The world is chess

Chapter 103 Strange

The State of Qi, the sixth year of Xingyuan, August 30. Qi and Lu officially declared war, and this day was also the day when Qi Yu and his party arrived at the capital of Cang. When Qi Yu walked into the blue-gray gate, he did not know that there would be a world full of blood and killing waiting for him.

Approaching the city gate, Qi Yu found that the capital of the State of Cang seemed to be no different from that of the State of Qi, but Xiao Han, a mythical beast, sensed a different breath, and the air was full of demonic spirit everywhere. Ye Xian has become a little abnormal since he stepped into the city gate, and his originally gentle eyes are gloomy and weird.

After casually finding an inn, he ordered some wine and vegetables. Ye Xian picked up the wine pot and drank it all. The drinking method was very disproportionate with his weak appearance. At least in Qi Yu's impression, Ye Xian's drinking can definitely fascinate a large number of girls, but at this moment, he is like a drunkard.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Yu put a peanut in his mouth, "You don't have to work so hard to drink!"

"It's in the capital." Ye Xian put down the wine pot and said, "Remember that the previous 500 cavalry has been destroyed. Don't ask me how I know. I always have a way to know."

In fact, Qi Yu didn't want to waste his saliva and ask Ye Xian why he knew, so he asked directly, "Who did it?"

"I can't find out." Ye Xian replied, "Since I have come here, I think it is necessary to tell you something."

"You should have told us earlier." Qi Yu said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of mysticism!"

"Gu Xiaoxiao is the apprentice of the snake saint, but in fact, the snake saint is the owner of the snake. However, I guess even Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't know the true identity of the old man. And I, as you know, are the people possessed by gluttony. Ye Xian said, "Originally, Taoyuan was locked in a boundary somewhere in the Cang Kingdom. Every time the boundary was opened by the joint efforts of the five mages, and then threw useless people to the gluttony to eat. Of course, sometimes some mythical beasts were also thrown to the gluttony to eat. After years of investigation, I came up a general result, that is, to borrow The power of Taoist can open the second world. I remember that I once told you that the world we know is only the first world, and there must be a second world.

Qi Yu nodded and said, "What does the second world look like?"

"I don't know." Ye Xian said, "You can only know when the second world is fully opened, and the palace owners of the divine moon palace are desperately trying to prevent the opening of the second world, which is why each generation of palace owners can't live beyond the age of 30. Yi Chen, although you don't feel it now, the whole world has no power to open the 20th I'm cursing you all the time, so your vitality is losing little by little until it completely collapses.

"It's scary to say." Yi Chen said depressedly, "So I can still live 15 years."

"Wait." Qi Yu suddenly said, "Why do you want to open the second world?"

"I don't know." Ye Xian said, "Maybe the second world is what the reincarnation organization wants. In fact, I also want to see what the second world looks like, but now that the gluttony is in my body, I think the reincarnation organization will do everything possible to keep me, and my goal here this time is to kill a person."

"Who?" Qi Yu asked.

"No complaints. That's my father." Ye Xian said, "If I don't kill him, I will be killed by him sooner or later, so I must do it first."

"It won't be that simple." Qi Yu said, "I'm sure you haven't told us anything else."

"You're right. Killing my father is only one purpose this time, and the other purpose is to find someone. I think you should all know that person."

"Do we all know each other?" Yi Chen thought for a moment and said, "Who is it?"

"flowing wood."

Qi Yu and Yi Chen asked at the same time, "Isn't he dead?"

"Unfortunately, Liu Mu is not dead." Ye Xian said, "My information will not be wrong. He should be in the reincarnation organization at present."

"How can it be? I saw him turn into powder and disappear with my own eyes." Yi Chen said, "How can he come back to life?"

"I don't know what's going on, but my sister did hear what Yu told me. According to her, Liu Mu seems to be imprisoned." Ye Xian said, "Yi Chen, the cinnabar red mole in your eyebrows inherits all the power of the Divine Moon Palace for thousands of years, but it is obvious that you can't use these powers. I think it boils down to the fact that Liumu is still alive, and these forces can't be used because they wander around between you and others."

