Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 297 Light Wing Flying

Yun Zheng led the priestess and Goya to fight and retreat. Suddenly, a strong wave hit, faintly mixed with the sound of wind and thunder. An iron gun stabbed in the night, and the blade was three meters. The momentum of breaking through the air was fingly powerful. The man came was a five-stage warrior.

Today, there are at least four martial artists who participated in the battle, and there are two who killed Yunzheng. The first one made the gun and the back one used an iron crutch. The long gun arrived first, the iron crutch swept, and the gravel rolled on the ground, hitting Yun Zheng's legs directly.

Yun Zheng jumped up and avoided the iron crutch. The long knife in his palm banged and blocked the long gun out of the circle. The iron crutch landed with a strong wind and smashed a deep pit on the ground. The golden spirit on the long gun collides with the electric light released by Yun Zheng's blade, flashing a long string of sparks. Yun Zheng was shocked and turned upside down, and the warrior who made the long gun was also Shocked, they took a few steps back and sat down on the ground. As soon as they fought, the two couldn't help but shock each other's profound cultivation.

Taking this good opportunity, the five-stage warrior who made the double iron crutch suddenly approached, waved the double crutch to shake away the water blade of the priestess and Goya condensed attack, turned left to force Goya back, and turned right to hit the priestess with a "bang", and smashed her protective mind mask. The golden evil power released by the iron crutch hit the priestess. On her leg, she fell to the ground with an "Ouch", her right leg was swollen and tall, and her leg bone had been broken.

The six-stage warrior who was fighting with Asjuen looked at the six roads and shouted, "Lao Jin, don't kill that woman. You have to live."

It turned out that the five martial artists were called Lao Jin. He smiled and said, "How can I be willing to kill such a watery woman?" With a shake of his wrist, he picked up the priestess's body, and he stretched out his arm and was about to hold her in his arms. At this time, the white light flashed in front of him, and Goya eagerly condensed a water blade to split his face. Although his cultivation was exquisite, if the water blade was cut on his face, it would inevitably open the skin and flesh. He had to temporarily release the priestess, raised his crutches in front of his chest and crossed it. "bang" to disperse the water blade attack. When she wanted to catch the priestess again, the priestess had been taken back by Goya.

At this time, Yun Zheng brought a knife to attack, and Lao Jin had to concentrate on swinging his double crutches and maneuvering with Yun Zheng. Goya was far away from the priestess. The old god's grandfather distributed several inscription arrays and exploded behind the priestess and Goa, temporarily separating them from the pursuing warriors. Yun Zheng saw that Goya and the two were temporarily out of danger and shouted "back". They shook a few knives in their hands, but their bodies flashed out quickly from the attack of the two five-stage warriors and retreated to Goya to prepare to meet them. Asjuen punched and blocked the attack of the six-stage warrior, and his body jumped and retreated in the direction of Yunzheng.

The old god used inscriptions to block the pursuit of the warriors. Yun Zheng and Ju En fought and retreated, protecting Goya and retreating to the forest. At this time, the two teams shouted to kill again at the bottom of the peak, but it was the people and horses of the Dongfang Tianzong and Liuzhi faction. They were rushing to the meeting place, but suddenly received a call from Yunzheng's letter and arrow, so they rushed to intercept the six-stage warriors and Lao Jin's men and horses. The two sides had another melee, and the scene was even more chaotic.

With Liu Zhi and Dongfang Tianzong's participation in the war, the situation has greatly improved. Yun Zheng was about to release the spirit beast and withdraw with Goya and the priestess. Suddenly, Lin Hou's voice was noisy, and another human horse touched up. The leader was dressed in strong armor with a sledgehammer, but Yan Zhenshan's brother Yan turned over the sea. As soon as this guy saw Yunzheng, he shouted for desire. Come forward.

Yun Zheng secretly shouted trouble. How can the enemy kill more and more? The disciples of the outer court of the Yuwen family have come. The six-stage warrior must be from the Liang Wangfu. The old Liang Wang is now in the northwest border city. The six-stage warriors that Liangzhou Wangfu can send must be one of the four Xuanyi.

Yun Zheng was thinking about a plan to escape. At this time, the wind roared, and two groups of light and shadows flew from the southwest. The speed was extremely fast. The black light and shadow in front of him, like a black smoke and dust, could fly dozens of feet away between breathing, which was really unparalleled. Behind it is a yellow light, flying back and forward with the black light, and the speed is not slow at all.

There was a strange smile from the black light in front of him, "Lao San, why did you chase me as soon as you got out of the customs? You are so impatient, but you haven't changed at all."

The yellow light behind said in a gloomy voice, "Second, since you are always unconvinced that my cultivation can overwhelm you, let's have a good comparison today and decide a winner, so that you don't always be oscillating."

Heiguang said in front of him, "I'm rushing to the northwest to help, but I don't have time to pester you. If I'm late, all the good things will be robbed first. Who am I looking for?" Huang Guang smiled gloomily, "Who robs something and kills the goods directly? Come on, the second, let's fight first. Let me see if you have made progress in your closed practice over the years?"

