Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 465 Bronze Man

The rookie competition will be held for a total of seven days, which will end with the Tianwu Temple competition that began on the fourth day. According to the practice of the previous imperial city martial arts conferences, on the end of the day, the holy emperor will reward the new warriors who won the supreme throne of Tianwu. At the beginning of this year's conference, the eldest prince appeared to host. As for whether the Holy Emperor would appear at the end, the practitioners of each sect speculated in their hearts.

The first day passed like this, and the practitioners of all sects also dispersed from the Holy Emperor Square and returned to their respective residences to rest and rest. Of course, the practitioners who have gained today are happy and unable to sleep all night, but those sects that have died and injured their disciples have inevitably been troubled.

The next day, the rookie competition continued, but many high-level martial artists, including Yun Zheng, did not go to the Holy Emperor Square to prepare for the upcoming Tianwu Temple competition. And the eldest prince also showed up a little and went to Tianwu Temple.

Yun Zheng signed up for the Tianwu Temple competition as the guardian of the Heavenly Master of the Honglian Sect. The situation is somewhat special, because he has not been tested by the imperial martial arts institute and has no strength to prove it. However, as the status of the Heavenly Master of the Honglian Sect, no one questioned whether his cultivation strength has seven stages. Above. Because the Honglian Pavilion ranks four of the four martial arts, its status is faintly higher than that of the Lord's Heavenly Protector. Can its cultivation be low? If you are entangled in this issue again, won't it make people underestimate the spirit of the Yunyi Dynasty?

Every time Tianwu Temple competes for the competition, there is only 20 masters who can finally judge the sword. This also includes the top ten dragon list evaluated after the last Tianwu Temple competition, that is, although there are many martial artists who have signed up to participate in the Tianwu competition, but only 20 can finally compete for the first place in the world. These 20 people will finally determine the ranking of the top 20 in the dragon list.

In addition to the top ten dragon list that directly participate in the competition, the remaining ten places will be selected from 71 seven masters who sign up to participate. The probability of one seventh seems to be very promising. In fact, the participants are all high-level warriors, which determines that the casualty rate must be very high. According to the ratio, the participants are divided into seven groups, and the top practitioners in each group are equivalent to competing with the superior Tianwu Supreme Oriental White.

If you want to compete with the world's first master, the guarantee of strength is the key.

The disciples of each sect who participated in the battle of Tianwu Temple moved into Tianwu Temple in advance, and spent the next few days in Tianwu Temple until the end of the battle. Yun Zheng and others have just moved into Tianwu Temple and heard the news that the twelve deacons' meeting of the Inscriptions Alliance will also be held before and after the end of the competition. This time, the great inscriptions from all over the sky will also be present, which is destined to be lively.

The fourth day of the rookie competition is also the right day for Tianwu competition. This day has finally arrived, and Yun Zheng is a little excited.

The place where Tianwu fights is located in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion of Tianwu Temple, which is actually a secret place located in Tianwu Temple. Early that morning, the holy monks of Tianwu Temple opened the secret place of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and practitioners from all walks of life entered the secret place in turn.

The secret place of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion is surrounded by beautiful mountains and clouds. A pavilion is located halfway up the mountain, with a spacious platform in front of it, which is enough to compete in martial arts. Dozens of tables are neatly arranged in front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, which can be regarded as seats for practitioners of various sects. According to the guidance of the monks of Tianwu Temple, Yun Zheng took Honglian, Binglian, Bilian, Renxin and several elite disciples of the Red Lotus Sect to sit down and observe the surroundings indifferently to see what the elites of each sect are.

Almost all the main figures of the major sects who participated in the Tianwu competition were present. In the main position were still the eldest prince, Shen Ku Zen and Minghuang on the left and right sides, as well as some holy monks of Tianwu Temple. The little monk Mutou was present, but Master Yulong, the great abbot of Tianwu Temple, did not Arrive. Next to the main seat are the seats of the Oriental Family, Jiupintang and Honglian Sect. Together with Tianwu Temple, these four families are the top sects of Zhongtian martial arts, known as the four martial arts.

Yu Feilong, the head of Jiupintang, was present today. He was a tall and majestic elder, with sword eyebrows, heroic and upright, with arrogance of the superior. In the past three years, Yu Feilong has conquered the east and west to fight against the south and the north. He defeated the two dynasties of Huyi and Fengyi. He had to surrender obediently and laid a lot of territory for the Yunyi Dynasty. The Holy Emperor specially gave Feather Flying Dragon reverence, became the general king, and became the veritable commander of the three armies of the Yunyi Dynasty. As a result, Jiupintang's power has also risen sharply, and it has the strength to compete with the largest oriental family.

Because Tianwu competition is a grand event for martial arts practitioners in the world, Tianwu Temple arranges seats. Except for the position of the main prince, other sects are only ranked in the order of the cloud list, and there is no more specialization. Yu Feilong came to participate in the competition as the patriarch of Jiupintang, so he abided by the martial arts rules and did not take on himself as the prince with different surnames and the commander of the soldiers and horses of the dynasty. Liang Wang and his son also went to the secret place of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion accompanied by Pang Renjie. According to the rules, the father and son were all from Jiupintang, so they automatically sat with Yu Feilong.

