
Chapter 34 Chaos

The Taoist qi refiners have the so-called method of genshen out of the body.

is to cooperate with powerful Zhenyuan and skill to make his own yuan god out of the body. The yuan god has no restrictions of the mortal body. There are only a few fingers in tens of millions of miles, and thousands of Taoism are only between one thought. It can be said that Taoist door is the closest to the magic power of the last step of ascending to immortal feathers.

To practice this magical power, you must first reach the last level in the triple realm of Taoism, the knowledge of gods. Because after reaching this level, the yuan god can be condensed.

It's just that although the yuan god is strong, it is also fragile and vulnerable to various effects. If Zhenyuan can't continue, the strength of the first-class strong can directly scrape it out of its soul, and the body after the yuan god's out-of-body is also an undefenced fragile existence. It is this manifestation of polarization that makes the method of Yuanshen out of the body easily not to show.

At this moment, Xin Wuchen is driving on the flowing clouds condensed by charms, and his heart is full of irritability. Originally, he planned to rescue him with the method of getting out of the body, but on the one thing, the Feather Phoenix Gate was there, and on the other, those Taoist friends really couldn't reassure him. If there were several other elders at that time, even if only one was there, he would dared to fight out the hen out of the body.

The more irritable and angry the heart is, the more mysterious the charm on Xin Wuchen's forehead becomes. The sky eye has opened a gap, and the momentum emitted makes everyone who feels it cold. The Taoist people who followed behind the dust-free mind looked at the fast-flying elders in front of them, and they were also very frightened.

These Taoist chemists who have lived away from the world for a long time are also unconsciously stained with secular desires. A Taoist heart is constantly depressed and falling. If there is a person with great perseverance and great wisdom, he can naturally notice his own changes, so as to wake up and improve his cultivation.

But if it keeps sinking, the last threshold to eternal life will be closed forever.

Unfortunately, at this moment, these people are still immersed in those desires. For the besieged elites, they are worried about whether they will affect themselves and the status and interests of the sect...

A group of people galloped and chased away, but all over Nanshenzhou, many mysterious masters suddenly appeared and began targeted actions in some places where Taoist doors dominated. And the government, which has been silent in these forces, also began to move.

Many horses' hoofs stepped down on the ice-frozen soil, and a group of more than 100 people stopped in the suburbs. The leading man looked at the black smoke and faint firelight rising from the forest in the distance and smiled proudly.

"The ten flags will be destroyed, the iron sword will be destroyed, the Huafeng will fall into the struggle with those forces in the Southern Shenzhou, the money will shrink, and only the flying dragons and red clothes will be left at the Sixth Congress."

The man stretched out his hand to take off the double halberd on his back, and the sharp halberd blade reflected his smile. Since the Daomen's large-scale attack on South China, the whole South China has been in chaos. Such an act of blatant rebellion did not attract the government. It was really unexpected, but some people clearly saw it. The danger behind it.

Shi Hong is one of the big head of the Flying Dragon Society. For a long time, the Flying Dragon Society has been extremely low-key in the Sixth Conference, so that many people have despised them and believed that they have only relied on the protection of Tiangangmen to have their current status. However, up to now, the six conferences have dispersed, hidden, and the Flying Dragon Society still exists.

"The task assigned by Tiangan Gate is the last step."

Shi Hong came out to ride behind him. It was the little pepper who chased the hundred miles of sky and Ren Xu. Yang Xiaoqing, the second head of the Flying Dragon Club, just like Zhao Pingting in the Red Club, Yang Xiaoqing's status in the Flying Dragon Club is almost the same. Her master is today's Bingmen elders, and Zhao Yunyang has secret cooperation with some Bingmen elders. Yang Xiaoqing's joining the Flying Dragon Club is just an interest cooperation.

In fact, the situation of Tiangongmen has been launched when it entered Nanshenzhou from Daomen. The Tianangmen forces led by the Sixth Congress continue to shrink the defense line to accumulate useful manpower and sacrifice miscellaneous soldiers to paralyze Daomen. For them, the key to whether they can turn defeat into victory lies in whether Zhao Yunyang's judgment is correct. Indeed, and whether the Sixth Congress can resist the first wave of fierce attack at the door.

The Ten Flags and the Iron Sword can't resist...

Money will have long been separated. Except for the Qianzhuang that is still in operation, all the forces have turned underground. On the surface, only the four shopkeepers of Tonghai Qianzhuang presided over everything.

But it's just a month.

Taoist sect has experienced great victory, corruption and chaos, and now it is even more dangerous. I have to say that the secular dyeing tank is really terrible. The Taoist sects who regard themselves highly have unconsciously entered the situation. Even if they are dustless, they are still awake and powerless.

And the flying dragon will wait for the emergence of the Tianganmen forces at this time, which is to close the network. Everything is expected by Zhao Yunyang, and the government will definitely take action. When it comes, it is time for the forces of Tiangangmen to rebound! With the help of this shareholder, we should make a final move! This process is also the process of wrestling with Tiangan Gate, and Daomen is reduced to a poor supporting role at this time...

It is really ironic that one of the seven sects, which has stood for thousands of years, has been played by the two major forces like this. In contrast, the Doumen, which has been silent in South China, is much more frightening.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqing, nothing can stop us now!"

Shi Hong was in high spirits. He had even seen his power in the near future. The gangs of the Flying Dragon Club and many subordinate forces behind him also cheered one after another. For a while, his morale soared, and he couldn't wait to rush in to grab those ownerless territory and resources. Shi Hong enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Why is the historian so happy?"

Unprevently, many people came out of the forest in front of him, and more figures loomed in the forest. After the cold sound came, one person came out of the crowd.

He is the leader of the Great Zhou Cewei Mansion, Jing Shouzheng! The man with tiger back and bear waist looked at Shi Hong coldly at this moment. Behind him, Yang Mingtang, who had fought side by side with Ren Xu and Bailichangkong, was also on the list, but the silver medal on the belt was replaced with gold-encrusted, which obviously increased his status.

Shi Hong did not know Jing Shouzheng, but on Jing Shouzheng's strong leather armor, the word "guard" of dragon flying and phoenix dance is clear. No one in China knows the Great Zhou Cewei Mansion. Compared with many departments of the imperial court, this special organization is more frightening.

"I don't know which adult you are in the Cewei Mansion?"

Shi Hong did not put the double halberd well, but held it tighter. Naturally, he could see that the other party had bad intentions. Originally, it was expected that the Southern Qi government would use the hidden power of Longtang to attack the forces in various places, and then they came to pick fruits. Who knew that a policy guard mansion would emerge!

The fact that the Cewei Mansion can appear in front of Shi Hong at such a time and in such a place means that the court has actually been paying attention to the Southern Shenzhou. As soon as Shi Hong thinks of the Zhou court, his heart seems to be pressed on a boulder, which is the imperial dynasty that ruled the whole Shenzhou, if Tianganmen is not the same as its work. Will the Flying Dragon Club? That's hitting the stone with the egg!

"Jing Shouzheng, the leader of the Southern Qi Department of Ceweifu! By the order of the great leader, kill the rebels in Nanshenzhou!"

A cold smile appeared on Jing Shouzheng's face, and he waved his right hand. A row of people suddenly rushed out of the woods. They were all guards of the Guard House. Compared with their skills, they were equivalent to a group of third-rate masters. Under a rough count, there were actually more than 300 people...

Shi Hong took a breath of cold air, and Nan Shenzhou became more chaotic...

Yang Xiaoqing's face was expressionless, but her eyes flashed a hidden communication with Yang Mingtang behind Jing Shou.