The world is hired

Chapter 116 Healing

Chu Jiangping took Thirteen Niang to the inner room of the handsome tent. Blood has dyed his dark purple clothes darker. And because of too much blood loss, her already white face became more and more bloodless, and her whole body was as pale as white jade porcelain, as if she would break if she was not careful.

When Shuang heard his shout, he had left the camp to find Shen Xiyao's magic doctor Shen.

The sergeant outside can't help wondering who this woman is? Why did the emperor attach so much importance to this woman? Isn't she from Dayan? Is this woman a detailed work placed by the emperor in the Great Yan Kingdom?

The people outside couldn't help but fantasize, and even the generals couldn't help wondering.

Chu Jiangping applied a good hemostatic medicine to her wound and tried to stop the blood, but he was constantly washed away by the blood. He only kept spreading it over and over again, and finally had to press his hand on it to stop the blood.

The frost has taken Shen Xiyao into the account. Shen Xiyao was dressed in a green shirt and was very thin. He looked like a typical weak scholar. Maybe he had been wandering outside all year round and his skin was dark. He only glanced at the woman lying in ** and couldn't help laughing: "It turned out that Chu Jiangping, who had promised ruthlessness, also had women who moved you. Oh, isn't this person your sister-in-law?

Although Shen Xiyao has never seen Thirteen Niang, he only knows Chu Jiangping's adoptive sister. Who is this person who is not his adoptive sister? Moreover, looking at the appearance of the scar, it should have been several years. In this way, this person is naturally his sister-in-law.

Chu Jiangping looked at him fiercely: "Don't talk much, save people quickly. If she can't be saved, the whole Yan country will have to be buried with her. There was a fierceness in his eyes, and he also knew that Shen Xiyao cared about the Great Yan Kingdom, because he was a citizen of the Great Yan Kingdom.

Shen Xiyao trembled. Maybe he saw more of Chu Jiang's indifferent appearance. Such a domineering thing made him a little scared and chilled. Dayan Kingdom is all buried with him. Isn't it going to bleed into a river? Dayan, his country...

Shen Xiyao thought of this, and his hands had begun to move. Chu Jiangping knew that when he healed his wounds, he was the most taboo to be disturbed by others. He got up and stepped out of the inner account. He had come to the outer account and ordered, "The generals come quickly to the coach the account and discuss something."

After the generals came to the handsome tent, he sat on the main seat with an unprecedented fierce look. The siege will begin tomorrow. No matter what the price is, I will take down Los Angeles. Now the reinforcements of the State of Yan are confronting us in the south of the city. In the three directions of the east and north, their military strength must be weak. We pretended to attack the city in the south. General Li, General Chu and General Nan each led 100,000 people to attack these three directions. We attacked the city repeatedly, and their defense could not be lower. This time, we will definitely be able to capture the city. Remember, no matter what the price is, I will definitely get Los Angeles.

The generals looked at the look in his eyes and understood that he was fierce this time. Since he became emperor, they have experienced his fierceness. The State of Chu has always had a lot of bad habits, just corruption. After he took the throne, he killed 50 ministers.

He said, "I would rather have only a few ministers in the court than a pile of moths. If you are honest, I will naturally increase everyone's salary. If you are corrupt, the end will be the same! One more thing, I allow you to make friends with your colleagues, but you are absolutely not allowed to form a party for personal gain. If you find it, the end will be the same!"

Since then, no one has dared to embezzle. Everyone knows that he did what he said. Moreover, he lurked in Dayan for so long. After coming back, he actually said the crimes of the minister of the court without any difference. Such detail shows how many spies he has placed in the State of Chu. Who dares?

Since then, he has really rewarded some people, gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, which further inspired some people with the ambition to serve the country to take the exam and become ministers of the palace.

Now, he said that if he wanted to take Los Angeles at any cost, then he would take Los Angeles at any cost.

Watching the generals leave, he got up and looked at the night outside like water. Looking at the star in the north moving south, he couldn't help hooking up the corners of his mouth.

Murong Haoxuan, no matter how ambitious you are, you still have to have that life. God gave the State of Chu to me to agree with the whole world, and you don't deserve it.

Shen Xiyao pinched the golden needle in his hand and sealed her bloodline. Seeing the green powder on the wound, he couldn't help smiling. The man was really willing to use the medicine. He only got a small bottle after a year. Because he had made friends with him, he gave him half a bottle of the powder, but he didn't expect that this woman was in his heart. It actually occupies such an important position in her eyes, otherwise she would not have used all the powder on her!

My medicine hurts.

He sent the Danshen tablets into her mouth and took out a few knives, which were of different sizes and even shapes. Looking at her face that had ruined her appearance, she couldn't help sighing: "Be patient. If you can't be cured, I'm afraid that the State of Yan will really be destroyed. He is a heavenly lonely star, and he will definitely be the king of the world in the future. I'm just a small Jianghu doctor, and I can't afford to provoke him!"

Although she spoke, her hands kept changing three different knives in the blink of an eye and took out the dagger on her chest. Suddenly, the blood flowed. He slowly took out the medicine bottles one by one, adjusted the powder in his hand, and pressed them into her wound.

Because of the sudden pain, she snorted, and then fainted again.

My heart is fine, and it's not broken. He took out a small silver needle, passed through a spider silk, and sprinkled some anesthetic powder on her wound. Then he began to do it, which turned out to be a needle and thread. Until her wound was healed, he was soaked.

Looking at **'s bloodless woman, she couldn't help saying, "Why do you think you are suffering?" After saying that, he had walked out of the inner tent and said to Chu Jiangping with a hippie smile, "Okay, go and see her." It's just that there is too much blood loss and needs to be carefully recuperated for a few days. Don't let her have any more wounds, otherwise I will be exhausted.

When Chu Jiangping heard his words, he didn't say thank you. He had already rushed into the inner account and looked at ** her pale face, like a transparent doll, as if he could die at any time.

He is very afraid of this feeling. Anyway, he will imprison her by his side. Even an unintentional child should be imprisoned by his side.

He stroked the scar on her cheek, and his eyes were even more fierce. No matter who this person is, he will definitely let her die! How dare you do this to her, so you can only die!

"Hey, can I leave?" Shen Xiyao looked at Chu Jiangping who was distracted and said.

"No, you can't leave until she fully recovers." As he spoke, he didn't raise his head. Frost, send Dr. Shen back to rest and bring him here on time tomorrow. In the past few days, you will follow Dr. Shen!"

The frost suddenly appeared, which scared Shen Xiyao. He bowed and said, "I'm on your orders." After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation to Shen Xiyao.

Shen Xiyao glanced at the expressionless frost and jumped away: "Are you a ghost? Why did it suddenly appear here?"

The frost pointed to his shadow on the ground and said, "Is this a ghost?" Shen Xiyao looked at Chu Jiangping and said, "Alas, Chu Jiangping, you can't treat your lifesaver like this. You will thunder like this. Can't you give me a normal person?"

"Stop talking and leave quickly, otherwise you will look good."

Hearing Chu Jiangping's words, Shen Xiyao sighed that people's hearts are not ancient. Follow the frost, lower your head, and slowly leave.

Chu Jiangping sat next to her, holding her hand, and only felt a burst of cold. There is no woman in the army. Even if there is, she is just a military prostitute. She is not worthy to take care of her. It's just that there must be someone to do this work of decoction and soup, and he doesn't want to be a man. It seems that he should take time to find a maid.