The yellow light suddenly accelerated and grabbed the black bald head, flying over the mountain. He circled and blocked the front of the black light. As soon as he stopped in the air, the two sides of the underground battle could see clearly, but he was a tall old man in a yellow robe, with two earthy yellow wings stretched out in the wind. His body was like this. It is suspended in the air.

The black light was blocked and suddenly stopped. He was an obscene old man with a dry figure in a black robe. A pair of mice' eyes were spinning around, revealing ** evil and treachery. There was also a pair of light wings behind him, but it was black, hazy, like a fog.

Back light wings, this is the flying realm that only the seven-grade inscription master can have. This light wing is condensed with strong thinking power, which can be used to fly in the air, and those who are advanced can travel thousands of miles a day. This kind of flying with the help of light wings consumes extreme mental power. For like these two people flying rapidly while fighting, it must be at least at the top of the seventh grade. It is very likely that the realm of these two people is above the eight grades.

Yun Zheng and others are surprised. Second brother, take it." The old man in yellow robe roared and suddenly slapped at the obscene old man in black robe. This palm roared, and a huge animal claw light and shadow appeared in front of his palm, directly patting the top of the obscene old man's head.

The old god was fascinated by his mind. When he saw the old man in yellow robe's move, he couldn't help blurring out, "It's the inscription. After all, this guy has practiced it."

"Lao San, do you have to fight?" The obscene old man floated several feet from one side of his body, but avoided the yellow-robed old man's volley.

"You can't hide." The yellow-robed old man came out and patted it fiercely. This time, the light and shadow of the beast's claws came out all over the world, blocking the direction that the obscene old man could avoid. The obscene old man sighed, waved his right arm out, and a thin and dark bone claw light and shadow swept out and slapped fiercely on the beast's claws.


The powerful force impacted and dispersed, flattening the upper section of the peak. The gravel and mud splashed down, and the two sides who were fighting at the foot of the mountain quickly closed their forces to avoid it. Suddenly, they looked for a place to dodge and stopped fighting for a moment.

"This old ghost has also become a divine inscription, and there is no reason!" The old god complained again. While talking, the yellow-robed old man and the obscene old man in mid-air had already fought together, clap their hands, and the fight was very fierce, and their strength rolled around and collapsed, almost collapsed the whole mountain. Yun Zheng saw clearly that although the two old men were masters of inscriptions, the inscriptions used were also picked up casually. They did not see any inscription scrolls used, nor did they sing in their mouths, and there were powerful fluctuations in their thoughts, and the beauty of use was all in one thought.

The two fought endlessly. This battle was wonderful and there was no winner at all. I'm afraid there will be no result for a while.

Yun Zheng was moved and praised himself secretly. Is this the realm of divine inscription? It's simply unbelievable. Grandpa God just said something, as if he was quite familiar with the two old men.

Before he asked, the two fierce fighting in the air suddenly stopped. The obscene old man in black-robed said, "Lao San, I only care about fighting fiercely, as if others have picked up the ready-made excitement."

The old man in Huangpao said, "So what? It's just a group of warriors who don't like this. I'll clean them up first." Without waiting for the obscene old man, he suddenly dived down from the air and slapped the six warriors. The huge beast claw phantom condensed in an instant and hit it fiercely.

The power of the two was obvious to everyone just now. No one dared to take the yellow robe old man's slap. They were so scared that they shouted and scattered one after another. The old man in yellow robe slapped and banged, and the beast's claw phantom suddenly hit a deep and big hole on the ground.

"Do you dare to avoid? Come and get a powerful one against me. Don't hide, it's just you. The old man in yellow robe fell to the ground and caught a glimpse of the tall and powerful six-stage warrior. He patted him with one paw. The warrior was unavoidable and had to urge the martial arts to cut a knife against the beast's claw phantom.


The strength burst out, like a thunderbolt in mid-air. The yellow-robed old man did not move. The big knife in the palm of the six-stage warrior was shaken out of his hand and flew away without a trace. The six-stage warrior also flew back several feet and knocked down several big trees before stopping his body. As soon as he got up, he sprayed a mouthful of blood.

The old man in Huangpa nodded and said, "Well, it's a little tricky. If you sign up, Grandpa won't kill the unknown."

At this critical moment, the six-stage warrior dared not pretend to be a disciple of Yunmeng, so he had to answer truthfully, "The younger generation Zhao Tianjie is the Xuanyi general of Liangzhou Palace. By the order of the son, he captured Yun Zheng, the scum of martial arts practitioners. I don't know what to call the seniors?

Yun Zheng took a look at Liu Zhi and others, and it seemed that he was right. This six-stage martial artist was indeed Zhao Tianjie, one of the four heroes of Xuanyi. Once the identity of the interceptor was confirmed, the priestess and Goya couldn't help but be angry. The people in Liang's palace were really ambitious. Once they saw that they could not form an alliance with the Where are the spirits?