Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 340 Hu Xiaotan

The three of them plotted for a while and got up to pay the bill and were about to leave. The fat man's shining eyes looked around, fell on Yunzheng and Goya, paused slightly, turned his head, and took the lead in walking out of the inn.

Yun Zheng also finished eating quickly with Goya. He had concluded that the old pious woman whose hands trembled well must have been disguised by Yao Niang Renxin. If he was not sure at the beginning, when the dwarf winter melon said the poison of "seven poisons scattered tendons", Yun Zheng was definitely certain on the spot. In a cliff cave, Han Tian grabbed the old nest. Yun Zheng once had been poisoned by the "seven poisons scattered" by Renxin. This poison was refined by Renxin himself. There is no other family. How can others know about it? So this old woman is not benevolent and who she can be.

According to the plan of the winter melon, it is to first find the two black wolf brothers as helpers, then meet with Brother Wu, and then the four people go to trade at the place invited by the old pious woman. Of course, the idea of the dwarf winter melon is to kill and overstock goods. The so-called buying medicine is just a guise of attracting people. The place and time of the three people's conspiracy to trade are also very clear. There is a Huxiao Pool five miles east of the market town. The trading time is at the end of Xu, that is, about 9 p.m.

Winter melon and black wolf checked out and left. It was still early. Yun Zheng was not in a hurry to go to Huxiaotan. First, he led Goya around the street, bought two black robes, and threw a handful of crystals to him from a local repair in the market town. He chatted and asked clearly the specific location of Huxiaotan and which way to go. When Sanxiu saw that Yunzheng was so bold, he began to talk more. By the way, he also introduced the legend of the origin of Huxiaotan. Huxiaotan is a deep pool under the Huxiaofeng, a small mountain peak in five miles east of the market town. The water of the pool is black and the surrounding gloomy. There are endless sounds of tigers and dragons echoing all year round. It is said that there are war-level monsters in the pool. It is very ferocious. It feeds on lions and tigers. After the death of lions and tigers, their souls are detained by the demonic forces of monsters. Therefore, every night, the demons transformed by fierce beasts such as lions and tigers come out to eat human blood souls, and the whine and sobs are chilling.

Generally speaking, this kind of strange rumors are mostly nonsense. They are often secretly made by some people to cover up their unspeakable behavior in private. Hearing this, Yun Zheng can better conclude that there is something strange in Huxiaotan, so he asked, "This is close to Ningzhou, and there are many powerful practitioners, and there is no martial artist or inscription master. Eliminate the demons and demons?"

The monk said, "Why not? Over the years, there have been no less than ten practitioners organized under the leadership of General Ningzhou, all of whom have been thinking about extermining the ferocious monsters in the Huxiao Pool, but they are gone without exception. There are also several unconvinced Sanxiu who went to challenge the monsters alone, but in the end they all came to an end. Now that the area around Huxiaotan has become a forbidden place, no ordinary practitioners dares to take half a step. This little brother, I think you are kind-looking and have a beautiful eye, and you will be able to have a good future in the future. Don't be crazy about taking risks in Huxiaotan. There is no return.

Yun Zheng thanked him with a smile and gave him ten crystals of lower grades. Then he took Goya back to the inn and set up a room to rest. Goya didn't know what Yun Zheng was going to do, so she was confused and asked, "If you want to find out the way to Huxiaotan, do you want justice to save the old pharmacist?" Or are you thinking about monsters in the Tiger Xiaotan?"

Yun Zheng didn't hide it from her, so he told her that the old woman who suspected that she was selling medicine to trade for winter melon might be a skillful medicine lady, and told her to stay in the inn and come back by herself, so as not to be distracted and take care of her.

The little demon Goya said, "Master, I'm not worried about you. I want to accompany you, and I can use the essence of vegetation to heal you at any time. Although I can't beat people and kill people, it can also play a role in critical moments."

"Are you afraid that I will throw you away?" Yun Zheng smiled and stopped talking about letting her stay in the inn.

It was early in winter, and it snowed heavily. After only half an hour of resting, it was dark outside. The two changed into black robes bought in the market town during the day, covered their heads with hoods, and walked out of the inn with snow. After a while, they walked out of the market town and ran east along the path. Five miles of road arrived in a short time, and soon found the deep pool under the Huxiao Peak. The pool was not large, and it could not span more than ten feet. The pool was dark but not frozen. The snowflakes fell as if they had been swallowed by a huge black mouth, and there was no geothermal hot spring and so on, which was very strange.

There is a dense forest around the pool, with a gust of gloomy wind, and strange whining from time to time. It's really like a deeply resented evil ghost whining and shouting. The permeating is enough, but it doesn't sound to have anything to do with Hu Xiao, and it's really difficult for how those people coined the name Hu Xiaotan.

