Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 387 Destruction of Heaven and Earth, Ghost Dement

As soon as Goya saw this person, his face changed rapidly, and he was shocked and resented. He subconsciously approached Yun Zheng, with a solemn look of benevolence, and withdrew the fragrant tripod and stood on the other side of Yun Zheng. How did Tang Zhifa see someone? Although it was far away, he could see it clearly. First, he was shocked, and immediately breathed a long sigh of relief and was overjoyed.

Jiutian Jinpeng caught a glimpse of the Saint Chimera beast and suddenly roared. His wings vibrated and he wanted to fly to fight with it, but he was stopped by Yun Zheng. The Chimera beast also roared and shot anger in its eyes, but it was afraid of the pressure of the person standing on its back.

This man stood on the inner city tower, stepping on the holy beast Chimera at his feet. Taking advantage of the beast's momentum, he was extremely fierce. Then two figures flew over from the air, but they were two practitioners in green robes and hard armor. They were also extremely arrogant, but they stood obediently on both sides behind the man. Then 26 ghost killers in black robes were shrouded in the fog, and the inner city gate was also broken by a huge humanoid iron puppet. The iron puppets poured in, followed by hundreds of ghost-like ghost warriors who pushed forward and were murderous. Anyone who was in the way, whether the children of the Tang family were poisoned and beasts, were killed. He quickly advanced to the Holy Heavenly Hall.

They can attack the inner city with great fanfare. Obviously, the resistance outside the city has been eliminated. It is estimated that the mountains and sea of blood outside the city have long been completely gone.

Yunzheng naturally does not know this person who subdued the Saint Chimera Beast by force, but looking at the following scene, he also guessed that it must be a powerful character of the Seven Star Ninja Hall that can drive so many ghost killers and ghost warriors. At this time, Goya whispered beside him, "Master, this man is the main island owner of the demon sea of seven stars. Our delicate department has an feud with him. How many sister brothers died tragically in his hands. If we don't kill him, the hatred is hard to eliminate!"

The owner of Qixing Island suddenly appeared, and there were two elders beside him. All the elite men were present, as if they had mastered the situation in the field. The sons of the Tang family and the bloody beast led by Tang Zhizhan fought and suffered both defeats. Although Tang Zhizhan won, he lost a lot of strength and was afraid that he was unable to compete with the ninja hall. Tang Zhizhan's eyes turned around, and his eyes turned back and forth between the main island owner and Yun Zheng and Tang Zhifa. The piccolo in his hand was not blowing or not.

The patriarch of Ninja Hall was a little on his toes, and St. Chimera jumped down the tower with a "bang" and fell on the bluestone ground, shaking the earth. Under his order, Chimera strode towards the Holy Heavenly Hall. The two elders and dozens of ghost masters followed, and hundreds of ghost warriors brushed and made way in the middle.

Halfway, suddenly there was a red light next to it. The mutant scorpion monster that had just been shaken out by Yunzheng slowly came to his senses and suddenly jumped up and suddenly became distressed by the main island owner of Ninja Hall. The remaining bone sickles and long-tailed poison needles were stabbed out at the same time, and the force was stimulated, and the surrounding air suddenly burst and roared.

On the right side of the main island owner was followed by the elder in strong armor. He had about seven appearances and punched Tang Jiao, and Tang Jiao cut his fist with a sickle, bang! The bone sickle burst into bone smashing slag. The delicate scorpion's body twisted, and her towering chest suddenly shook. She bounced into the air and suddenly rushed down. Wow, she shouted, but bit the head of the island owner.

The blood poison soaked the brain is crazy, and this foreign alien is regarded as Yun Zheng, and he jumped on it desperately. The owner of the island kept walking, and his right palm seemed to wave out carelessly. A lion roared, and a strange lion's head appeared outside his right palm, "banging" on the front heart of the strange beast hall. Her chest exploded like broken tofu, and her whole body exploded into a ball of flesh and blood, and she didn't even hum. Died of life.

Lao Tang Zhan wailed, "Ajiao..." He wanted to jump on it desperately, but somehow he couldn't have that courage.

The owner of the island passed by Tang Zhizhan and slapped Tang Zhizhan's leg, making him kneel directly. The flute was also crushed by one foot and said in a low voice, "As the master of the soul hall, but slaughtering his children. Damn it, take it!" With that, he walked to the bottom of the stone steps and stood on the back of Saint Chimera, which was not shorter than the Tang Zhifa on the stone steps.

Tang Zhizhan sweated coldly and seemed to be stunned. He was followed by two ghost warriors, dragged upside down to the temple stone steps, and knelt down directly below. He did not dare to move.

Eagle, the head of the island, looked at Yun Zhengtang Zhifa and others, and finally nodded slightly to Tang Zhifa. "This blood hall is extremely high. I was summoned by the secret order of the head of the family and specially led 500 elite disciples to rescue the ghost castle. Now Tang Zhizhan, the owner of the rebellious soul hall, has surrendered and invited the owner to come out to meet."

He said that his eyes stayed on Yunzheng for a while, and then shook his hand and threw a golden leaf token to Tang Zhifa. Tang Zhifa looked at it and trembled his lips and said, "... It is indeed a blood hall token. The blood hall disciple returned to Zhongtian at the beginning and created a school of ghost mountain flow mechanism. Later, it was not acceptable for the world's martial arts sect and was jointly killed. The next time, the whole army was almost destroyed, some fled back to the ghost castle, and some escaped from the demon sea to create a ninja hall. Since this token has been passed to you, it should not be wrong. But..."