The Oriental family is led by Dongfang Tianjiao, and Dongfang Tianzong, Dongfang Yuhong, Dongfang Xiaomei, etc. are also seated in turn.

Almost all the masters above the seven realms in the top of the cloud list have been present this time. Liu Zhi's cultivation has reached seven levels, and the teenager with peach blossoms embroidered on his robe and several disciples also appeared. Other sects such as Qi Tianzong, Tianjuemen, Huadu Prodigal Son and other sects also have disciples with cultivation above the seventh paragraph, and they are also sitting and waiting at this time.

Yun Zheng looked at both sides and saw Lin Baozi, the patriarch of Baihu Hall, the first martial arts sect of the Tiger Wing Dynasty, walking into the field with several disciples. Lin Baozi saw Yun Zheng and bowed to salute from afar. Yun Zheng also greeted him. Shanshan, the head of the Fenglei Martial Arts Academy, the martial arts sect of the Fengyi Dynasty, also came and greeted Yun Zheng and took her seat.

The top ten oriental family Dongfang Bai, Tianwu Temple Yulong Master, Jiupintang Yu Feilong, Dongfang Tianjiao, Tianwu Temple Shenku Zen, Honglian Master, Baihutang Lin Baozi, Honglian Pavilion Big Brother Yin Tiansheng, Fenglei Wuyuan Wind Sacrificial Wine, Huadu Prodigal Son In addition to the death of Honglian Pavilion and Dongbai Heyu Master Dragon did not come outside the field, and everything else arrived. Although the top ten warriors in the dragon list two days ago did not have to participate in the competition, the suzerains of each sect chose to be present to observe in order to understand their opponents in more detail.

After the people arrived, the eldest prince stood up and said some scenes on behalf of his father, the Holy Emperor, such as pinning high hopes on the practitioners of various sects and hoping that each of them could play for a long time. After saying that, the eldest prince handed over the dominance of the scene to Shen Ku Zen.

The Zen stood up, put his palms together and recited the Buddha's name, saying, "The rules of Tianwu competition must be clear to you, and the poor monks will not say more. Now let's talk about a small change, that is, the eldest brother of Honglian Pavilion, who originally ranked eighth in the Dragon List, was cleaned up by Honglian Education, so there is a vacant position. Therefore, in addition to the original ten, you can add another one. I hope you can work hard.

Then Shen Ku Zen briefly talked about how to divide the lot. Seventeen practitioners divided the lot into ten queues, seven people in each column, one special, eight people, and finally selected two practitioners from this column to participate in the final stage of the competition.

Shen Ku Zen continued, "It is divided into eight columns: A, B, C, Ding, E, Ji and Geng, each of which is seven to eight martial artists, and the final winner is selected by playing the ring. In view of the fact that the loss of fighting first consumes combat power first and easily brings unfair advantages to the attackers, the warriors who win each battle will be supplemented by the strength given by Tianwu Temple, that is, the bronze man of Tianwu Temple. For example, when others challenge the ringer in the first game, the ringer will get an additional strength supplement. If the ring master can win in a row, by the time he faces the last attacker, the strength of the bronze man he has obtained will reach five to six. Therefore, those who are finally ready to appear with the idea of waiting for ease, hope you can see the situation and make a clear judgment. Sometimes it may be a better choice to compete first. There is a bottom that can be told to you that the combined strength of the attack and defense of the copper man is above the six-stage five stars, neither low nor high, and can be an effective helper.

As soon as this new strategy came out, there was almost an uproar. According to Shen Ku Zen, the biggest advantage of winning in a row can actually supplement five to six organ bronze people as helpers. The strength of each organ copper man is six paragraphs and five stars. If it is five to six, what a power it would be.

This move is quite positive and powerful. As long as you win the first game of this column, it is equivalent to accumulating a big advantage. This will inevitably stimulate the warriors who participate in the competition to try their best to take action, because the earlier it is, the more beneficial it is. If a person accidentally drags it to the end, it is possible to wait to face five to six machines. The opponent of Guan Tongren's helper, in that case, there is almost no hope of victory.

After saying that, the little monk clapped his hands gently. The little monk came out of his seat and came to a stone incense burner in front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. He vigorously pushed the incense burner and roared. He cracked more than a dozen holes under two rows of bluestone blocks on the stone platform in front of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and 18 golden copper men rose from the ground. These 18 bronze people are naked and have different shapes. They are all the same size as monks of Tianwu Temple and look lifelike. Eighteen bronze men held various weapons and stood majesticly on the stone platform, in a heroic shape, motion without moving.

The 18 bronze people's array of Tianwu Temple is a majestic organ array. It is said that the 18 bronze people are made by a master who live in seclusion. All martial arts are strong and their strength is unfathomable. There have been rumors in the middle of the sky that all disciples who come out of the mountain of Tianwu Temple must pass the blockade assessment of the 18 bronze organs.

Breaking the bronze array, this disciple of Tianwu Temple is qualified to walk and travel. If you can't break the bronze array, you can prove that your strength is not good, so you are not allowed to go down the mountain. You have to stay on the mountain to chop firewood and carry water to cook.