Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 246 Ghost Castle is in trouble, life and death

Ding Shou, who was pulled out of the evil spirit contract, looked weak and was dying. Ding Shou only wants to die quickly to find relief. He is very cooperative with Yun Zheng's questions and basically answers all questions.

Yun Zheng fed him some water. Seeing that his breath was breathing a little uniformly, he asked slowly, "I heard that the ghosts of the seven-star islands of the Demon Spirit Sea went out to the sea and entered the middle sky in a big way. Is there anything like that?"

Ding Shou nodded and said, "It's true. More than half of the four knights of Qixingyu, the three ghost warriors and the puppet department have left Qixingyu. The five-two ghosts of Yexiao, and even left the sea of demons, have entered the middle sky. The people of the first place should arrive in Liangzhou. Our Ding followed closely, but they didn't expect to meet you at Jiuguifeng and cause a whole army to be destroyed, which is afraid that it will make the main island owner of Qixingyu be furious.

Yun Zheng took a look at the old god. What Ding Shou said should be true. A few days ago, he and the old god assassinated him. Although it is a ghost killer hired by the Yuwen family, the appearance of Part 11 is too coincidental, which must be related to the night owl killer's large-scale entry into Liangzhou. It is possible to assassinate yourself, even if it is a business that Ye Xiao's department takes over.

"The Seven Star Ninja Hall has been operating on Qixing Island for hundreds of years, with deep roots, but its roots are in the sea of demons. This time, it poured out and entered the middle sky, and even greatly weakened the defense of Qixing Island. What is the reason that prompted the Ninja Hall to make such a big move?" Yun Zheng asked again.

"... The hairless skin will be attached..." Ding Shou muttered, shook his head and sighed, "... This is what the chief island owner said before leaving. He looked like he was about to come to disaster, which made the heads of all ministries a little surprised. I don't know where his words came from. Later, he said that the ghost castle was in trouble and had reached the time of life and death. He asked the ghosts on Qixing Island to go to sea quickly and enter Zhongtian, and meet in the northwest of the dynasty after March. At that time, we will act according to the plan, and all the ghosts must swear to the death.

Is the ghost castle in trouble? What is the ghost castle? What's the plan of Qixing Island? There are so many secrets that need to be solved, and Yun Zheng couldn't help asking in one breath.

Ding Shou smiled sadly, and his bone-like face was difficult to see. He said, "Although I am the leader of the Ding Department, many core secrets of Qixing Island are not qualified to be understood by ghost practitioners at my level. All I know is that Ghost Castle is closely related to Qixing Island, but I don't know what it is. As for the plan and strategy arranged by the main island owner, we can only unconditionally carry out vows. I only know the order given to Ding... That is, to sneak into the ancient city of Tangfeng. No matter how much you pay, you have to rob the little girl named Tang Xiaotao, and then take her to the northwest border city of the dynasty, even if you complete the task. As for the rest, I don't know."

"You call Tang Xiaotao the mother's body. What's going on with this mother's body?"

Ding Shou said, "The statement that the mother's body is the order of the main island owner under the Qixingyu General Hall seems to be related to a sacrificial ceremony in the ghost castle, which is the key point of this plan. No matter how many people there are, no one knows."

People are about to die and their words are also good. It seems that Ding Shou doesn't seem to be telling lies. Yun Zheng thought for a moment and asked, "This time, your mission of Ding's ghost cultivation failed. Not only did you lose Tang Xiaotao, but also the Ding Department and the ghost warriors were completely destroyed. What do you think what the Qixingyu General Hall will do?"

Ding Shou coughed twice in a hoarse voice and said, "I heard that Tang Xiaotao is the key to the trip to the northwest of Qixingyu. Now that people have been saved by you and returned to the Tang family, the Qixingyu General Hall will definitely not be finished. Of course, people will be sent to take back Tang Xiaotao. I'm afraid of the future. During the day, Liangzhou City will be in a bloody storm.

"Let's not brag." Liu Zhi couldn't help kicking him with his toes, "I think the strength of your ghost masters and ghost warriors on Qixing Island is nothing more than this. They are easily destroyed by us, and it's still bloody? Won't the Tang family protect the little girl?

"You don't know the strength of Qixing Island. What you are facing today is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are conceited and underestimate the enemy, you will definitely pay a painful price." Ding Shou shook his head helplessly and continued, "The ghost warriors of Qixing Island have three parts: heaven, earth and remnants. They are known as the three unique ghost warriors. What you meet today is just the weakest ghost warriors among them, and they are just a team. If the real ghost warrior comes, I'm afraid the result will not be like this..."

The ghost warriors are not afraid of death and have a strong will to fight. Yun Zheng and As Juen are deeply experienced. A team of 50 people, all of which are still low-level cultivation, actually killed nearly 100 disciples of the Tang family. If Yun Zheng, who rushed out halfway, is afraid that the Tang family will even Tang Xiaoye will break in. This kind of combat power is really scary.

The ghost teacher of the night owl department claims that there are four fifty-two ghosts. In addition, there are countless young ghost practitioners waiting for replacements in cultivation. Coupled with the three unique ghost warriors, if such a large group enters Liangzhou, it is not impossible to set off a bloody storm all over the sky.

