The world is chess

Chapter 93 Protect You

Just when Qi Yu and his party crossed Qilian Mountain and went to Cangguo, they did not know that Lu was secretly brewing a plan to attack Qi. Of course, in this case, Princess Shu Ning's life would not be too good. Although she planned to kill the princess of King Rong, it didn't seem to help her much. Of course, no one knew the news except Emperor Lu and several confidants, not even the queen most trusted by Emperor Lu.

Princess Shuning, who has taken off her childishness, vaguely felt a strange atmosphere in the State of Lu, but she couldn't tell what it felt. Of course, as the concubine princess of the State of Qi, she hoped that her husband could become the monarch of a country, so that she could get rid of the despicable fate and become a person under ten thousand people. It may be good for the queen to become an emperor, but now her power is far from enough. How difficult it is for a princess to marry a foreign country to cultivate her power in a strange country.

Of course, some women will pin their hopes on pregnancy, but Princess Shuning is a special one. At least she has never thought of pinning her future on the meat in her stomach. It is also because of this characteristic that King Rong has a special affection for her. As the saying goes, it is not as good as a concubine, and it is not as good as stealing.

Time passes slowly and is imperceptible at all.

In the State of Qi, Qi Qingchen, the 14-year-old son of Jiafei, is also facing a tense situation from the queen's forced marriage, and the only way to solve this situation is to kill Qi Chufeng, the prince left by Yuan Guifei. In this way, as an adoptive mother, the queen must be to blame. Although she thinks so, Jiafei still thinks that it is the queen's death. She deliberately set a trap for her, but she couldn't make up her mind during hesitation.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Jiafei changed her previous calm and said, "Mr. Shen, don't just drink tea? Now the Empress has forced me to this point, but you are still drinking tea leisurely here. Don't forget that Qingchen is the monarch you will serve in the future.

"Of course I know, but this matter needs to be solved, and this tea also needs to be drunk." Shen Wuli put down the teacup and said, "Princess, why do you care so much about the throne? The height is cold. Maybe it's not good to be a monarch.

"I don't know what will happen if I become a monarch, but if the young minister can't sit on the throne, the fate will be extremely miserable. It must be like this."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome." Shen unreasonably smiled faintly and said, "As long as you obey the Queen's intention and let the Qingchen get married and move out of the palace, then you can solve the problem?"

The concubine opened her eyes wide and seemed to be listening to an incredible joke: "You said you want Qingchen to move out of the palace? That's impossible. How can I let Qingchen leave me to live outside the palace? And this must be a conspiracy set by the queen. If Qingchen moves out of the palace, he will definitely encounter something wrong. I can't let this happen. Absolutely not.

"Mother, your personality is really perfect, but you have an Achilles' heel."

"Achilles' heel?"

"Yes, Qi Qingchen is your weakness, but whatever involves your child, you will lose your mind."

"Which mother in the world is not like this?"

"The Empress Dowager is here."

With the announcement of the palace people, the Empress Dowager Renyu slowly came in in gorgeous clothes, followed by Mother Jin who had been serving her. Because of the angle problem, the Empress Dowager Renyu did not see Shen's unreasonable appearance. She raised her chin slightly and said, "Princes Jia, today's mourning family heard that you always let strange men go in and out of your palace. It seems that what the mourning family heard today is not false!"

The concubine frowned and thought: It must be the queen's masterpiece. Although she thought so, Jiafei still said lightly, "The Empress Dowager, he is just a distant relative of mine."

"relatives?" The Empress Dowager found a nearby seat and sat down, and then looked at Shen Wuli, who had been standing speechless, "What's your name?"

"The Empress Dowager's wife, whose surname is Shen, is unreasonable. It's just a businessman." Shen Wuli slowly raised his originally lowered head, and the moment Empress Dowager Renyu saw his face clearly, she was so shocked that she almost fell off the chair.

"Empress dowager, how are you?" Mother Jin hurriedly held the Empress Dowager's arm.

It can be seen that the Empress Dowager Renyu's whole body was trembling: "You, what did you just say your name?"

"It's unreasonable."

"Why, why is it so similar?" Empress Dowager Renyu muttered, "How can there be such a similar person? How can it be?"

"I can sing. Dowager, do you want to listen to a paragraph?" Shen Wuli smiled softly, but that smile looked like a person to the Empress Dowager Renyu.

"Can you sing?"

"Yes." Shen Wuli cleared his throat and sang, "Love and hate are in an instant. Raise your glass to the moon like heaven... Ah, I forgot my words."

"Let's go back to the palace with my family." The Empress Dowager Renyu said.

"Huh?" Shen hesitated and said, "Is the Empress Dowager talking about me?"

"That's right."

"Tut, all right!" Shen Wuli said, "Yes, the Empress Dowager should have given you an urn, right?"

"The urn?" Empress Dowager Renyu asked, "What kind of urn?"

"Oh, I really didn't do what I said." Shen said for no reason, "Jiafei, so where is the urn given to you now?"

Of course, Jiafei remembers Shen explaining her affairs for no reason, but it was too stupid to give a strange urn to the Empress Dowager, so she kept putting the urn here: "I'll look for it."

After a while, Jiafei handed over a beautifully carved mahogany box to Shen Wuli. After saying thank you, she turned to the Empress Dowager Renyu and said, "Let's go. I think you must have something to say to him."

After seeing the Empress Dowager Renyu and Shen unreasonable leave, Jiafei suddenly felt blocked. He has always regarded Shen as a lowly businessman for no reason, and the reason why he cooperated with the despicable person was only because he had to temporarily use his strength. But at this moment, Shen Wu's reason has obviously become beyond her control. Who is the ashes in that box? Why did the Empress Dowager react like that when she saw Shen unreasonable? There must be some connection between these two people. Although Jiafei has seen the clue between them, she can't guess the true identity of Shen's unreasonableness so easily.

Taihou Temple.

After Empress Dowager Renyu sent Mother Jin out, she ordered not to disturb anyone. Shen Wu's reason is to enjoy the imperial dim sum that can only be eaten by the royal family leisurely, although he feels that even the royal dim sum may not be as delicious as the folk dim sum: "Empress do you have anything to come to me? Although he is just a businessman, he is still very busy.

"Who the hell are you?" Empress Dowager Renyu asked bluntly, "Why, why do you look so similar to him?"

"You should be talking about an actor 30 years ago, right?" Shen Wuli said, "Is there anything wrong with the appearance of a son and his father?"

"Are you his son?" Empress Dowager Renyu vaguely guessed something when she was in Jiafei Hall, but when Shen admitted it herself for no reason, she still couldn't suppress her emotions and cried, "Is your father okay?"

"It's not good." Shen Wuli looked down at the mahogany box he had been holding in his arms, "Do you think it's okay to sleep in such a cold box?"

The realization of Empress Dowager Renyu dropped the box and said, "He, is dead?"

"Ye." He died in Nanxia five years ago. Shen Wuli said, "My father said he wanted to see you before he died."

"So you know, you know..."

"Yes, I know that today's emperor is the flesh and blood of you and your father, and I am the emperor's half-brother." Shen Wuli said with a smile, "But don't worry, I will keep this secret. After all, my father once told me before my death that if one day you are in danger, let me protect you."

"The mourning family does not need anyone's protection."

"Of course, you are the empress dowager of a country and naturally don't need me, an outsider to protect you, but as a father's son, you must fulfill his wishes, and..." Shen said for no reason, "There are many things in this world that you don't know. Well, that's all. Say goodbye."


"Is there anything else?"

"Will you stay in the capital?"

"Of course." Shen Wuxiao said with a smile, "I want to protect you, Empress Dowager!"