunting activity. Several times, she almost fell off the back of the eagle, which made everyone very worried. Of course, the main concern is that her Snow Eagle's operation skills are so bad that it will endanger the lives of other team members.

At this time, she was sitting not far away, tore off a piece of roast venison and chewed a few bites of it and threw it away casually, throwing it everywhere, while going crazy, "What is this? Can you eat it? Can you eat it? Stinky and hard? Why don't you chew it? It's disgusting!"

Who is this talking about? Several men stopped chewing and turned their heads to look at her, but the sound of eating and drinking still came from time to time. Everyone turned their heads and saw that Yun Zheng was there raising his glass to invite Mingyue.

As Han Yue kept spoiling the venison, a small gray shadow appeared beside her. This guy rushed forward and caught a piece of venison and swallowed it into his stomach. Although his body was small, he ate an amazing amount of food.

This guy actually followed here again. Yun Zheng was happy at first sight. He used himself to get rid of the puppy of the butcher and his wife in Hongye City, and he was also the guy who almost scared Han Yue to death in the middle of the night last night.

Han Yue also found it, immediately screamed, raised his foot and kicked it, "It turned out to be your annoying guy, roll, roll, kick you to death, kick you to death..."

The puppy drooped its big ears and wagged its tail. In order to eat a few more mouthfuls of venison, it actually endured a few feet of Hanyue and whined, with tears flashing in its big eyes.

It's really inhumane. There was already a low-level martial artist who couldn't stand it and shouted at her, "Hey, the woman who is despised by our Thunder brothers, don't be so cruel. It's just a puppy. Besides, you don't eat those venison..."

Hanyue became even more angry and scolded, "Shut up, it's none of your business." Not to mention kicking two feet, the last foot was stomped fiercely. Han Yue's boots had a hard root. If this foot stamped on the puppy's head, it would be terrible if he did not die.

This woman was so too much that even Yunzheng couldn't help standing up. Just as he was about to take action, he found that the puppy turned over cleverly in mid-air and avoided her fatal blow. Then the puppy jumped up unscrupulously, jumped into Han Yue's light robe and firmly hugged her thigh.

"Ah--" Han Yue screamed and began to beat the puppy, but the puppy couldn't die, which made her very embarrassed.

Yu Wenjun took an indifferent look and didn't move at all. Lin Feng and the wild lion fell asleep drunk. The other five warriors surrounded with Yun Zheng, and were immediately full of incoherent words such as "Oh, this is not good", "Help her, don't bite there", "This dog likes women" and so on. But no one took action, because everyone was afraid that the woman would turn against her.

Han Yue finally couldn't help pulling off the robe and revealing two white legs. The puppy was holding one leg and not coming down, and it was still shrugging up and down. That posture is hard to describe. A dog can do it.

Several low-level warriors burst into laughter and began to point.

"Little guy, it's almost done." Yun Zheng smiled, reached out and pinched the back of the puppy's neck and threw it away. The puppy turned over and got up, took a piece of venison and ran away.

"Beast, look for death!" Han Yue blushed and felt ashamed. One hand took out the Hanyue bow, and a finger flicked a frost arrow and put it up. Pulling the bow like a full moon, the arrow walks like a meteor, and an arrow runs to the puppy.

Han Yue specializes in the evil spirit of ice. This arrow flew out, as if an ice line crossed the night sky and arrived in an instant for the puppy's neck. Everyone's voice was raised, but the puppy turned around lightly to avoid it. The frost arrow fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a layer of frost in the surrounding three meters.

Han Yuejiao scolded repeatedly, and the frost arrows flew out one after another. The puppy jumped left and right, walking in the shape and S shape, and even avoided it. Then everyone saw a blue light flashing under a tree in the distance, and a whirlwind rolled out, blocking the puppy's way in all directions. Then the whirlwind rolled down and locked the puppy.

These are all the secret hands and feet of the inscription master Yu Wenjun. It's too much for two martial artists with more than five stars to work together to deal with a stray dog.

Han Yue smiled at the corners of her mouth and locked the target stray dog with an arrow. The shooting out of the wind inscription locked the puppy's way. No matter how dexterous it is, it can't escape an arrow to kill it.

Yun Zheng took the big knife in his hand. At this time, he took a force into the knife and raised his hand to tossss the knife. A black electric light flashed through the night sky, and the cloud knife came first. With a bang, it cut off the frost arrow of Hanyue first, and then plunged into the corner of the wind brought by the wind inscription. In the crackling electric current, the whirlpool was blown away.

The puppy was released from the bondage. As soon as it ran a few steps, it suddenly turned around and ran to Yun Zheng. Yun Zheng was stunned and smiled, "What's the matter? Are you coming to bite me again? Here you are." With that, he threw half of the deer's calf to it.

