Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 256 Sacrifice

The fish's head was hooked by the red iron hook, and his mouth was smoking. The sharp hook tip came out of his face, which was a little miserable. This guy was also real and was dragged several meters by Gui Yanshou's hook. Although he twitched all over in pain, he didn't say a word.

Yun Zheng went to the bridge, and Asjuen followed him after returning from the turtle with a fist. The old god stood still and watched the battle with cold eyes.

In addition to extending the life of the turtle, the remaining seven young women with shields showed their posture on the stone bridge, blocking in front of Yunzheng and Ju En. More than a dozen round shields as white as jade used to turn over in the sun and look very holy.

Although the twenty salam warriors kneeling by the water did not act rashly, they were obviously alert and ready to go. It is estimated that as soon as they heard the order of the woman called the sacrificial in the car, they would suddenly be in trouble.

"Presumptuous! Yun Shao is a distinguished guest to be invited by the priest. When you come up, you want to meet each other. Are you ready to disobey the order of the priest!" The woman's voice in the pearl car was still delicate and soft, but the tone of the order was unquestionable. The seven round shield women then obediently returned to their original positions, and the sacrifice continued, "The turtle prolongs life, the punishment is enough, and the fish has taken the lead."

Gui Yanshou answered, took the hook and put down the fish to lead. The saurman warrior leader stopped twitching and trembling, took a deep breath, and then knelt down and kowtowed to say thank you for your life.

At this time, a woman with a round shield went up and pulled the curtain, and the sacrifice came out lightly. Originally, it was afternoon and the sun was full, but as soon as the woman came out, it still brightened Yun Zheng's eyes.

The woman's posture is straight, and there are slight waves on the water-blue skirt, as if she is shrouded in a bright fog. Her thin waist and buttocks are crisp and her chest are high, her silver-white hair is like a waterfall, her blue eyes are like water, and her skin is snow-white, which is eye-catching and suffocating.

Do all the banshee spirits of the demon sea be so beautiful? This is Yun Zheng's first thought. Not to mention the one in front of him, the banshee spirits that only hand over the bill and collect money in the arena are enough to make people think, and these eight banshee spirits with round shields are even more beautiful as flowers. The last time the priestess appeared in the arena, it caused a lot of **. The attendant in front of her was more beautiful than the priestess, and there was a pure and noble atmosphere, but it was unique to her. The female witch is so beautiful, how can the mid-sky nun live?

The female demons were blocked at the sixth gate of Shuijujia, but they were not ready to do it. Yun Zheng had to stop. At this time, the old god also followed him. Yun Zheng coughed gently, cleared his throat, and tried to make his voice soft and elegant. "Dear demon friends, you have come to the wrong place for your family's party. This seems to be the doorstep of my home. Could you please let me?"

"It's not good." The sixteen- or seven-year-old woman smiled skillfully and bowed slightly to salute. She looked very elegant and was probably the unique etiquette of the demon clan. She continued, "The demon sea and the delicate department met Lord Yun Ziwei with the sacrifice Geya."

I heard the name Yun Ziwei again! Yun Zheng's forehead almost sweated. He thought that this vulgar nickname was sent out by which bastard. He said calmly, "This female spirit friend, you seem to have recognized the wrong person, because my name is Yun Zheng and not Yun Ziwei. In addition, I am just a small man, and I don't enter any sect, let alone in any state capital city. If you serve, the title of adult or something, you'd better be removed.

Priestess Goya smiled slightly, "Yun Shao is too modest. The prestige of the original talent of Ziwei Emperor Xing, which you have only seen in 500 years, has spread all over Liangzhou. You are the honorific title of Lord Ziwei. What are you humble about?" Goya's blue eyes flashed with a trace of cunning and meaningful. It seems that you are actually very useful for this name, so don't pretend to be pretentious.

Of course, Yun Zheng saw through the meaning in Goya's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel inexplicably annoyed. What's the use of Ziwei adult name? Can it be exchanged for practical benefits, repair value or lightning and fire crystals? Humph, a self-righteous demon.

Yun Zheng glanced at the old god beside him and asked in a low voice, "What is the position of Sui?"

"I don't know. I have to explain it to my grandfather every time. Can't you read a book?" The old god rolled his eyes and said, "Each priest has a sacrificial female demon spirit, which is similar to the kind. However, the sacrifice of the demons is much more powerful than the real power of the priestess, and will also take over the position of the priestess in the future.

Oh, this sacrificial female spirit named Goya turned out to be the successor of the priestess. No wonder these demons have the authority to kill and rob them. However, with her delicate appearance, I can't see any more powerful means. Yun Zheng took a look at Goya and felt a little beautiful. He smiled and said, "Well, Lord, whatever you call me, I'm not humble. I know that the sea of demons is a country of etiquette. I don't know what's the point for you to stand in front of my house?