"Why does the reincarnation organization imprison flowing wood?" Qi Yu asked.

"I don't know." Ye Xian said, "But since ancient times, the reincarnation organization has hoped to catch the palace owner of the Shenyue Palace, because there is an extremely terrible power hidden in the palace owner of the Shenyue Palace. I don't know what the specific power is."

Qi Yu suddenly had a strange idea in his mind. He remembered the words left by his father. There is a computer in the world. As long as he can find that computer, his father can come back. Is the resurrection of Liumu related to that computer or is Liumu the computer? Humanoid computer.

"What do you think?" Yi Chen asked.

"I seem to be a little confused, but I can't tell what's going on." Qi Yu looked at Ye Xian and asked, "Have you ever heard of computers?"

Ye Xian thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, why did you ask that?"

"Nothing." Qi Yu didn't know how to explain it to them.

"I..." Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up and said, "I should go." Without waiting for everyone to say anything, he left.

Qi Yu looked at his back and said strangely, "Why did you leave like this?"

"It's good to go." Ye Xian said, "I think my father already knows that we have come here, so we will go straight to the palace tomorrow."

"Direct into the palace?" Qi Yu asked, "Are you sure you can kill your father?"

"Of course." Ye Xian said with a smile, "I have never done anything uncertain, and I have to save Liu Mu by the way."

"You go and kill your old man, and we'll save Liu Mu." Yi Chen said, "But where on earth is Liumu locked up?"

"Nirvana Villa." Ye Xian said, "There is a large underground palace called Nirvana Villa under the palace. I think the flowing wood should be locked there. However, I think it's still a little difficult to save him, because the five mages are responsible for guarding them, and these five mages can even recover their power.

"According to what you said, we are going to die this time." Qi Yu said.

"It's not exactly death, at least there is a glimmer of life." Ye Xian said, "Qi Yu, you should have a thousand-mile whistle, right?"

"Thousands of miles of whistle? Yes, what's wrong?"

"Blow that whistle, and the mirror will come." Ye Xian said, "With him, our chances of success can be increased from at least one percent to thirty percent."


"Because that guy's luck is strange."


"I always feel that we seem to be dangerous." Long Zaitian said, "Alas, the world is really incredible."

"Ha ha, yes." Qi Yu said, "Where there are people, it's always strange."

"It's not people who are strange, but gods." Ye Xian said.

"Your statement is fresh." Qi Yu said, "Let me ask you a question, why do people live?"

Xiao Han said, "I'm not a human, thank you."

Long Zaitian said, "If you are alive, just live. What else is there?"

Yi Chen said, "From the perspective of a killer, people live to die."

Ye Xian said, "Because he is not dead yet, he is alive."

Qi Yu sighed and said, "Why are you so imaginative? Of course, people live to get many wives and have many children. Tut, you are too unpursuing!"


Qi Yu's original joking expression suddenly turned into shock. He suddenly stood up and ran downstairs. Yi Chen looked sideways at Qi Yu looking around downstairs and asked loudly, "Qi Yu, what are you doing?"

At this time, Qi Yu still had time to answer Yi Chen's question. At that moment, he saw a woman walking over. The woman looked very much like Shen Yan who used to lie in Qi Yu's arms. No, she was not very similar but exactly like her.

The figure of the woman looking around had disappeared, and Qi Yu stood still until Yi Chen went downstairs and pulled him back.

"What's wrong with him?" Xiao Han asked.

Yi Chen shook his head to show that he didn't know.

"I just saw Shen Yan." Qi Yu said with some loss, "It won't be wrong. She must be Shen Yan."

Yi Chen was slightly silent and said, "I know, didn't I tell you about breaking the army before? The broken army with three black moles on his face.

"What are you talking about? Three black moles?" Qi Yu asked with wide eyes, "Just now, there were also three black moles on the face of the man who just walked next to Shen Yan, on the left face."

"The broken army has been resurrected." Ye Xian said lightly, "So it seems that the problem has become serious. It should be the resurrection of the corpse god."

"Anyway, I have to find Shen Yan." Qi Yu said.