The puppy seemed to understand his words, shook his head, and then nodded three times to him, guessing to thank Yun Zheng for saving his life. Then the puppy picked up the venison and ran happily wagging its tail.

"Country bumpkin, if you let go of the puppy, just eat my arrow." Han Yue's face was cold, pulling Han Yue's bow full and aiming at Yun Zheng.

"Surnamed Lei, it seems that you must be right with me." Yu Wenjun also sneered, and the green light flashed on his fingertips, brewing another attack of a wind inscription.

"Two to one? But it doesn't matter." Yun Zheng said lightly and mentioned the reverent heart inserted in the soil.

At this time, the lion who was snoring suddenly turned over and sat up and roared, "What's the matter? What are you doing? Are there any monsters coming? Alle, stop it. Rest quickly. You still have to hunt beasts tomorrow.

In this way, a battle storm was calmed down by the lion. After that, several low-level warriors were still whispering, "Oh, that... the little lady's legs are really white."

"Yes, yes, I really envy that dog, haha..."

"Thanks to that dog, if it were you, Brother Lei would have pinched you to death and saved you? It's beautiful."

"How do I think that dog is more hooligan than you?" It was Ji Baoer who said this, and then Ji Baoer said, "Don't mention it, this dog is really a model of our generation."

In two consecutive days, the lion regiment hunted ten hexagonal deer one after another, and the team also pierced deeper and deeper in Luming Mountain, getting closer to the main vein. Hunting beasts during the day and camping at night, Yunzheng found a quiet place in the forest to absorb the remaining thunder and lightning crystals to supplement the daytime consumption, and the rest was used to pour into the eighth trick. For fear of making too much noise and alarming others, he did not move the dozen low-grade mid-level lightning and fire crystals.

A few days later, more than 100 low-order lightning crystals were consumed, and the eighth trick also had a faint flash of lightning, which was very weak.

The little stray dog seems to be sure that Yunzheng will not do anything about it. As soon as he arrives at camping, he will come to eat and leave when he is full. Moreover, he showed enough interest in Han Yue's smooth thighs and wanted to jump over and rub it a few times as soon as he had the opportunity. This made Han Yue very nervous and wrapped herself tightly at night. Although she desperately wanted to kill the damn hooligan dog, it was covered by clouds. She knew that this idea could not be realized in any case.

That night, the lion drank a little too much. He patted Yun Zheng's shoulder and said vaguely, "Brother Lei, that day... said day (you said you)... Well, is that what happens when you have a love?"

"Just say it." Yun Zheng said and took a sip of the wine bag handed over by the wild lion. The wine was spicy and like fire in his stomach. The more strong the wine, the more the lion likes it.

The crazy lion looked at Han Yue, who was wrapped like a zongzi by the bonfire not far away, and smiled, "The sweetheart of the sun... Is the buttocks as big as Han Yue? The buttocks are big and energetic, and it can give birth to sons. Day, day... You should cherish it..."

Day, day, day, you know how to drink. Yun Zheng pushed the crazy lion's head, and the guy lay down and fell asleep. Yun Zheng looked at the back of Han Yue, who was tightly wrapped but still couldn't hide her slender body. She thought about it and had a thin waist and buttocks. The girl's buttocks were quite big. No wonder the bitch always wanted to jump up.

At this time, there was a sound of wings waving in the night sky. A spiritual pigeon appeared in sight and flew directly into Hanyue's hand. This little bird was not strange. These Tianhanyue have been using it to contact Hongye City.

"...Well, good wine, hehe, good brother, I guess I can hunt enough tomorrow... I can return..." The lion muttered and turned over and snored like thunder.

Han Yue took out a wax pill from the mouth of the spirit pigeon, took out a piece of white paper and looked at it a few times. He took it and came over. He lowered his eyebrows and did not look at Yunzheng, but stretched out on the shoulder of the wild lion and kicked it a few times. He frowned and said, "Wake up, wake up, there are new instructions."

The mad lion fell asleep, turned over and sat up, "Brother, is her buttocks very big?"

Yun Zheng looked at Han Yue's crotch and nodded, "It's quite big."

"What did you say? Wake up quickly! The city owner has a new order--" Han Yue roared fiercely, threw the white note on Yun Zheng's face and turned around and left. Her shrill shout woke up all the resting people, and everyone has formed a conditioned reflex these days. Han Yue's scream is as good as a rooster shouting for a bed.

The team members gathered around, and the lion was finally awakened by Yun Zheng. He took the white note and glanced at it a few times, "Brother Lei, it is the new order of the city owner. The hunting mission has been cancelled."