Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 433 The Wind of Kings

Yun Zheng agreed to fight and retreat with the red lotus warriors, and jointly swept to the northeast of the crypt. Before finding the crypt, Yun Zheng once explored it with divine thoughts. The place mentioned by Binglian Zhanji was the direction of the water dragon. He turned his mind and thought that the abundant spiritual power of the extremely dark cave was all from the treasure vein left by the god of war.

The two Yun Zheng rushed forward, and the extremely yin succubus kicked their feet and turned into a ball of blue water mist. Unexpectedly, they grabbed the front. She said viciously, "I have occupied the cave for a hundred years, practiced day and night, and adopted the heavenly vein aura. This heavenly vein has already been mine. You can't take advantage of it, boy." With that, he repeatedly popped out the ice magic needle and condensed a thick ice wall in front of him, trying to block the attack of the two.

In the face of the freezing of the divine sea formed by the innate ice spirit, the red lotus war girl stabbed out a halberd and shattered layers of hard ice. Yun Zheng also sacrificed three kinds of thunder and fire attacks, unexpectedly forcibly broke through a distance of more than ten feet, but the extremely yin demon was crazy to protect the heavenly vein, and the congenital ice spirit kept using it out, freezing the whole divine sea to the extreme bottom. Hard ice. The reason why Binglian Zhanji's body can not be broken for ten thousand years is mostly because of the power of the innate ice spirit she absorbed refined. The extremely dark demon occupied her body and consumed most of the innate ice soul in her body. Binglian Zhanji's body quickly dried up a lot.

The soul of the ice lotus war girl said, "Yun Zheng, I'll pester the old demon. You go and get the treasure of the God of War." With a flash of white shadow, the soul of ice lotus war has flown out of Yunzheng's eyes and turned into a silver light in the sea. In an instant, it swept to the extreme yin succubus. With a pop, the ice lotus soul of war penetrated into its own body occupied by the extreme yin succubus.

The soul of ice lotus war competed with the old demon for physical control, and fought with the old demon spirit in the spiritual house. The old demon had to be distracted and fought with Yun Zheng and Ji Yin. It was not easy to be distracted. A mistake was dominated by the ice lotus warji. Binglian commanded both arms to sacrifice the ice soul needle, but tied her and the extremely yin demon's hands and feet with ice soul. The ice spirit spit out cold, and the old demon suddenly formed a thick layer of ice and was frozen for a while.

A rare opportunity, Yun Zheng flashed closer to the destination, a fire and lightning knife split out, and the huge reef split into two sections. Under one side of the section, the spiritual power surged abundantly, which is estimated to be where the treasure is located. Yun Zheng's body swept out and dived under the reef. Suddenly, the rumbling sounded, and the extremely dark succubus actually broke through the frozen ice and chased after it from behind, almost to the bottom of the reef at the same time as Yun Zheng.

After several booms, a mass of muffled thunder sounded under the deep sea. The electric light chopped, and it was all colorless light. It hit the extremely dark succubus. The old demon screamed and was thrown directly on the reef cliff by the thunderous power.

Unlike the old demon, Yun Zheng has the experience of devouring three kinds of thunder and fire. In the face of the colorless thunder, he put his hand in the palm of his hand and turned it into the small abdominal gas field with the secret of divine martial wisdom. The muffled thunder continued to come out from under the deep reef, and Yun Zheng retreated while absorbing and swallowing, calmly.

After swallowing and refining for a while, Yunzheng gained experience and found that this kind of thunder is different from the purple thunder, blue mine and red fire thunder he received. These three thunders are extremely powerful in the ground and air. However, once in the water, the power of the thunder is diluted by the water wave, and its power is reduced. Small, how can you not suppress the old devil as soon as you get into the water? This colorless mine characteristics are strange. When it bursts out from under the stone cliff, it is not very powerful, but once the water wave stirs and the energy contained in the water droplets explodes, the power of the mine is doubled. Once it explodes, it is invincible, and even the reef is smashed.

While swallowing and refining the colorless mine, Yun Zheng retreated step by step from the dense point of the thunder bombardment. When he learned the characteristics of the mine, he returned step by step and absorbed the thunder fire for his own use. At this time, the extremely dark demon shouted "Kid, don't touch my vein" and rushed over again. Yun Zheng slapped back and released the colored mine that had just been devoured and refined. With a muffled sound, the extremely dark demon flew ten feet away. She fled far away with a shrill, obviously injured.

Now it is the most important thing to find the treasure left by the God of War. Yun Zheng didn't care about anything else. He hurriedly dived under the reef again and bombarded the bottom with thunderbolts. The reef turned up and exposed a huge monument below. It was faintly visible that the words "the most treasure at the bottom can break the evil spirits". Yun Zheng pushed the stone tablet with both hands, and the colorless thunderbolts below were released. He was ready for it. While the power of the mine was not yet strong, he pulled it up with the secret of divine martial arts and wisdom, and completely blew up the thunder. There is only a large water purification space, with a fist-sized colorless mine seed in the center, and the lightning power brewing news to see the boundary between it and the surrounding water purification.

