
Chapter 19 Can't spit out

The magic weapon of Taoist monks is not as simple as one plus one.

As monks who pursue immortality and reality, the magic weapon they sacrificed has various strange abilities. In addition, the cooperation of controllers attracts the spirit of heaven and earth, forming a unique fighting method for Taoist monks.

On one side of Yueshan God Town, black and white people compete with the ten directions of the same level.

A golden and silver rope, a hundred miles of sky is contained by the peerless sword spirit.

A map of mountains and rivers has completely pushed everyone to the edge of failure.

Yueshan Shenzhen has 849 magic arrays recorded by itself, with a minimum body size that can shrink to half of the palm and a maximum height of 800 meters! His own defense is superb, and non-specialized and sharp divine soldiers cannot be broken, and they can also avoid water and fire. If this is the only way, then this magic weapon can only be said to be very strong, but it is not qualified to enter the Taoist holy temple.

Yueshan Shenzhen, the strongest thing is that it has the ability to break the law! The 849 magic arrays recorded in its mountain derive more joint arrays, which can correspond to many spells in the Taoist gate.

Xin Wuchen tried his best to urge Zhenyuan in his body, and his right hand held Yueshan Shenzhen. Circles of auras kept flipping around his palm. If you look closely, you can see that those auras are composed of subtle characters. Yueshan Shenzhen suddenly lowered another 100 meters, and all directions could not withstand this huge pressure and was finally bounced away! There were continuous explosions around the peak, and many of the already set-up arrays were suppressed by Yueshan God.

"Today, I will give you a death."

His eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were bright, and he said coldly. The left-handed sword finger hooked and closed one by one, and the golden and silver ropes in the sky suddenly flipped! Just like Yueshan Shenzhen, although the ability to bind the gods and demon soldiers and even the legendary masters is strong enough, what is more terrible is the absolute forbidden ability of heaven and silver rope! How can the rope made of the hardest and softest metal exercise in heaven and earth be hurt by a sword spirit!

The hundreds of meters long dragon rushed into the sea of clouds, and its long body appeared from time to time. In an instant, the peaks were trapped, and an unspeakable sense of oppression immediately enveloped everyone's hearts! Unexpectedly, the whole mountain was trapped! A man used two magic weapons and tried his best to urge that he could not support it for a long time, but the black and white man saw him take out a small bottle, a few drops of milky white, emitting a seductive fragrance and colorful ** turned into fog into his body.

"Millennium Bell Lotion!"

The black and white were shocked. This thousand-year-old geocentric bell emulsion is something that only the stalactite cave formed by a unique terrain in the geocentric cave can have. You should know that the center of the earth is the hottest place, but things must be reversed. Occasionally, caves near the center of the earth produce a cold atmosphere. In such an environment, a precipitated bell emulsion will be born. One drop is enough to make mortals live a hundred years old and invulnerable from all diseases. However, for monks, the greatest effect of the millennium bell milk is to recover in an instant. Zhenyuan, and improve the quality of Zhenyuan in a short time!

Manipulating three strongest magic weapons, if the heart is in a legendary realm or okay, but he is a super first-class peak, even if he has hundreds of years of cultivation, he is still 80% sucked away in an instant! If you still want to force Gu Zhenyuan to urge the mountains and rivers, then you don't have to take action, and your heart will explode...

A few drops of earth clock lotion melted into the body, and the dust-free face suddenly returned to ruddy. Taking a long breath, the mountain map was suddenly enlarged! Yueshan Shenzhen can break the law, the gold and silver rope can be bound, and the status of the mountains and rivers above these two things is drawn. The vitality within a hundred miles of the mountains and fields disappears, and all the breath is blocked. From the inside, the sky, the ground and the distant scenery become extremely illusory. In the outside world, this square circle Everything in a hundred miles seems to have suddenly disappeared from the world, but the originally separated landform was perfectly integrated, as if it had been...

Kill a seriously injured young man and use three of the strongest magic weapons! Such a ridiculous thing happened. As soon as the mountains and rivers became a small world, all directions lost their vitality and support. The original dazzling light suddenly weakened a lot. As soon as the resistance of Yueshan Shenzhen, it immediately rumbled down, and the whole mountain was forced to show some signs of collapse.

"Daomen, don't be too rampant!"

The people who had been standing aside suddenly lifted their cloaks. The first one was the ancient head of the elders of Doumen. It was hard to believe that this thunderous shout came from his mouth. Next to Gu Tongtian, the tall man, who is also the elder of the Doumen sect, did not move like a mountain. His eyes just looked at the sky, and his whole body was ready to move. The two had not yet taken action, and Qin Kong, who was the last to lift the cloak, rushed out first!

