Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 349 Giant Beast Frenzy

Yun Zheng quickly swept into a valley, then through a forest and quickly ran to an open space in the middle of the valley. This valley is very large, surrounded by dense forests. The trees are tall and towering, but the central location is full of huge black rocks, piled together and the surface is uneven.

Yun Zheng secretly said, the giant "crocodile", this is your grave.

He stepped on a huge rock, turned around, and shouldered a long knife. The giant crocodile roared and rushed crazily, and the huge body ran over the stone, shaking the valley to rumble. He was secretly surprised that the pressure brought by this beast had the violent power of six warriors.

Yun Zheng suddenly jumped up and raised his body two feet in the air. The giant crocodile-like monster rushed over his head, but he couldn't help rushing over his head. The blade of its dorsal fin swept over the rock, leaving terrible cracks.

Yun Zheng suddenly fell from the air and stabbed into its right eye. The white blade that popped from the tip of the knife shot in front of it in an instant. The monster's eyelids suddenly closed, and the knife flashed with a bang, unexpectedly bounced off the white blade. Yun Zheng followed with a punch, banging and hitting the neck of the giant "crocodile". The electric light exploded, and Yun Zheng used the power of rebound to grab several feet and landed firmly on a stone. The giant crocodile shook its body twice, and with the explosive power of thunder and force, it rushed to Yun Zheng again and bit it with a big mouth.

Yun Zheng's punch has the broken peak strength of five-stage one-star cultivation, which is a small peak that has been shattered, but the giant crocodile is safe and sound, and the leather armor on his body really has six-stage defensive power! Yun Zheng was surprised. What the hell is this place? Usually, a monster that emerges has the strength of five or six stages of a local martial artist. How can people live?

The giant crocodile rushed to the head with its big mouth open. Yun Zheng stabbed out with a knife. The long blade was like snow, surrounded by thunder and lightning. It was suddenly cut into the mouth of the giant crocodile's blood basin. The upper and lower jaws suddenly closed. The snow-like knife light was bitten by it and scattered. Yun Zheng's knife attack was instantly blocked by it. Then the violent thunder and force exploded in its mouth one after another. The giant crocodile's head was shaken, no matter how big and strong its physique was, but its mouth was also flesh and blood, and it was not covered with thick leather armor. Suddenly, several fangs were dropped, and its mouth became flesh and blood flowed out along the corners of its mouth.

The giant crocodile howled in pain and was furious. On one side of the body, the huge iron tail swept over. Under the outbreak of violent power, the black boulder around it burst into pieces. Of course, Yun Zheng was not stupid enough to block his iron tail attack, and his body suddenly swept out and dodged away. He kept walking, ran wildly, flew ten feet away in a few steps, and jumped onto a thousand-year-old tree.

The giant crocodile ran wildly. As soon as it swept its dorsal fins, it cut the thousand-year-old tree into two sections, as relaxed as cutting tofu with a quick knife. Yun Zheng suddenly fell down again and stepped on the top of the bridge of its head and nose. His left hand became a fist, and the arc on his fists shone. He suddenly bombarded the giant crocodile's nose bone and the upper jaw of its huge mouth with a bang.

The weakest part of the giant crocodile's whole body is the triangle of mouth, eyes and nose. Yun Zheng's punch collapsed its nose bone, and the broken flesh and blood blocked its respiratory tract. The giant crocodile's breathing was suddenly not smooth, and its abdomen fluctuated sharply, spraying blood foam, and inhaling into its stomach desperately. At the same time, its long tail rolled up and hit Yunzheng's brain.

How could Yun Zheng be won by it? His body shot out and flashed several feet to avoid it. The body flexibility of this monster giant crocodile was strong. The iron tail patted his long mouth with a "bang" and broke half of his mouth, and his broken teeth and blood water gushed out. The giant crocodile-like monster roared vaguely and narrowed his eyes to look around, looking for the shadow of clouds.

At this time, Yun Zheng has changed into flying feathers and shocking armor, and the speed has increased a lot out of thin air. He quickly flew to another tall thousand-year-old tree. The giant crocodile turned his head according to the sound. Yun Zheng's right hand suddenly took off his hand and throw it out of his hand. The blade roared through the sky, thunder and lightning roared, and the passing water flashed by. "poop" plunged into the giant crocodile's right eye socket. Among them. The famous knife passed away, and the body of the knife was narrow and long, and Yun Zheng's thrust through the long rainbow was transparent from the right eye of the giant crocodile monster into the jaw.

The giant crocodile-like monster rolled a few times in pain, and immediately turned over and got up. His two forelimbs clamped the dead water and pulled it out and threw it away. Blood splashed everywhere. The giant crocodile opened half of its huge mouth to find the right direction and hit the big tree that fell on the clouds.

There are still several feet away.

Yun Zheng had already opened the nine-day thunder and fire bow, and a Xuansha thunder rocket was put on the string and aimed at the giant crocodile's face. The arrow flew out like a meteor, and the lightning flashed and accurately shot into the mouth of the giant crocodile monster.