Yun Zheng controlled his excitement, took the secret box of the Tang family and opened it, and collected the mine seeds. As soon as the mine seeds were collected, the surging spiritual power around suddenly disappeared, and the extremely low cave benefiting from the thunder vein suddenly became ordinary. Yun Zheng floated up and met the seriously injured Honglian Zhanji on the way. He held her directly out of the water and flew to the ice shore to rest. Honglian Zhanji said, "The soul of Sister Binglian and the old demon soul are sealed in her body. It must be slowly being refined. Good, what can you do to save your sister?"

Yun Zheng said, "I got the extremely bottom treasure, and I can attract the extremely dark demon to appear, and I can kill the old demon in one fell swoop." Honglian was overjoyed, so she followed Yun Zheng's instructions and obediently sat on the ice bank to practice and recover. Yunzheng took out the colorless mine seeds and swallowed the lightning on the coast of the ancient gods, making the surrounding air waves shake and thunder shining, giving birth to several wind and vortexes, and swept the surrounding snow and ice crumbs all over the sky with great momentum.

Sure enough, the extremely dark succubus that was refining the soul of the ice lotus war girl in the water couldn't stand it. He jumped out of the water and sacrificed the magic saint-Fa, and the blue light came to Yunzheng. Yun Zheng sucked the four kinds of thunder, fire, mine and water mine. He was waiting to try its power. The old demon came just in time. Yun Zheng used three thunder tricks, thunder, landmine and thunder, and attacked the old demon. The old demon couldn't help shouting, "Do you dare to come down?" and retreat back to the sea. Yun Zheng jumped into the water, and the extremely dark demon was overjoyed at first sight. He secretly said that you didn't have the help of the red lotus girl this time. Let's see if I won't freeze you to death. She raised her hand to a thousand ice magic needles, and the frost broke out and froze the sea water around her.

Yun Zheng was waiting for the old demon to make a unique move. He concentrated on his palms, and the colorless thunder came out. When he first took action, his power was less than a few feet, but it was suddenly doubled by the waves. Yunzheng's breath was long, and thunder broke out one after another, pressing seven times in one breath, one more powerful than the other. In the end, the colorless thunder had a chain reaction, and the hundred feet of cold ice exploded at the same time, with a loud rumbling sound, and the hundred feet of cold ice collapsed to pieces. The extremely yin succumon was devoured by the power of ice, and his whole lower body was frozen into ice. He was so scared that he quickly fled to the depths, but the colorless thunder was shining everywhere, and there was nothing in the sky and the earth. The old demon was inescapable and unavoidable. He was bombarded by thousands of thunder lights, all of which passed through his body. His muscles turned into scorch, his bones turned into powder, and he was blown away by the wind. No trace.

The body of Binglian Zhanji was frozen by the innate ice spirit but avoided most of the bombardment of colorless mines. As the old demon's body disappeared, the body of Binglian Zhanji fell into the sea. Yun Zheng immediately chased out hundreds of feet through the water and took the body of the ice lotus war girl back. The red lotus war girl took her body and sat on the ice bank. After sitting for half an hour, the soul of the ice lotus war girl regained control of her body and took the innate ice spirit. The frost ran out, and the ice lotus war girl also slowed down. She handed over the soul relied by the palm and said, "The old devil thought that he had completely controlled my soul body, so he rest assured to put the soul reli in my palm. I'm ashamed that if you hadn't taken the heavenly vein to kill the old demon, my soul would have been refined by her."

Yun Zheng swallowed and refined this soul reli, and the soul reli turned into a colorless lotus and fell on the martial soul wheel. The power of the god of war brought by this soul reli to Yun Zheng is the wind of the king. Without stimulation, this power spontaneously filled his whole body. Yun Zheng, who got the power of the king's wind, has a supreme pressure. It is expected to be subdued.

After receiving the soul relics, Yun Zheng, Honglian and Binglian got up and returned to the Qianli glacier, looking for Renxin, Asguen and others all the way. When flying hundreds of miles away, they met the siege of two coalition forces in the ice field and the snow area that hijacked the two kings's team. The two coalition forces threw rat weapons and dared not attack with all their strength. Only the 1,000 ice demon elite warriors led by Aspen and Renxin were able to remain undefeated, but it was dangerous enough.

The three Yunzheng immediately joined the battle group. Yunzheng's new soul relics and colorless mine seeds made great progress in their skills. They launched four unique skills: the thunderstorm, the thunder god trampling, the fire and lightning knife, and the seven waves of the divine sea. They only blew up tens of thousands of allied ice demon warriors and turned their horses upside down and died. As soon as they saw Yun Zheng's figure from afar, they began to disperse everywhere. Escape. A long halberd of the Red Lotus Warrior may be a fire dragon, or two fire sickles hovering around and flying, and harvesting the life of the ice demon is even more fierce and fast. When the ice lotus war girl took action, it was the ice magic needle all over the sky. Wherever it went, the ice demons froze into ice sculptures, and the ice lotus shook back, and the ice sculptures were all broken into powder.

Although the two coalition forces were large and powerful, they could not stop the killing of the three people like this. It didn't take long for them to be scattered and defeated. Asjuen pointed the leader of the other party to Yun Zheng. Yun Zheng went away like electricity and killed the leader of the coalition army, and the rest fell. After this war, the glacier department received 30,000 soldiers, and its strength increased greatly.

Yun Zheng and others accompanied the team, and As Juen marched quickly with the two kings for a few days and finally returned to the headquarters fortress.