Stepping on the void and shaking up, the Fengyun knife, one of the unique skills of Doumen, was urged with all his strength. Qin Kong's feet seemed to turn into clouds dancing with the wind. The cold knife light constantly flashed from it. Qin Kong's eyes in the air stared. The strongest move of the Fengyun knife was boldly pushed out, but countless knife shadows shot out. It collided with the magic weapons attacked by the people of that door and made a bright and terrible explosion!

Bai Qiaoqiao and Lin Sihuan have been sent to the wooden house. They could not play any role before such a scene. In order to avoid causing trouble to everyone, the two women consciously hid in the wooden house. Under the protection of Yang Xuan and Chen Feng and others, the wooden house is the safest place for the time being. However, while they were nervously paying attention to the war outside, Ren Xu, who was lying on the bedboard like a vegetable, had begun to tremble slightly.

It hurts!

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

All the acupuncture points in his body are stimulated, and Ren Xu can't even scream, and because he is in the sea of consciousness, he can't even faint...

I will be so severely punished even if I die! God is unfair!!! Ren Xu kept cursing, but this did not help him relieve his pain at all, but made him more energetic. In fact, he had tried to see how special the veins and veins shaped by these strange star lines were, but he completely turned into a hufu at a glance, but the original veins seemed to be dense, but in fact It seems that a child is playing with hemp thread.

Those tendons and veins are entangled and messy, many or even several of them are made into a mess, and some of them are dead end, and they can't see what they have any effect. Such tendons and veins, not to mention practicing martial arts, are lucky to be able to die without exploding with a little breath. Moreover, due to the disorder of muscles and veins, the operation of qi and blood has become very difficult. Ren Xu can even imagine that once he really changes to this body, he must be like a sick child every day...


Ren Xu suddenly felt that he trembled, and there were some fluctuations in the eternal environment around him, as if the calm pool had been thrown into a stone and ripples around. Ren Xu felt that he was a dead leaf falling on the lake, and he felt the movement on the surface of the pool water very clearly. Such fluctuations were very subtle at the beginning, but it didn't take long to become intense. Ren Xu could even feel that the cosmic space in the distance was beginning to collapse, and many nebulas explode directly...

No way?

The starlight connecting Ren Xu's body began to become weak, and the progress of connecting veins began to slow down. Even the chaotic sea of air behind him began to rise, like the sea in a storm, making Ren Xu shudder. Ren Xu can guess that something may have happened to the outside world, but he doesn't understand what can affect this conscious world. Of course, Ren Xu did not know that, in fact, this change began with the mountain and river map. The mountain and river map became a small world and suddenly cut off the connection between Ren Xu's sea of consciousness and the world. Nothing can exist independently, and the sea of consciousness is naturally the same. Once the connection with the world is lost, then No sea of consciousness can exist...


Pieces of broken space began to appear at the end of the sight. Countless nebulas exploded violently. The huge collapse storms of the universe and various rare landscapes for hundreds of millions of years made Ren Xu amazed and even forgot his dying life. His whole body was immersed in the strongest landscape in the world. . This is the destruction of the world, and this is the irresistible destruction, which is tens of millions of times more terrible than the disaster!

"It's really annoying. They almost finished the painting. Don't care, just do it."

A cold voice came into Ren Xu's mind, and how wonderful Ren Xu's expression was at this moment. Unexpectedly, someone has been in the sea of his consciousness and is still transforming his body, and finally said that he doesn't care, just do it casually? Thousands of grooves surged up in Ren Xu's chest and couldn't spit out. His whole body was finally excited to faint at this moment. I don't know if anyone has tried to faint in the sea of his consciousness before. In short, Ren Xu has fainted now...

"Hee hee, did you faint?"

The sound sounded again, followed by all the chaotic qi in the sea of consciousness rolling up one after another and went towards Ren Xu's body, as if to seize time. These chaotic qi desperately squeezed into Ren Xu's body and actually blocked the veins. The remaining chaotic qi had no way to go, and it was simply at Ren. Other places in Xu's body rushed casually...

A flash of strong light...

Ren Xu's sea of consciousness finally collapsed completely...

At the same time, in reality, there is a fierce battle!

The long sword in the long sky moved one after another, and the sword spirit cut through the sky one after another. However, the chaotic and illusory sky was always intact. On the contrary, the people on the peak began to be unable to support it! Although the three elders of Doumen are strong enough, they have no choice but to have three/ magic weapons alone, which suppresses everyone to less than 50%!

Seeing that people had begun to be unable to support, Xin Wuchen's eyes were fierce, and his hands were vibating repeatedly. A bucket of thick purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, avoiding the sword spirit of a hundred miles in the sky, avoiding the interception of the ancient sky of Doumen, and fell fiercely on the wooden house!


[I'm going, and the network cable is crazy again. This is the second time I've used my mobile phone to upload cats... I can't afford to hurt...]