The Xuansha thunder rocket burst and exploded, and nearly six stages of violent thunder and fire power smashed the head of the giant crocodile monster. The monster's huge body was also vigorously overturned and fell heavily on the rock. His flesh and blood were blurred, his limbs twitched a few times, and he died.

The thunder and evil spirit in this battle was consumed a lot. His forehead was sweaty and panting. He calmed down his rapid breathing, put away the nine-day thunder and fire bow, jumped down the towering ancient tree, and picked up the eight-grade sword. He looked at the body of the bloody monster on the rock and was quite satisfied with the result of the battle. The exotic monster like the giant crocodile has a terrible brute force, and its strength is comparable to that of the middle heaven and six martial artists. It is not easy to kill him alone with his five-stage and one-star martial arts cultivation.

At this time, a thunder hornbill appeared several figures in the horizon displayed in the spiritual mirror. It was agile and flying vertically. Because it was too far away, the figure was small and couldn't see clearly. When Yun Zheng stared, the human-shaped shadows had jumped into the dense forest and could no longer be seen clearly.

Is it a little demon and benevolence? The first feeling in Yunzheng's mind was this idea. Just now, there was no trace of them under the cliff. It is likely that they lost their way when they fought with the three giant birds. I guess they are eagerly looking for themselves now.

This may be very high, and these people are not them, but as long as someone appears, there may be one more clue if you find them. Yun Zheng was happy, and the anxiety of looking for benevolence and Goya's fruitlessness suddenly calmed down a lot.

He was about to run in the direction where the thunder hornbill found the figure. Suddenly, there were continuous screams and footsteps in the forest. The four giant crocodiles the size of the giant crocodile monster just killed ran out of the forest and ran to the bodies of the giant crocodile monster on the ground. The cold light of the back fin blade flashed, sweeping down seven or eight towering ancient trees all the way. These four guys came for the smell of blood and first jumped on the corpse of the same kind and bit them.

Why are there four "giant crocodiles" again? Yun Zheng had a headache. Just now, it took a lot of time to kill that monster alone, and then one against four? That's definitely boring. I'm afraid it won't take long for me to be eaten by the four giant crocodile monsters. These four guys must have chased themselves with the first giant crocodile monster just now, but the giant crocodile that had just been killed by them took a step faster than the other four companions, but they didn't expect to be the first to be killed, and even the flesh and blood would be eaten by their companions.

Yun Zheng jumped into the air with the amazing buoyancy of flying feathers, gently glided, and floated straight out a few feet away. He was about to leave the valley when suddenly there was a rumble vibration in the distance. With the roar of the sky, the vibration rushed to this direction of the valley, and the four giant crocodiles that ate the bodies of their companions suddenly raised their heads. He stared at the scarlet eyes and rushed in the direction of the clouds.

At the same time, a group of huge monsters poured in from the other end of the valley. These monsters were huge, with strong limbs, mountain-like bodies and huge sharp teeth. They were ferocious and crowded and rushed forward, flattening the dense forest in the way, rushing over like a huge tide. The sound of trampling on the earth shook the sky and the earth, accompanied by the deafening roar, and the sound was extremely powerful.

Yun Zheng did not want to compete with such a powerful beast frenzy. He quickly released the spirit beast Jiutian Jinpeng and rode it before the four giant crocodiles rushed over. Jiutian Jinpeng flapped his wings and flew up in the air. The four-headed giant crocodiles ran through their feet and fled out of the valley desperately. The giant beasts behind him were faster and caught up with the four giants at once. The giant crocodile stepped on it and rushed over, trampling the four giant crocodiles to break their bones and turned them into meat sauce.

Yun Zheng drove the nine-day golden roc to sweep the air and looked in the direction of the beasts running. More than a thousand monsters participated in the rushing in from one side of the valley, across the valley, rushed out from the other side, and went south. Hundreds of giant beasts converged into a river and fled desperately. Yun Zheng was about to fly over to find out. The sound of wings flapping in the air roared, and countless huge birds flew up from the forest and flew south with the flowing army of giant beasts.

Yun Zheng drove Jiutian Jinpeng to dodge left and right in the air and dodged the giant birds that kept flying into him. These birds and beasts were not on Yun Zheng, each with an unusual look of panic and fled crazily.

Yun Zheng thought for a moment and figured out that there must have been some huge change in the mountains and forests. There must be a more powerful natural enemy coming when so many birds and beasts fled for their lives. Yun Zheng didn't want to be the target of the fleeing giant bird army, so he turned the direction of Jiutian Jinpeng and flew in the direction of the escape of birds and beasts. Gradually flew high, and soon he completely got out of the predicament.

Jiutian Jinpeng is one of the twelve ancient holy beasts. Compared with ordinary monsters, it has many higher talents. The speed and height of flying are far higher than ordinary monsters. Therefore, Jiutian Jinpeng flew high in the sky with clouds and hovered in the air. As soon as Yunzheng lowered his head, he could see the movement below.

The tide of the giant beast's escape rushed out of the valley and raged in the mountains like a torrent of breaking the dike. The dense forest of towering ancient trees was crushed by the giant beasts, and the ancient trees fell down and destroyed one after another, leaving few left in a mess.