Goya laughed and said, "I took the order of the priestess of the headquarters and invited Lord Yun Ziwei to talk about it. I hope you will forgive me."

"I'm sorry, I'm about to practice in isolation recently, and I really can't get rid of it. I can only appreciate the kindness of your priestess." Yun Zheng declined politely and said to himself that it was the priestess who wanted to see me. I didn't know her. Why did she see me? Did she hear any rumor? It seems that those two delicate girls are really hot potatoes.

"It doesn't matter. We can wait." Goya said with a smile. With an expression that you knew you would refuse, we will wait at your door to see when you can hide. Can you never get out of the customs?

Yun Zheng smiled and said, "I have been in isolation for a long time. Maybe three or five years. Can you afford to wait?"

"Lord Yun Ziwei is really good at jokes, and he is not afraid of sitting in the gate and getting old," he sneered and blinked his long eyelashes. Her water blue eyes conveyed the charm of the enchanting people. She said softly, "Lord Ziwei has been sitting in confinement for ten years, and I will always wait."

Her voice was delicate and sweet, and she said such a thing in such a tone. Yun Zheng couldn't help but be moved when she heard it. Wait for ten years? That sounds strange. However, Yun Zheng immediately set his mind and said seriously, "Well, it's a deal. I'm going home to retreat and practice, so I won't accompany you."

With that, Yun Zheng waved his hand and went ahead, and Ju En and the old god followed. As expected, Goya did not stop him and motioned his men to separate a way and let the three of them pass.

Returning to Shuiju Jialiu, Yun Zheng carefully closed the inscription protection array, and the three of them went to the bamboo building. Grandpa grabbed Yun Zheng's wrist and stared, "Kid, do you still have something to hide from Grandpa? Otherwise, how can people come to you? Have you got the beautiful girl that was lost by others?

Yun Zheng smiled and said, "There are two beautiful girls, but I didn't take the initiative to make trouble, but snatch it from the red tiger."

"Sure enough, hum, you may be hiding something from me. Where is the spiritual girl? Hurry out and let Grandpa have a look. Grandpa God stretched out his finger and pointed to Yun Zheng and said.

"The spirit girl is not dressed. It doesn't seem good for you to look at it like this..." Yun Zheng was a little embarrassed.

Grandpa shouted, "What's wrong? Grandpa, do you still have those obscene ideas at such an old age? I just checked it for you to see if you robbed the artifact again. I'm worried about you and Juen. I'm afraid you can't control it.

"I won't look at it." Asguen smiled, turned around and walked out of the quiet room, and went for a walk by the lake by himself.

"Well, there is no one left. You can invite me out." Grandpa God rubbed his hands and his eyes were shining, looking a little impatient.

"Old man, why do you look like an old perse? I'm really worried about those two spiritual girls." Yun Zheng shook his head, reached out and took out his ruler box, and took out the crystal box hidden in it and placed it on the table.

"Tut, Grandpa has lived such a long life, and he has only heard of such a beautiful girl, but he has never seen it. Today, he is going to feast his eyes." The old man came to the crystal box and squinted at it and stared at it. He was surprised, "Are these two big fishes? They have a beautiful fish tail and a beautiful face. It can be called a mermaid."

He looked at it for a while, and suddenly said, "Your boy is pure with grandpa. The spirit girl is clearly covered with silver scales. How do you say it's **?"

The two delicate girls curled up in the water, their two long tails were entangled, and their eyes were slightly closed, as if they were asleep. Yun Zheng has been staring at the silver hair of the spirit girl, marveling at how the silver hair of the spirit girl is exactly the same as that of the sacrificial Geya, so he did not take a closer look at whether the spiritual girl still maintains **. Suddenly, after listening to the old god's question, he looked back at the spirit girl and found that the description of the spirit girl's thin waist, crisp chest and buttocks was still the same, but her body was covered with a thin layer of silver scales, shining strangely through the ripples of water waves.

This crystal box is closed on all sides and extremely smooth. You can't see where the seams and openings are. The two spiritual women dived in it, eating or drinking for many days, always like this. Yun Zheng did not understand the habits of demon spirits, nor did he understand how the crystal box was constructed, and he was afraid that the spirit girl would die when he opened the box, so he kept it like this until today.

Silver scales appeared on the snowy skin of the delicate girl, leaving only her face, neck, arms and half of her chest as usual. Is this going to completely become a mermaid? Yun Zheng thought that he should have a good understanding of the customs of Tianwu World. Grandpa God is right. He should read some books.