Ding Shou said that his voice gradually faded, and finally he couldn't say a word, as if his mind had become confused, and then there was no sound. The old god stretched out his hand and turned over his eyelids, put his fingers on his wrist to try the pulse of his heartbeat, shook his head and said, "He's dead."

The dead Ding Shou seemed to have only one bone left, and the ghost cultivation that signed a soul contract with the evil spirit ended so miserable, which made Yun Zheng and others sigh. Can't leave him in the small secret place, the old god volunteered to take Ding Shou out of the small secret place and ran to a burning scroll in the dense forest of Xishan to burn him to ashes, which is considered to have a destination.

After dealing with Ding Shou, several people sat down again in the bamboo building in the small secret place. Except for Yun Zheng, at the age of Liu Zhi and Dongfang Tianzong, they did not have much experience. They were ghost practitioners on Qixing Island. Previously, they only heard that this was the first confrontation, and as for the ghost castle and the mother emperor, they had never heard of.

"Speaking of the ghost castle, I know a little about grandpa," the old god said slowly after the noisy talk between Liu Zhi and others:

"Hundreds of years ago, a sect of organ teachers, called Ghost Mountain Stream, rose on the mainland, and their nest was heard to be called the ghost castle. This organ school acts very mysteriously, and the handed down organ skills are also extremely exquisite. It is good at large-scale organ skills, especially in the use of thunder and fire. However, the disciples of this sect acted strangely and cynically and did a lot of things that were despised by the mainland martial arts at that time. Later, they were suppressed by various martial arts sects, and the disciples were killed and injured, and disappeared more than 100 years ago. As for their old nest ghost castle, no outsider has ever entered it, and no one knows exactly where it is.

Yunzheng is familiar with the name of the sect of Guishanliu, because Xiaoye once found a Guishanliu machine in the secret place behind Yunjia Village, but now this set of secret scrolls is in the hands of Tang Xiaoye. At that time, Yun Zheng also looked through the secret scroll roughly, and there was no news about the ghost castle.

Guishanliu and the organ Tang family were connected once because of the same organ sect, and because of the existence of the mother emperor Tang Xiaotao, the relationship between the two became subtle. Whether there would be any deeper relationship between them is indeed very thought-provoking.

Yun Zheng suddenly remembered what Tian Zhongguang said on the Nine Ghost Peak and speculated a lot about the identity of Tang Xiaoye, so he took out the golden begonia leaf that Tang Xiaoye gave to him when he broke up in the suburbs of the fallen leaves. "What is the identity of Tang Xiaoye in Tangfeng Ancient City, Liu Tang, have you heard of it?"

Liu Zhi and Dongfang Tian shook their heads blankly. Liu Zhi said, "Although the Tang family is very famous in the middle of the sky, the behavior of this sect is also very low-key. It has rarely interacted with other sects, and the secrets in the outside world are rarely known. Master Yun, you have known her for a long time and don't know her identity. How can we do? Do you know?"

The old god took the golden begonia leaf and took a look, "This is the identity symbol that only the core disciple of the inner city of Tangfeng Ancient City has the right to have. Since she can give you away, she proves that her identity can never be low in the ancient city of Tangfeng. It should be one of the few disciples who can enter and exit the core inner city at will. You'd better take this thing. Maybe it will come in handy in the future.

"The grand entrance of the seven-star island ghosts into Liangzhou will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the sects of Liangzhou. Master Yun, what should we do next?" Liu Zhi asked that he was not carefree. The Beast Hall is a big sect that is good at feeding monsters. Its disciples are all over the world, but the main purpose is to make a fortune. If Qixing Island sets off a bloody wind in Liangzhou, the business of Beast Hall will inevitably be greatly affected. Liu Zhi, the owner of Liangzhou Branch, has to do it in advance. Plan.

However, Dongfang Tianzong is different. He is a young master of a family who eats, drinks and plays, and he is obsessed with martial arts. Instead, he hopes that the bigger the chaos in Liangzhou is, the better.

Yun Zheng put away the golden begonia leaves, pondered for a moment, and said, "... In order to compete for the mother Tang Xiaotao, Qixing Island and the Tang family will definitely fight again and follow the behavior of the Tang family. This disturbance will definitely not be small. But if this fight must take place in Liangzhou City, I don't think so. It all depends on where the Tang family will take Tang Xiaotao to protect it. We are half of the outsiders. I don't think it's a good idea to wade with them. If Qixing Island is wiped out by the Tang family in this battle, it will be a good thing.

Liu Zhidongfang Tianzong and Asjuen all agreed to nod. Qixingyu and the Tang family have little to do with themselves. They really can't follow the whirlpool of the storm. It would be better if they could watch the fire across the shore to take advantage of the chaos.

Grandpa God said, "Let's be careful. According to the consistent behavior of Qixing Ninja Hall, the scene of their failure must also be recovered. Maybe in order to deal with the Tang family, Qixing Island will stop taking action against us, but once the storm passes, the night killer will still appear in front of us as soon as possible.

"Like on the Nine Ghost Peak, wait for the opportunity to deal with the night owls. It's better to beat them up and destroy them once and for all." Yun Zheng said solemnly that he had set a strategy to deal with the Ye Xiao Department for a period of time.