Tang Jitian sneered, "Why don't you believe it? If I hadn't taken action to subdue the rebellion of the soul hall, I'm afraid you have fallen into the hands of Tang Zhizhan now. Don't talk nonsense, take me to see the suzerain. Why, still refuse? Ha... No wonder, Qixing Island has been hanging overseas for many years and has not contacted Ghost Mountain City for many years. Moreover, I have only taken over Qixing Island for more than ten years. You and I have never had a lifetime. No wonder you don't believe me.

The ghost warrior team moved one point to both sides. A black armored warrior quickly walked out and walked to Tang Zhifa. He knelt down and cried, "Master..."

Tang Zhifa couldn't help but be shocked. This man in ghost warrior armor was one of the disciples he sent to contact the Ninja Hall. There are both human certificates and the blood hall tokens of the Tang family. The man led by Tang Jitian is a branch of the blood hall, which can be said to be conclusive.

When the rescuers came, they should be ecstatic, but Tang Zhifa's heart was a little sad and happy. Tangmen Ling Tianyu's vein was almost destroyed by this bloody and poisonous beast disaster. What's so happy?

Tang Zhifa picked up the disciple and let him stand aside.

The main island owner of Qixingyu jumped off the holy beast and strode up the stone steps. He stood three feet away from Yunzheng and others. He held his head high and said to Tang Zhifa, "Since my identity is unquestionable, I would like to ask the owner of Zhifa Hall to invite the master to preside over the overall situation. I am not talented and have enough strength to give the head of the family. They escorted me."

Tang Zhifa subconsciously felt that the person in front of him was very dangerous, and he did have the idea that if he led Tang Jitian into the Golden Leaf Magic Castle, he would definitely drive the wolf and then enter the tiger. I wanted to stop this person, but I didn't know how to refuse. I hesitated for a moment, "This... seems... I can't do it."

"What?" Tang Jitian, the owner of the island, asked angrily.

"The owner was abatched by the mother emperor's demon girl to the Golden Leaf Magic Castle a few months ago. At present, his life and death are unknown. The island owner wants to see it, and I'm afraid it is difficult to do it. Besides, the rebellion of the soul hall mutated into a blood-poisonous beast is staring at the tiger at present, and it is difficult to guarantee that other foreign beasts will not be in chaos. Tang Zhi's mind was horizontal and decided to procrastinate to the end. In his heart, he believes that Yun Zheng is more. Standing under Tang Jitian's eyes, he had a feeling that his heart was about to be taken away. He has an absolute intuition that Tang Jitian is not a good kind. How can he come all the way here just to save the ghost mountain city from danger? If the old master's strength still exists in the sect, the person in front of him may not be chaotic, but now... What strength does Ling Tianyu have to suppress the inheritor of this bloodline?

The owner of Qixing Island laughed and said, "This is a pure little thing. If I am not fully sure, how can I risk breaking into the ghost mountain city to save people? I have already found out the strength of the Soul Hall. A Tang Zhizhan can control more than 5,000 blood-poisoned beasts with that magic sound piccolo. If I don't have absolute checks and balances, do you think he is willing to submit to me so obediently? If I am not sure to control 5,000 blood poisonous beasts, I will not appear in front of you.

The invincible momentum of the main island owner of Qixingyu Island was indeed deaf. Tang Zhifa subconsciously looked at Tang Zhizhan and found that Tang Zhizhan, who was kneeling on the ground, trembed coldly, his eyes turned white, and his mind was dizzy.

Tang Jitian, the owner of the island, said again, "I have been hit by the 'desperation of heaven and earth, ghosts are demented'. No matter how fierce and rampant the monsters are, they will bow down, not to mention the human practitioners in the area!" As he turned around, his right arm poked out, and his claws scratched the square at will. The cold wind whised, and a black beast's claw shadow flew out and grabbed the souls of the two blood-poisonous beasts back. The blue flame on his palm refined the soul of the two strange beasts. He turned his palm to the golden-winged eagle in front of the hall and shouted, "Go!"

The two bloody beasts looked like human-headed wolves. The red eyes suddenly turned gray, but a fierce light flashed out. They screamed strangely and rushed to Jiutian Jinpeng. The momentum was fierce. With a trembling hair, hundreds of wind blades shot out, arrogant.

The blood-poisoned beasts of the two wolves are all transformed by the disciples of the Tang family who practiced vigor and vigor. However, their cultivation is not high, and there are only four paragraphs after the change. Yun Zheng was calm and boldly allowed the golden-winged eagle to deal with it by himself.

Two bloody demon wolves rushed forward, and the wind blade rolled up. Nine days ago, Jinpeng was furious and suddenly jumped out with a scream. The right wing shot out a golden whirlwind. Thousands of golden blades swept away, and then cut the first demon wolf into pieces. Then it jumped to the top of the second demon wolf's head. Its giant claws suddenly grabbed it and clicked. Tear the demon wolf in half.

Tang Jitian drove two blood-poisonous beasts to attack the golden-winged Tiancisiao with the great method of "destruction of heaven and earth, ghost thoughts and soul". He originally tried to test Yun Zheng's strength and did not want to succeed in one blow, but the fierce counterattack of the golden-winged Tiandiao killed the two demon wolves on the spot, which still surprised him.