The world is chess

Chapter 99 The Death of Yiling

In the inconspicuous restaurant of the Cangguo family, Jing Wuying asked Xiao Er for a private room and ordered two pots of wine and a few dishes. When ordering, Yu Mi nervously asked Xiao Er if there was any coffee, but it attracted a white eye.

"I said you can do it. Will you die if you don't drink coffee?"

"It's okay without coffee*, hehe." Yumei did not intend to drink the pot of wine ordered for him by Jing Wuying. He pushed the wine pot to Jing Wuying and said, "I don't drink."

"It's still the same." Jing Wuying smiled and drank all the glass for himself. Then he said, "Come on, what a vampire, I don't know you yet. Something must have happened in that world."

"Which one do you want to hear first?" Yu Mi stretched out two fingers and said, "It has something to do with you to explain the bad news in advance."

"Let's talk about the good news first."

"The good news is that I have a clue about that guy."

"Oh? What's the bad news?

The imperial enigma put a rice in the mirrorless bowl and said solemnly, "You have to hold on. This news is shocking to you. When I say it, you must hold on. If it really doesn't work, I can lend you my shoulder, but don't misunderstand that I don't have that. You can rest assured that my orientation is normal.

Jing Wuying decided to ignore the riddle and directly ate the plate of peanuts.

"Yi Ling is dead."

The riddle said lightly.

The mirrorless chopsticks stopped in mid-air, and the whole person remained motionless as if it had been fixed, and the imperial mystery was just quietly waiting for the mirrorless shadow to return to normal from this petrochemical state. Fortunately, the time did not last long. About two minutes later, the mirror thought of eating peanuts normally: "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure." The imperial mystery said, "But there is no physical damage."

"So Yi Jiu is still right?"

Yuji nodded and said, "After all, Yi Jiu is the main personality, and Yi Ling is just an attachment of accidental change."

"I know."

"Anyway, I informed you that the vampire thing I just told you about is true, and there is no joke." Yu Mi said, "You also know the madness of that organization. Putting such a dangerous person in is completely to accelerate the imbalance in the world, but those guys can't do anything."

"What can't be done?" Jing Wuying seemed to be listening to jokes and smiled almost contemptuously at the riddle. "When your old man created the world, he probably didn't think it would become so complicated."

"No." Yuji said, "He had long expected that it would become like this. Just like playing Go, the world is just a chess piece. Even if it is eaten, it will not affect the overall situation at all."

"This piece contains hundreds of millions of creatures."

"So what?"

"I can't say anything, but I have to admit that your old man is crazy." Jing Wuying said, "No, it's not crazy, but has stepped into the realm of God."

"God?" The imperial riddle thought for a moment and then said, "Actually..."

"What is it actually?"

"Nothing." Yu Mi said, "Don't mention this. I'm here to catch the vampire Elizabeth."

"Have you seen Qi Yu?" Jing Wuying suddenly changed the topic and said, "That boy also came through time."

"Qi Yu?" Yu Mi thought for a moment and said, "Of course, Qi Lan's son, tut, that guy is a very dangerous madman."

"Madman?" Jing Wuying said, "Yes, he beat me."

"There are still people in this world who can beat you. It can be seen that this boy is not simple, hahaha!" The imperial riddle laughed cheerfully and burst into tears with a smile. "No, the laughing nerve and tear nerve are confused and failed."



Qi Ming, who has been living in the Shenyue Palace, naturally knew that his brother Qi Yu had already changed his face. At the beginning, Qi Yu asked Emperor Qi to order him not to step into the palace for the rest of his life. At that time, he was young and vigorous, he really resented him, but after five years, Qi Ming's heart gradually became stable and plain, especially when he knew After changing his face, Dao Qiyu felt that his brother really saved his life.

In the past five years, Qi Ming has accompanied those rare beasts in the Divine Moon Palace, and sometimes takes care of flowers and trees. Qi Qing, another prince in the Divine Moon Palace, is also 15 years old, but he seems to be more afraid of strangers than when he was a child. He just hides in the room every day and doesn't know what to do, but it seems that he has a man named Xiang'er. Cat.

Although King Jinheng is nominally a prince, he has lost his real power since Qi Yu disappeared. Emperor Qi gradually cut off his wings, and even Jiang Yifeng of Chengdeyuan was demoted to the Wanshu Pavilion in the palace to take care of books. However, Liu Taifu still often asks Jiang Yifeng to play chess. After five years of training, Jiang Yifeng's chess skills can be said to have made great progress, but according to Jiang Yifeng, no matter how much progress he has made, he can't beat Liu Laox.

The direct son Qi Chufeng is also five years old, and in the past five years, Empress Renchen has not been pregnant, but her concubines have given birth to a concubine for Emperor Qi, but this does not threaten Empress Renchen, because a hundred concubines are not as good as a direct son. This is the abnormal system of the State of Qi.

Since the Empress Dowager met Shen Wuli, she has only walked around the Empress Dowager Palace every day. Of course, not many people will care about the Empress Dowager, so it doesn't matter what she is doing. Of course, in addition to Concubine Jia, she has always felt that there are some secrets hidden between Shen Wuli and the Empress Dowager. Whose ashes are they? This question has been entangled in Jiafei's heart for a long time...


When Emperor Lu learned that Cang was ready to attack the State of Qi, he finally made a decision that had been hesitating for a long time to annex the State of Qi. No matter how weak a person is, as long as he becomes an emperor, he will be ambitious. Of course, Emperor Lu is no exception.

Lu Di's cold climate and the abnormal shortage of crops have led to the economy of the whole country's extreme depression. This kind of day can endure for a year or two years, but if you have to endure it for a long time, it will be a little depressing, especially looking at the wealth of the surrounding countries as the monarch of the Land Kingdom, how can you sit still?

Because Emperor Lu has the intention to start a war, Prime Minister Liu Jie, who has been strongly opposed to peace, has been very favored in recent days, and he is also one of the few people who know Emperor Lu's plan. Of course, Emperor Lu's desire to attack the State of Qi is not a moment's painstaking effort**, but he has hidden an extremely huge force from beginning to end. No one knows the existence of Emperor Lu, but it is certain that Emperor Lu is an extremely forbearable person.

South Xia.

Emperor Xia's condition has finally entered the point where Daluo immortals can't be cured. Every day, he lies in ** waiting for the last breath to completely disappear. The photo has already been written in advance and passed on to the sixth princess Xia Shang. The important minister of the court thought that Xia Shang would refuse, but he didn't expect that the 16-year-old girl did not hesitate to agree. In fact, only she knew the reason.

Xiaobei, as the child of Emperor Xia and King Jinheng, all he can do is stay silent.