Although the surrounding environment was dangerous, there was only one path leading to the forest by the pool. Yunzheng put three thunder hornbills out to occupy several places with wide vision to observe the situation. He took Goya and found a tree surrounded by several people and jumped up, making the hidden method of his breath and trees and hide his body. Goya looked interesting and couldn't help asking, "Master, where did you learn this hidden method?"

Yun Zheng was stunned and said, "Yo, do you know the goods?"

Goya laughed and said, "Don't you know that the demons and sea demons are born to be masters of mind power? These hidden magic tricks are originally transmitted from the sea of demons. Why can't I see them? It's not surprising that demons and the psychics of heaven and earth can make this method. I can use it freely, but it really makes me look at it.

Goya leaned softly on a sticking branch, and her body was shining, and her body was hidden in an instant. Although Yun Zheng was close to her, she did not find anything unusual.

The ability of demons is really amazing.

The two hid on the tree and did not speak. After another half an hour, footsteps outside the forest sounded, and a 24-five-year-old young man walked into the forest. Yun Zheng's spiritual talent is extraordinary and knowledgeable, and he can see clearly by his eyesight alone. Seeing that the young man is of medium height, carrying a long sword and walking 17 or 18 meters into the forest, he squatted under a tree and did not move. Before long, the short fat Donggua led the two black wolves to the forest and learned a few night owls. The young man with a long sword also returned several times. The three Donggua walked into the woods. The young man stood up and the two sides whispered. It turned out that the young man was Wu's brother Wu mentioned by Donggua.

The four met and whispered a few words. Donggua said, "Brother Wu, is the old woman here?" Brother Wu replied, "I have contacted before. She asked us to trade directly and limit it to less than four people. Ha ha, thanks to you, you didn't find too many helpers. This old man is very cautious." He took a look at the two black wolves and said, "Black Wolf and Green Wolf, I'm afraid it's a fierce battle today. I can't be careless." Two tall and thin practitioners in black robes and green robes nodded and made no sound.

Dong Gua asked again, "Brother Wu, are the old guy's helpers here?" She won't increase her manpower, will she? Are you sure?"

Brother Wu said, "Let's act according to the opportunity. If the opposite is too strong, we will admit that we will suffer losses and buy her poison and retreat completely. We will find another opportunity in the future."

"Well, that's it." The short fat man nodded. Brother Wu took the lead, followed by the other three, and the four walked to the depths of the woods.

Three psychic thunder hornbills had a bird's eye view from a high place, and Yun Zheng was not afraid to follow the four people who lost the winter melon. When they came out far away, he jumped up from the tree with Goya and followed them. With the help of flying feathers and shocking armor, Yunzheng leaps like flying and easily among the trees in the forest. Relying on his natural ability, Goya is agile and light, jumping and silently in the forest, and seems to merge with nature, which can be called perfect.

The four winter melons walked to the edge of the forest and walked along the deep pool waterfront. Soon they arrived under the Huxiao Peak and suddenly disappeared in front of a dense bush. Yun Zheng and Goya quickly followed and could clearly feel the strange spiritual fluctuations around them. Goya smiled and said, "This is an inscription illusion array that covers people's ears." Then he made a print on his chest and sang the formula in a low voice.

Yun Zheng asked, "If you break the inscription array, won't it disturb them?" Goya shook her head, and the formula was quickly finished singing. A water-blue water evil light gathered from her ten fingertips. Then she said, "This method is just to clean our hearts and polish our eyes, but we don't have to worry about affecting the inscription array."

As she said, she waved in front of her. The water was shining brightly and flashed, and the foreground objects suddenly changed. Under her feet were flowing pools. It turned out that there was a gap in the pool here, and the pool flowed down the mountain, forming a small river. Seven or eight stones on the surface of the water can be used as small bridges. After crossing the water and turning to the left, there is a deep cave, and the footsteps of the four winter melons also clearly come out.

There is a water curtain at the entrance of the cave, which is very hidden. When Yunzheng and Goya followed the four people to walk through the narrow cave, there is a cave inside. It turned out to be a deep valley with cliffs on four sides. It is estimated that it is the middle of the tiger roaring peak. The deep valley is as warm as spring, and there are many unknown flowers and trees planted around, which are more than one person high, blooming. Purple and red, it's really beautiful. The sky outside the valley is cold, and the spring flowers in the valley are in full bloom. The creation of this world is really amazing.

The four people of winter melon walked forward quickly, but Yun Zheng did not dare to follow too close. They only hid in the flowers and trees and moved forward carefully step by step, while observing the situation around them vigilantly.

There is an open space in the middle of the dense flowers and trees. There is a small cabin built on the open space. It looks old. Obviously, it has been built for many years. People live in the valley all year round, which makes Yun Zheng very surprised. How pleasant it is to live in seclusion and practice in this paradise-like flower valley. It is separated from the outside world. Absolutely, it seems that it will be cold all year round. The person who can find this place to live in seclusion is an absolute high man.